Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2504: Black corpse sage treasure

"A good black corpse!" After entering the tomb, Dou Rui looked at the black corpse of the sky and excitedly laughed: "The black sage treasure is absolutely here!"

"I don't care who comes advanced, I have to get the black sage treasure, who will stop me, kill who!"

Dou Rui's eyes were fierce and flew in the air.

The black sage is not an ordinary high-level sacred place. It is one of the top ten sacred masters of the year. The treasures left by it are absolutely amazing. Even if there is no ancestor, there should be a quasi-track, and there must be Holy Dan holy medicine!

Sheng Dan!

If you get the black corpse of the black corpse sage treasure, he can even surpass the evil and extraordinary, before the evil is extraordinary, first break through to the middle of the sacred.

Therefore, he must seize the treasure of this black sage at all costs.

It was not long before Dou Rui came in. Another figure flashed into the tomb. People came from other people. Lin Xiaoying, one of the three beautiful women in Qingxue Palace.

After confirming that the tomb was supposed to be built by the black sage, Lin Xiaoying was also happy, and then began to search for the treasure of the black sage.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong came to the front hall of the black corpse temple.

In the front hall of the black corpse temple, the vestibule of the black corpse temple has no objects, and it is empty, but on the ground floor, it is engraved with various runes.

These runes are difficult to understand, and they focus on killing.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes flashed, and he fully urged the power of the three holy spirits to study and calculate the method of entering the inner temple.

Through these runes, it is undoubtedly possible to lead to the inner temple, but once you take the wrong step, waiting for yourself will be a horrible killing.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong must be deducted to 100% accuracy.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong's three great souls, and he played for half an hour. This is the sequence of these runes. Huang Xiaolong has deduced it again. After confirming that it is correct, this is the first rune. .

When Huang Xiaolong stepped into the first rune, the entire hall was bright and seemed to activate what kind of power.

Huang Xiaolong is a loose heart. The power of activation is the power of an ancient transmission array. When all the runes are correct, this ancient transmission array will open and transfer itself into the inner temple.

Then, a rune of Huang Xiaolong went on with a rune.

Every time you go to a rune, the hall will shine a point.

After walking to the fortieth rune, the whole hall was as bright as white, and the light from the hall floor spread from the walls of the hall.

When Huang Xiaolong finished the last rune, suddenly, the whole hall was ringing, and all the light spread like an air wave.

Huang Xiaolong felt that there was a strong twist in the surrounding space, and then he came to another hall.

Looking at all sorts of strange things in front of him, Huang Xiaolong’s heart is a joy, it seems that he came to the inner hall.

Although most of the things in front of him, Huang Xiaolong does not recognize it, but Huang Xiaolong recognizes that they are rare treasures of the Holy Land. Everything is comparable to the **** demon spirit stone that Huang Xiaolong had previously learned from a chamber of commerce, even more than that **** demon. The value of the Holy Spirit is even higher.

Huang Xiaolong glanced through his eyes.

The inner space was not large, and it was swept at a glance. Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on a space ring on the front wall.

This space ring is pure black, the entire ring surface, the black body is full of turmoil.

Black corpse holy ring!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are bright.

This black sacred sacred ring is a high-level sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred man, and has the power of co-workers in the dark sacred ring before Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong came to the front of the black corpse, and reached out and took it down. The black corpse on it was a reminder for others, but he couldn’t help him.

However, when Huang Xiaolong wanted to open the space inside, he found that the black corpse was placed under the ban.

Huang Xiaolong's brow wrinkles, although he has an inexhaustible heart, can erase this prohibition, but this prohibition is not weak, if you want to erase, I am afraid that it will take a few days.

At that time, he must definitely fall out of the top ten.

After thinking about it, Huang Xiaolong finally decided to eradicate the ban and then refine the black sacred ring. After all, the sacred sacred ring should be related to the inheritance of the black sage. Only refining, Huang Xiaolong can find black. The sage is passed down.

As for the rankings, it will be up to you later.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong began to push the heart of the Tao, and erased the above prohibition.

In the heart of the road, flying out a beam of light, and then wrapped around the black sacred ring, soon, the beam broke through the black corpse above, penetrated into it.

Three days later.

The black corpse ring began to tremble.

Huang Xiaolong is pleased. This is a sign that the above prohibition is to be erased. After an hour, the above prohibition can be erased, and refining will be easy.

Just, at this moment, suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the inner chamber space.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are condensed, is there someone in the outer hall? ! The other party is trying to collude with the runes, then activate the transmission array and want to enter the inner hall.

who is it?

Huang Xiaolong was shocked and could not help but push the heart and speed up.

The black corpse ring is getting more and more intense. Nearly an hour later, suddenly, the black corpse sacred ring broke out, and the light of the entire black corpse ring gradually softened.

Huang Xiaolong spit a breath, and finally wiped out the above prohibition. Huang Xiaolong suddenly opened the space of the black corpse, and saw a black Saint Dan floating in it.

Black corpse Saint Dan!

There are forty or fifty feet, and the black corpse is on the ground below, it is a sacred drug, there are sixty or seventy.

Among these holy medicines, there is also a conspicuous black sacred symbol, which is the black corpse sacred symbol!

Huang Xiaolong took out the black corpse, and dripped a drop of blood on it. Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong had a memory in his mind, a memory about the inheritance of the black sage.

The inheritance of the black sage is not in the ghost city, but in an ancient battlefield in the sanctuary.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong scored a sigh of anger in the sacred ring of the black corpse, initially refining the sacred ring of the black corpse, and then collecting all the weird treasures in the inner hall.

At this point, the outside fluctuations are getting bigger and bigger, and it is obvious that the other party is about to activate the transmission of the outer hall.

However, Huang Xiaolong is not in a hurry and does not go out. Instead, he waits for the other party to come in the inner hall. It is more convenient to solve the other in the inner hall than to solve it in the outer hall. Huang Xiaolong is curious. Who will come in? Is it evil? Li Wei? Still cold blood? The other party should be the disciple who came in the tomb earlier than him.

Judging from the prohibition of the other party's tomb in the tomb, the strength is between the two to the triple, indicating that it should be the top ten disciple.

After a few minutes, suddenly, the inner temple shook with light, and then a figure landed.

Seeing the people who came to see it, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but have some accidents.

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