Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2536: Enter the seventh floor

Li Wei looked at the evil and was seriously injured by Huang Xiaolong, banned, and then received the corpse of the black corpse, and heard that Huang Xiaolong would not leave the evil corpse, and the fear in his heart was even stronger.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong coming to himself, Li Wei could not help but scream: "Huang Xiaolong, you and I are the pro-disciples of the ancestor of the Holy Day organization. If you kill me, you will definitely be known by my master and several ancestors in the future. I believe you too. Know what it is to kill the same door!"

"If you kill me, wait until you return to the Holy Day organization, and you will not be able to go where you are." Li said.

Listening to Li Wei’s rules of the Holy Day organization, he threatened himself. Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but smile: “Li Wei, since you know the rules of the Holy Day, you should know what the consequences of killing me with the evil spirits are extraordinary. You think the four ancestors After they know it, what do they think? They will feel that you are dead!"

"So, even if I really killed you, it is also to remove the traitor for the Holy Day! Not only is not guilty, but it is meritorious!" Huang Xiaolong laughed.

"The little ninety-nine in your heart, I advise you to put it away, don't think I will let you go."

Huang Xiaolong came to Li Wei and, in the same way, banned his whole body.

"Huang Xiaolong, don't kill me, and later organize in the Holy Day, I only look at you." Li said: "I will give you the position of the chief Son. I will listen to you in the future. I will not be right with you." I will not listen to the advice of Fu Yunjie, yes, yes, all this is what Fu Yunjie told me to do. In fact, I have no complaints with you, I really don't want to kill you!"

Li Lan repeatedly explained and looked regret.

Huang Xiaolong listened to Li Wei and pushed all his faults to Fu Yunjie. He shook his head: "Li Wei, you are the only one who swindles three-year-olds. Do you think Fu Yunjie can make you? At the beginning, Perhaps Fu Yunjie often provokes in your ear, so that you start to be dissatisfied with me, but then, you gamble about failing in succession to me, and I hate him so much, so this time the sky is open, you want to kill me. I want to kill me in disregard of everything and evil."

Li Wei still wants to explain again. However, Huang Xiaolong did not use it any more nonsense and put it into the black sacred ring. Of course, Huang Xiaolong did not forget to take away the octagonal wild animal ring and the evil demon moon blade.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong did not stay any more, with a wave of his hands, erased some traces about him at the scene, and then left empty.

It didn't take long for Huang Xiaolong to leave, and a figure would be broken. He came to Huang Xiaolong and the evil and extraordinary, where Li Hao played, and it was Tan Juan.

When I came to the scene, Tan Juan looked at the scene of the destruction, and the face was greatly discolored.

"The ancestor breath? Someone used the ancestral tract?!"

"Amazing dragons, evil spirits and dead air, as well as magic, and Buddha! Who is it? Who is fighting now? Who wins and who loses?"

Tan Juan looked around and looked around. She carefully and even showed the secret law of Qingxue Palace. In the end, she was only sure that there were Li Wei among the people who played the game.

In addition to Li Wei, the evil is extraordinary, the other person, she is always uncertain.

"Who is the other one? Is it Xiaolong?" Tan Juan’s mind flashed, but then she shook her head and denied it. It should not be Huang Xiaolong. Looking at the scene, the three should be beaten up, the strength is at least equal, and Huang Xiaolong’s strength is strong, but It is still far from Li Wei, an extraordinary opponent.

"It seems that the seventh layer of keys should fall into the hands of one of the three people. As long as you find Li Wei or evil, you know who the key is in, what the **** is going on." Tan Juan I want to leave.

Now, she needs to find out what is wrong or not.

She learned from her master Xue Lingyun that even if someone got the key, he had to learn the rules of the road in the key, in order to open the seventh floor.

According to her master Xue Lingyun, she said that Tan Juan had to learn the key to the key, and at least one day, other disciples must have more than one day, so she still has one day, just find Li in one day. She has the opportunity to seize the key.

At this time, the outsiders saw the original light of the sacred sacred temple suddenly stopped, could not help but stunned.

"Stop? The winners and losers have been divided? So fast?" Someone was surprised.

After all, it took less than half an hour from the time of the fight to the end.

"Who won? Who is the seventh-level key?"

"Tan Juan? Is it evil? Or is Li Wei? Or Ji Xinyi? It should be one of the four who got the key." A holy doorkeeper guessed.

"I think it is Tan Juan!"

"I think it is a demon palace evil!"

For a time, the strong people talked and guessed.

Cao Nan listened to the surrounding arguments, and laughed and said nothing. It seems that he is extraordinary. After going back, you must be rewarded and rewarded.

Chu Ba did not speak, thinking about anything.

Therefore, the two are rare and there is no argument.

Xue Lingyun asked what the old man was.

"Mu Cang is away from the grown-up, according to your opinion, who will get the seventh-level key?" The ancient emperor sinned Xuan carefully and respectfully asked Mo.

Mo Cang thought about it, and finally shook his head: "Tan Juan, evil is extraordinary, Li Wei's three strengths are almost the same, it is difficult to say."

This is indeed difficult to judge.

After all, the strength of the three people between the two, even if the difference is limited.

However, although it is difficult to judge, but in the eyes of Mo, it should be one of the three people got.


The sixth floor of the sacred temple.

After Huang Xiaolong left, he searched for an unmanned place, and determined that it would not be discovered by other people. Then he took out the seventh layer of keys, and then ignited the instinct and learned the key rules in the key.

In less than half an hour, Huang Xiaolong realized the avenue of the road in the key. When Huang Xiaolong realized the moment, he saw that the whole key was bright and transparent, and it glowed with a strong light. The light was like a pillar, and it was through the void. Among them, the colorful colors were dropped, and Huang Xiaolong was covered.

As the light of the key glows straight through the void, the entire sixth floor is visible, so Tan Juan also saw it. She saw the moment, stayed, and then looked shocked. According to her master Xue Lingyun, this is someone’s enlightenment. After the seventh layer of keys, the light from the key.

But how is this possible!

This is less than half an hour.

Even if she wants to enlighten, it will take a day.

When Tan Juan was shocked, Huang Xiaolong's eyes alternated, the scene changed, and the space reversed, and he found that he had left the sixth floor.

"This is the seventh floor?" Huang Xiaolong looked at the plains in front of him.

There is nothing special about the spirit of the Holy Spirit in space, which is more intense than the sixth layer.

After a pause, Huang Xiaolong flew to the end of the plain. As for Li Wei and the evil, he accepted the inheritance of the old man, and then slowly refining the two.

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