Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2503: Black corpse temple

Huang Xiaolong crossed the tombs.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong who has an inexhaustible heart. At this time, he is also full of vigilance around him.

The power of the three great souls of Huang Xiaolong unfolds, paying attention to the sudden changes that may occur at any time.

Some of the sacred sects entered the secret land and disappeared. They could no longer leave the secret place. They said that they were buried in the funeral. Most of the sacred strong people disappeared at the funeral post.

There are many extremely fierce places in the Ghost City. One is a secret place, one is a blood, and the other is a black forest.

The funeral home of the secret land is more dangerous than the blood and black forest.

Huang Xiaolong had to play a 12-point spirit.

After engulfing the sacred souls of Wan Zhuoyuan, Song Cheng, Yu Jizhen and others, and after the ruling of the ruins of the Tuo Shen Mountain and the quenching of the heavens and the earth, Huang Xiaolong’s power of the three holy souls is stronger and more infiltrating. The deepest part of the void that has not penetrated before can now be infiltrated, and the fine details that could not be sensed before can be fully sensed.

Under the cover of the power of the three holy spirits, the internal scenes of these banned tombs are all presented in the mind of Huang Xiaolong.

This makes Huang Xiaolong reduce the risk of many mutations.

In this way, Huang Xiaolong flew all the way.

However, after searching for a day, the treasure of the black sage is still not found.

Since the black sage treasure is in the funeral post, its treasure may be within a certain tomb, so Huang Xiaolong is not discouraged. If you search one by one, you will always find the black sage treasure.

Although the treasure of the black sage was not found, but this day, Huang Xiaolong's points did not pull down, there are many demons in the funeral, and even let Huang Xiaolong encounter a few ghosts of the Holy Land.

After killing the ghosts of the holy places, Huang Xiaolong has surpassed the sixth-ranked Supreme Holy Land and rose to the sixth.

Looking at the dark night, Huang Xiaolong thought about it, but decided to find a place to take a break and continue to look for it tomorrow.

In the night, the demons of the funeral post are as strong as black water, extremely thick, not only affected by flight, but also the resistance of the three great souls of Huang Xiaolong are also affected by the resistance, plus the night ghosts are extremely frequent. There may even be a ghost in the middle of the holy world.

All of the above, so Huang Xiaolong can only wait for the dawn, the ghosts are thin and then continue to move forward.

Huang Xiaolong glanced around and walked around a tomb of a cemetery, intending to spend a night here.

This tomb, the tomb has been opened, apparently someone has been smashed before, there should be no more danger, but before entering, Huang Xiaolong still carefully scanned the power of the Holy Spirit.

After confirming the safety, Huang Xiaolong began to enter. Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong arranged several defensive arrays at the tomb, and then found a place inside, no longer paying attention to the outside, began to run the parasitic worms, and swallowed the power of the heavens and the earth. .

Suddenly, the Holy Seal is shining, and the power of the Holy Land continues to fall from the void, and the heart of the Holy Spirit also exudes the Taohua. The spirit of the Holy Spirit flows from the heart of the Holy Land and enters Huang Xiaolong. The Taoist space then flows through the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, Huang Xiaolong woke up.

Huang Xiaolong’s face is happy.

Before entering the Ghost City, he had already reached the peak of the early days of the four robbers and half-sacred. He practiced last night and finally broke through to the middle of the four robberies.

Huang Xiaolong came out from the tomb and continued on his journey to search for the treasure of the black sage.

In this way, it lasted for two more days.

Two days later, Huang Xiaolong squeezed the south of the fifth-ranked saints into the top five.

When Huang Xiaolong entered the top five, outside the square, the strong parties were naturally a strong commotion.

Cao Nan was inevitably ridiculed for Chu Ba.

It is Chu Ba, in the face of Cao Nan's ridicule, the reaction before, not only did not anger, but a calm face, eyes staring at the stone, sparkling with a pleasant light, excited light?

This allowed Cao Nan to have the ancient emperor's sage, the saints of the patriarchal white Moyang, the Jingang clan, Jin Nu and others, and the singularity of the people, even the silence, Xue Lingyun are also amazed.

"Master, you see, Chu Badao brother, what is this?" Xue Lingyun could not help but ask the old man.

The old man of the sky touched the chin gray three sheep, and smiled: "Maybe, he is happy for his disciples."

"Happy?" Xue Lingyun is the second monk of Zhang Er can't figure it out.

Another day passed.

Huang Xiaolong fell in front of a huge tomb.

This huge tomb, towering into the sky, can not describe its large, covers an area as large as the mainland, although the surrounding tomb is equally huge, but compared with this tomb, it is a small witch.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the tomb, his eyes were bright and radiant: "It should be here!" Under the infiltration of the power of his holy soul, the corpse is far higher than other tombs in this tomb, and this The corpse, very special, is the black corpse of the black sage, so the black sage should stay in this tomb.

Or, this cemetery may even be built by the black sage.

The tomb of the cemetery is closed, and the above prohibition is still in place, but it should not be the banned by the corpse of the black corpse. It is arranged in a unique way of the ancients. The strength of the arranging is not high. It should be the holy place of the Holy Land. Between the three masters of the environment.

Evil is extraordinary, Li Wei and others have already found it here?

Huang Xiaolong’s heart sank.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong no longer hesitates, and began to fully crack the ban. Now time is very important to him. He will score the second. Slower, the black sage treasure may fall into the evil, Li Wei and others. .

Under the full crack of Huang Xiaolong, half an hour later, the tomb was finally banned and Huang Xiaolong entered.

After entering the tomb, there is no place in the world.

There are mountains and waters, and there are spiritual trees in the gods. Only the space inside the tomb is floating, and the black corpse is floating. Otherwise, it is a blessing.

The power of the three great souls of Huang Xiaolong unfolded, and he recognized the direction and then went to the front.

However, it didn't take long for Huang Xiaolong to encounter a lot of ancient corpses. These ancient corpses are comparable to the holy world. In the later period, there are some dead bodies similar to the sacred places, but there are not many dead bodies.

These ancient corpses, Huang Xiaolong did not work hard to entangle and waste time, directly invisible.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong passed through a heavy ban and landed in front of a palace in a hidden valley.

"Black corpse temple!"

I saw the top of the palace gate and wrote four ancient characters.

Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed. Although the former disciple had entered the tomb first, he used the three holy souls to find the black corpse of the black sage.

Just as Huang Xiaolong entered the black corpse temple, a figure also flashed from the tomb of the tomb. This figure is a demon palace Dou Rui.

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