Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2535: Can't leave the whole body

Qiao Jinyang's law of immortality is extremely fast, and it seems to be entangled in the three holy souls of Huang Xiaolong. Although the Holy Spirit can surpass the cycle of life and death, once it is entangled in the law of the eternal road, then it will die.

At this moment, suddenly, in the opening of the dragon gun, there is also a law of invincible.

It is God!

The demon palace Qiao Jinyang can seal his own law of immortality in the demon moon blade, and God naturally seals his own law of immortality in the opening of the dragon gun.

hiss! However, a strange sound, I saw two invincible avenues of law collided together, causing changes in the world, three people have the feeling that space is reversed, their time, destiny, life and death seem to be controlled in this horrible power Among them.

Huang Xiaolong is okay, Li Wei, evil and extraordinary two eyes can not help but reveal fear.

At this moment, suddenly, Li Wei’s figure flashed and disappeared. When he appeared again, he came to Huang Xiaolong’s Golden Buddha.

Huang Xiaolong's dragon spirit has a dragon gun, and the demon sacred soul has a flying blood monument. This is only a weapon.

Therefore, Li Wei must first reinvent Huang Xiaolong's Golden Buddha's Holy Spirit. As long as Huang Xiaolong's holy soul is severely damaged, Huang Xiaolong's strength will be affected.

However, Huang Xiaolong has been paying attention to Li Wei. After Li Weigang came to the Golden Buddha Spirit, he was about to attack. Huang Xiaolong’s chest flew out with a dazzling beam of light. A beam of light formed by the law of the immortal avenue was in full swing. Then they rushed to the back of Li Wei.

Li Wei wanted to sneak attack and hit Huang Xiaolong's Golden Buddha Holy Spirit in one fell swoop. He didn't expect that Huang Xiaolong would be invincible, and the beam of the eternal avenue was too fast. Li Wei did not respond at all, and was instantly The law of the eternal avenue penetrates into the back.

It seems that everything is stopped.

At this moment, Li Wei felt that the sacred soul that had surpassed the cycle of life and death was suddenly blocked from life and death. It seemed that everything in his life was no longer under his control. Li Wei even felt that his holy soul was held by a terrible force. Yes, it’s just holding it, it’s impossible to move.

An unprecedented sense of horrible death rises from the heart of Li Wei.

Li Wei turned to the head, looked at Huang Xiaolong with fear, looked at Huang Xiaolong's chest, and was also scared by this sudden change. He also looked at Huang Xiaolong's chest with fear. It seems that Huang Xiaolong's chest is better than Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi and Lin Xiaoying. The chest is also tempting.

"You, do not kill the heart?!" Li Hao's tongue is shaking.

After that, his tongue did not shake, and the whole body was shaking.

Do not destroy the heart!

It turned out to be immortal!

This, he really can't believe it, how is this possible! The shock inside him could not be concealed.

The evil is equally shocking.

A half-sacred, even has an immortal heart! This is simply a ridiculous thing.

"Yes, it doesn't kill the heart!" Huang Xiaolong was indifferent. At this moment, the dragon sacred soul returned with a hand, and the gun head of the dragon was pierced from the chest of Li Wei.

Then pull out, the action is like a cloud of water, in one go, no stagnation and hesitation.

Li Wei stared blankly at the blood hole in his chest, and suddenly, the blood in his mouth was sprayed.

Just when Li Wei was planted from the sky, he made an action that made him feel ashamed and turned away!

He is scared.

I am completely afraid, I am afraid to die.

Huang Xiaolong has three big holy souls, and there is no need to open a dragon gun. However, Huang Xiaolong has an inexhaustible heart. He will stay and die, just like Li Wei.

As for the key to the seventh floor in the hands of Huang Xiaolong, he has long forgotten the country of Gua.

Seeing evil and escaping to escape, Huang Xiaolong whispered: "The evil is extraordinary, do you think you have escaped?"

After exposing the inexhaustible heart, Huang Xiaolong did not intend to let Li Yi and any one of the evils live alive.

When the evil fled, the yellow dragon dragon sacred body shape flashed, and then came to the evil and extraordinary, behind the hands of a dragon gun.

The power of terror, so that the evil is not surprising, the right hand has to use the demon moon blade backhand to block the opening of the dragon gun.

However, at this time, Huang Xiaolong did not destroy the law of the light between the moments of the moment, it has already attacked it.

The evil is in horror, and the left hand punches the light from the law of the eternal road.

"The Light of the Demon!"

The punching power surged into an ultimate radiance, welcoming Huang Xiaolong's law of immortality.

The light of this demon is the method of the ancestor's avenue of the evil demon palace, Qiao Jinyang. This attack deducts the power of all evil spirits into the extreme, constantly condenses, constantly compresses, constantly swallows, and constantly demonizes.

It sounded loud.

I saw that the light of the evil spirit collided with the beam of Huang Xiaolong's eternal avenue, and the space was broken.

The light of the demon tries to devour, magicalizing the dragon's eternal light beam, but the law of the eternal avenue is derived from the heart of the sacred world, and it is a avenue that can be swallowed and demonized.

If it is the demon palace Gong Qiao Jinyang shot, you may be able to do it, but the evil is just a double peak of the holy world.

Huang Xiaolong's law of indestruction of the avenue finally passed through the light of the demon, and then continued to penetrate from the evil chest.

Just like Li Wei, the evil spirits suddenly have everything that is cut off, life and death are no longer under the control of their own control, the Holy Spirit is held tightly by the invisible force, and it is impossible to move.

At this time, the dragon sacred spirit followed closely, and the dragon's dragon gun was smashed in the same way. One shot pierced from the evil chest. The power of the holy soul was mad and violent, destroying everything in the body.

When the dragon gun was pulled out, the blood in the mouth was sprayed like a spring, which was even more fierce than Li Wei.

First hit by Huang Xiaolong's law of immortal avenues, and then the first ancestor of the Tianlong gun was hit hard, no one can bear it.

The evil is planted down from the sky, and squatting on the earth, the demon moon blade also fell to the side.

Huang Xiaolong stepped forward and came to the front of the evil. He looked at the ground and his blood flowed like a note.

"Huang Xiaolong, you, how are you thinking?" Looking at Huang Xiaolong, he wanted to work hard to calm down, but his heart could not resist strong fear.

"You are so extravagant." Huang Xiaolong was cold and indifferent.

The evil face was cloudy and clear, and for a while, he slowly said: "I know that I must die. Before I die, I want to ask you something. I hope you can stay with me."

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "No!" The evil has the seventh-ranked evil Buddha sage, and Huang Xiaolong will swallow and refine it when he arrives. Therefore, it is impossible to make a whole corpse.

Unexpectedly listening to Huang Xiaolong and even leaving a whole body did not promise him, the sadness that could not be forgotten in his heart, I thought that he was the chief saint of the demon palace, and he could not even be dead.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not say anything more, and then banned his whole body strength, and then he was admitted to the black sacred sacred ring and walked over to Li Wei.

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