Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2510: Three people join hands

White can not bear, the South wind heard the words, can not help the eyes flash, the heart is moving, especially the white can not bear to want to kill Huang Xiaolong, now see Huang Xiaolong's holy soul, shocked, the heart is more prosperous.

Just like the cold-blooded, you can no longer let Huang Xiaolong continue to grow up. Otherwise, the Holy Land Alliance, the Supreme Holy Land will soon be destroyed in the hands of Huang Xiaolong.

Now the Holy Four, the Holy Land Alliance, the Qingxue Palace, and the Demon Palace can still get along with each other. It is because the four forces can still contain each other, but once Huang Xiaolong continues to grow, the balance is broken, and it is definitely the Holy Land Alliance. Nightmare.

"How?" The cold-blooded white can't bear it. The two people in the south wind moved, and said: "The three of us can join hands and absolutely suppress Huang Xiaolong. Even if we can't destroy his holy soul, we can destroy his holy body and destroy it. Losing his flesh, as long as he reincarnates, he will have no threat to us!"

Indeed, if the body of Huang Xiaolong is destroyed and reincarnation is rebuilt, that is the next thing.

"Good!" White could not bear to nod.

This opportunity, he never wants to miss.

When Lin Xiaoying saw it, the beauty could not help but worry about it. To Huang Xiaolong said: "Xiaolong, we?" means to let Huang Xiaolong leave temporarily.

Huang Xiaolong's strength, she knows that in the tomb of the tomb, even Dou Rui and the ghost are not Huang Xiaolong opponents.

However, the eyes are cold and bloody, and the white can't bear it. The south wind is not the sinus and the ghosts. Whether it is cold blood or white, or the south wind, any one of the three people is stronger than the ghost.

And now it’s a trio!

Even if Huang Xiaolong has two holy souls now, it is not the enemy of the three people.

When Lin Xiaoying wanted to persuade Huang Xiaolong to leave, Yan Nanfeng nodded and agreed to keep cold and blood, and Bai could not bear to join forces to kill Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing the south wind finally nodded, sighing in the cold heart, and staring at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, I didn't expect it, the white brothers and the Southern Brotherhood will join me."

Huang Xiaolong was indifferent, and glanced at the three people: "Three people, killing you is more than enough."

When you listen to the cold-blooded blood, you can't help but laugh. "Yellow Xiaolong, you are really crazy. You can be the most important thing in the early days of the Holy Land. Don't say that we are three, it is me, it is enough to deal with You, you still have a big say that killing us three is more than enough!"

It’s not a big deal, it’s a double-medium period in the Holy Land, and it’s close to the mid-level peak of the Holy Land. It is also the most difficult thing to practice in the Demon Palace. With his strength, you can completely suppress Huang Xiaolong. The reason why he teamed up with the white can not bear and the south wind, in order to prevent Huang Xiaolong from escaping, the three people joined forces, Huang Xiaolong is absolutely unable to escape.

Even the white can't bear it, the two people in the south of the wind are also sinking into their faces, and feel that Huang Xiaolong is too mad.

Now, they are ranked fifth, sixth and seventh respectively.

The three people joined forces, even Tan Juan, who ranked first, will be resigned.

"Huang Xiaolong, is that the black sacred ring in your hand?" Suddenly, Bai couldn't bear to look at the black sacred ring of Huang Xiaolong's hand and said.

Everyone was shocked.

"What? Black sacred ring? The high-level sacred instrument that the black corpse saint reinvented?"

"I heard that the black corpse sage treasure was born, I did not expect it to fall into the hands of Huang Xiaolong!"

In the distance, all the disciples exclaimed and their eyes were hot.

This is the treasure of the black corpse saint, one of the top ten masters of the Holy Land!

Even the cold-blooded, the southerly winds are also short of breath.

Before, the two did not notice the sacred ring of the black corpse in the hand of Huang Xiaolong, and did not even think that the sacred ring of the black corpse would fall into the hands of Huang Xiaolong.

Suddenly, I was cold-blooded and laughed: "Huang Xiaolong, you are really a treasure boy, and you have personally given us such a great treasure."

"It seems that your cuddling is the black sacred sacred ring? I thought that with the high-order sacred device of the black corpse holy ring, can we deal with the three of us?" 枭 cold-blooded laughter: "However, this black corpse holy ring is you just You can't, you haven't refining, you can't play the power of the black corpse, even if you can really play the full power of the black sacred ring, do you really think it is our three opponents?"

White couldn't bear to stare at the black sacred ring of Huang Xiaolong's hand: "In this way, you will hand over the black sacred ring to us. We are all good to discuss."

He is afraid that Huang Xiaolong will be forced to rush, and then destroy some of the treasures in the black sacred ring.

Of course, waiting for Huang Xiaolong to hand over the black sacred ring, is not a good discussion, but also depends on their decision.

"You have finished talking nonsense? If you are finished, then let's go, don't say I won't give you a chance, I will let you shoot first." Huang Xiaolong looked at the three people coldly.

The three people really thought that he relied on the black sacred ring?

Cold blood, white can not bear, the south of the wind three people, a dark face.

When Lin Xiaoying and Chen Yi were about to open their mouths, Huang Xiaolong said to the two people: "You must retreat to the distance first." After that, they did not wait for the two to open their mouths, and waved them to send the two men and the disciples of the Holy Heaven to the distance. .

枭 cold blood, white can not bear, 赦 风 风 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三

"Huang Xiaolong actually wants one person to fight alone, cold blood, white can not bear, three people in the south wind? This is too exciting."

"Irritation? I think it is right to die. He is not a cold-blooded opponent. What's more, it is a cold-blooded three. Huang Xiaolong is dead to face, strong support, and Huang Xiaolong will definitely lose very badly. Maybe he will be cold-blooded. The three people can't get together with one move."

In the distance, some onlookers pointed to arguments.

No one is optimistic about Huang Xiaolong, even Lin Xiaoying is also worried.

"Dead!" Suddenly, the cold blood suddenly slammed into the box with Huang Xiaolong. Suddenly, the gas of the white devil and the gas of the black devil screamed out.

The white magic turned into a heavy bone, the bone of the human head, and the black magic turned into a myriad soul.

"White bones black soul!" Chen Yi face changes.

The black bones of the bones, this is one of the most powerful sacred magical works of the demon palace, created by the evil demon palace master Qiao Jinyang.

White couldn't bear to see the South Wind and the two people saw it, and they were not far behind, and they all played their strongest skills.

"Eight stars gather!"

One hundred million huge chaotic stars rise, and the sky is high and the stars are shining. This is one of the strongest holy skills of the Holy Land.

"Amazing swordsmanship!"

赦南风圣力化成成成剑气, Jianqi over the nine 霄, Jian Mang flashes the ultimate white light, the original blood is a **** color, but under this extremely sword sword mang, all blood color disappeared, under the sword mans, Everything is discolored white, and it is extremely white.

During the war in the mirage of the mirage, Xiao Baili also displayed the swordsmanship method, which made the powerful people stunning, but Xiao Baili’s extremely swordsmanship was compared with the southerly winds, and it was a small witch. At the beginning of the double sacred scene, the sacred swordsmanship of the Holy Spirit is more than 100,000 times!

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