Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2509: You are not qualified yet.

No one thought that Huang Xiaolong would come at this time, and it was with Lin Xiaoying.

After the accident, Su Biqing and the cold-blooded blood are all bright eyes, and my heart is overjoyed.

Entering the Ghost City, the person who Huang Xiaolong wants to kill most is Dou Rui, and the person who most wants to kill in the Demon Palace is undoubtedly Huang Xiaolong!

In these ten days, the people of the Demon Palace have been looking for Huang Xiaolong.

Of course, looking for Huang Xiaolong, in fact, not only the evil demon palace, many of the participating disciples want to kill Huang Xiaolong.

Chen Yi and other disciples of the Holy Day saw Huang Xiaolong, but it was also an accident, but then Chen Yi changed his face and anxiously shouted: "Huang Shidi, dangerous here, you flee, escape!"

Chen Yi, he naturally knows that there are too many people who want to kill Huang Xiaolong.

Even if there is no Su Biqing and cold blood, there are many other disciples here who want Huang Xiaolong to die.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not seem to hear Chen Yi suddenly call, and still continue to fly to the blood monument.

Originally wanted to seal the death of Huang Xiaolong, Su Biqing and the cold blood see the situation, could not help but stop, the two people doubted Huang Xiaolong's move, but did not think much, the heart is happy, Huang Xiaolong this is simply a sheep Enter the tiger's mouth and die!

Came to Chen Yi, Huang Xiaolong took out a healing world, and then swallowed it.

Chen Yi swallowed and rushed: "Huang Shidi, how are you!"

He couldn't think of Huang Xiaolong knowing that he had to die and still come in!

"Nothing." Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly, and then his eyes fell on Su Biqing and his cold-blooded body: "With them, I can't resist me."

Su Biqing, a cold-blooded, white can not bear, Henan wind a glimpse, four around the disciples are also a glimpse, Chen Yi is also awkward.

Immediately, Su Biqing laughed: "Huang Xiaolong, your mother, what do you say, you said that with me and my brother, can we not bother with you?" He is happy, he really can't think of Huang Xiaolong. Where is the bottom gas?

His eyes fell on Lin Xiaoying next to Huang Xiaolong and smiled: "Huang Xiaolong, do you think Lin Xiaoying can shelter you?"

The cold-blooded and the four surrounding disciples are laughing.

Even the white can not bear and the South wind is also a soft laugh.

Only Lin Xiaoying did not laugh, Lin Xiaoying looked at Su Biqing and the cold-blooded blood with a pitiful look. She knew that this stay would definitely be miserable, and worse than Dou Rui.

"Yellow Master, you are going, we will block the accommodation for you and the cold blood." Chen Yi anxiously told Huang Xiaolong.

"His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, you are going, we and Chen Yi brothers have broken for you!" Another Holy Day disciple also rushed.

Other Holy Day disciples have advised Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled: "I came here for the **** monument. Now, I have not refining the blood monument, why should I go."

Everyone heard it and it was a glimpse.

Cold blood can not help but said: "Death to the end, even thinking about this blood monument, Huang Xiaolong, you think that you are the four ancestors of the Holy Day, no one will dare to kill you? Now, we kill you is like killing a dog same."

Su Biqing confronted the cold-blooded road: "Killing a four-robbery and a half-sacred, you don't have to worry about your brother, I am going to do it." Finished, came to Huang Xiaolong.

Chen Yi and other disciples of the Holy Day changed his face.

Huang Xiaolong stood up with his hand and looked indifferently at Su Biqing. "If you can get me a trick, I will not let you die."

Su Biqing stopped, and everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong blankly. Then, Su Biqing angered and laughed a lot: "I don't want to die? A big tone." When it comes to this, a sneer: "Huang Xiaolong, I am really scared by your tone. It is better. If you can get me halfway, I will call you on the ground!"

Being a four-robbery and a half-sacred sage in Huang Xiaolong was lightly watched, and the killing in Su Biqing’s heart was even stronger.

"It’s not necessary to call the ancestors." Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "You are not qualified yet."

When Su Biqing heard it, it was almost too angry. What does Huang Xiaolong mean, is he not even qualified as a descendant of Huang Xiaolong?

Even the white can't bear it, and the south wind feels that Huang Xiaolong is crazy? If there is no madness, how can there be such a ridiculous idea, and if it is not mad, how can it be said that this ridiculous sarcasm.

"Haha, I don't have this qualification, I don't have this qualification!" Su Biqing laughed, suddenly bursting into a fist with Huang Xiaolong, and the green poisonous fog punched like a giant mountain whistling: "Look if I have this qualification!"

Just when everyone thought that Huang Xiaolong would be smashed into a meat slurry by Su Biqing, and it was smashed into meat **** and smashed into a blood mist. Suddenly, a golden figure in Huang Xiaolong’s body rushed out, and everyone did not respond when it was going on. Suddenly, the sky was boiling, and Su Biqing screamed and turned back.

Su Biqing hit the blood monument behind him.

The blood monument made a slamming sound, but it didn't move, but it was Su Biqing, like the water droplets sliding down the glass, slipping down from the blood monument.

The blood of Su Biqing, dyed on the blood monument, seems to be more blood red.

枭 cold blood stunned.

White can't bear it, and the south wind is stunned.

Chen Yi and others are not shocked.

Only Lin Xiaoying has no unexpected look.

But cold and bloody, white can not bear, smashing the south wind, Chen Yi everyone did not look like a dead dog like Sui Biqing, but looked at the golden figure of Huang Xiaotou top.

Holy Spirit!

Like the previous Dou Rui, the ghost, this is the first thought of the cold-blooded, white-bearing, 赦南风, Chen Yi and so on, and the only thought.

Suddenly, a disciple from a distance watched the front disciple’s buttocks. The former disciple touched his **** and screamed, and screamed and shouted: “Why are you kicking me!”

"It turns out to be true!" The disciple was dumb.

Dare, he thought it was a daydream.

The former disciple was furious and kicked his foot against the foot. He kicked the other side out and screamed: "Of course it is true!"

of course it's true!

Originally still holding a hint of fantasy, the heart still holding a trace of luck, cold blood, white can not bear, the South wind and other people do not mind the shock, the last trace of my heart burst.

Really, it is really the Holy Spirit!

They stared at the golden figure, their eyes were shocking, and it was difficult to remove them for a long time.

"Hey, cold blood, it’s up to you." Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice sounded.

He was cold-blooded and came back to God. He stared at Huang Xiaolong. He didn’t know what it was like. He took a deep breath and couldn’t bear to say: “White can’t bear the brothers, the mirage is fighting, and Huang Xiaolong has killed so many disciples in the Holy Land Alliance and killed no. So many disciples in the Holy Land, don't you want to take revenge? Don't want to kiss Huang Xiaolong?"

Then, he said to the south of the wind: "Southern Shaanxi brothers, I think the saints are not willing to let Huang Xiaolong grow up again, Huang Xiaolong will grow up again, not to mention my evil demon palace, it is the Holy Land Alliance, the saints are afraid They must perish and die in the hands of Huang Xiaolong."

The cold-blooded blood is actually to say that it can't bear the white, and the south wind is two people, and I want the three people to join forces to kill Huang Xiaolong!

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