Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2543: Son of the source

Five years, not long, but these five years in the Cangwudao Palace, is definitely the biggest five-year benefit of Huang Xiaolong. In the five years, the old man of Cangwu almost gave a tribute to Huang Xiaolong, and passed the method of Huang Xiaolong Avenue. , holy skills, array, alchemy, all aspects.

In the past five years, Huang Xiaolong did not leave the Cangwu Road Palace. No, it was not a step away from the palace where the old man was.

Huang Xiaolong has an invincible heart, the avenue of the road to the old people of the sky, and the old man who did not break through the sacred path before the ancestors, the holy skill, is almost a matter of saying, as for the formation, alchemy, and so on, Huang Xiaolong is also a kind of bypass.

The old man of the sky is 100% satisfied with Huang Xiaolong, a disciple of his clothes. He smiles happily every day.

Cangwu Shenfu, every layer has a test, can pass the first few layers of tests, and finally get his inheritance, enough to prove Huang Xiaolong's extraordinary, but he did not expect Huang Xiaolong, a pro-disciple who passed his own test, imagined himself It’s better, a hundred times better, a thousand times better! Even 10,000 times!

He even has a kind of thought. Is Huang Xiaolong the son of the sacred origin?

The Son of the Holy Land is born in the heart of the sacred world. It can be used for all the avenues of the sacred world. It can be easily touched, and it is effortless to practice anything.

However, he knows that Huang Xiaolong is not the son of the origin of the Holy Land, because the son of the origin of the Holy Land has a source of sacredness.

The original source is the holy grate, the first St. Ge!

Looking at the pro-disciple of the eyes, Huang Xiaolong, the old man of the sky could not help but tell Huang Xiaolong about the son of the sacred origin.

"The son of the Holy Land?" Huang Xiaolong stunned.

The old man nodded: "Yes, this is the son of the sacred source. It is the secret of the sacred world that few people know. The four masters of your God know, but shouldn't you mention it to you?"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "No."

The old man of the sky said: "The son of the sacred origin, the person who claims to be the strongest talent in the future of the sacred world, and the title of the strongest person in the future of the sacred world. When he was born, he will have the sacred title of the sacred world. In those days, I have made a breakthrough in the cultivation of the avenue, and once again realized the heart of the sacred world, and concluded that the son of the sacred origin should be born!"

"Just, when I was born, I couldn't infer it, and I couldn't find it." The old man of the sky said: "If you encounter the son of the Holy Land in the future, you can be careful."

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "I know, Master, I will pay attention to this when it comes."

The old man of the sky shook his head: "The son of the origin of the Holy Land is not necessarily born in our holy world, but may also be born outside the border."

"Outside the border!" Huang Xiaolong.

The old man of the sky said: "Yes, although the holy places of our sanctuary are outside the sacred world, the extraterritorial aliens are actually within our holy space."

Within this holy space? Huang Xiaolong’s heart moved and asked: “Master, what do you mean by saying that there is another holy space outside of our holy space?”

The old man of Cangwu had some accidents. He did not seem to think that Huang Xiaolong would ask this question. Shen Shen said: "It seems that you have also realized something. Yes, a few days ago, after I made an accidental breakthrough in the cultivation road, I can confirm our sacred boundary. In addition, there is another existence of the holy space."

"This time, the reason why I am eager to pick the robes and rumors is because I intend to go to the sacred world for a few years."

"Tuo sacred world? Tuo Shenshan?!" Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

The old man looked at Huang Xiaolong and was surprised. Then he smiled and said: "It seems that your perception of the avenue is stronger than I thought. I even realized the secret of the mountain."

Huang Xiaolong is a little embarrassed: "The disciple only has occasional enlightenment."

The old man of the sky smiled and said: "You don't have to be modest. With your current talent and your understanding of the avenue, you should be able to fully understand the avenues of the sacred mountain and the heavens and the earth, and then lead to the sacred The world is only that if you want to come back to the sacred world, you will not be able to come back."

The old man shook his head.

"Master means that after you go to the sacred world, you can't come back again?" Huang Xiaolong looked at him with a look of disappointment.

Although he and the old man have not stayed for a long time, but the mentoring relationship is not thinner than the four of God. In recent years, the old man of the sky has no selfishness to him, and he is fully impartial, which makes Huang Xiaolong very grateful.

The old man of the sky smiled and said: "You don't have to give up, waiting for you to break through the ancestor's realm. If you want to see me, you can also go to the sacred world to find me, so our teachers and apprentices will have a meeting date."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The origin of the ancestors?

That is only a matter of tens of thousands of years.

Even if he has an inexhaustible heart, there are three great sacred souls, and there are three great evolutionary sacred sages. To break through the ancestral ancestors, at least tens of thousands of years.

I know that the old man of the sky is about to leave the sacred world, and then go to the sacred world. Huang Xiaolong is more devoted to the teaching of the old man.

The passage of time, unconsciously, is ten years.

Now, there are only a few decades left before the birth of the Holy Life. Originally, according to the original intention of Huang Xiaolong, after getting the inheritance of the old man, he went to the ancient battlefield to find the inheritance of the black sage, but now, he can only put the matter down.

However, although there is no inheritance of black sages, in these years, Huang Xiaolong listened to the old man of the Cangwu and learned the way of the old man's avenue. No matter whether it is the Holy Spirit or the eternal heart, he has been thoroughly sublimated.

Moreover, the strength of Huang Xiaolong has not fallen. It is already the peak of the mid-ninth and the middle of the saint. It is believed that when the Holy Life is born, it is not difficult to break through to the peak of the nine-robbery and the late St.

It is ten years later.

On this day, the old man of the sky told Huang Xiaolong: "Xiaolong, I should have taught you all, and I have already taught you all. The rest is to cultivate and continue to enlighten yourself. Master hopes that you can create it." It belongs to the avenue of its own, and it is the strongest avenue of the sacred world!"

Huang Xiaolong nodded resolutely: "Master is relieved, and the disciples remember Master's teachings."

The old man of the sky stood up: "In these twenty-five years, you listened to me and preached. I have never stepped out of the Cangwudao Palace. Let's go, it is time to go out."

Huang Xiaolong followed the old man behind the sky, walked out of the Cangwu Road Palace, and the sun was shining high, and Huang Xiaolong was warm and full of body.

Subsequently, the old man of the sky raised his hands and raised the whole of the Cangwu Daogong. He smiled and said: "This is the palace of the Cangwu, and I will send it to you. It is useless to stay here anyway."

This Cangwu Dao Palace has been tempered by the eternal life of the vast old man, and it has long been an ancestral ritual. Although its power is no more than the blade of the sky, it is a good thing to travel!

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