Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2544: Old man left

Cangwudao Palace is a ship-level flying ship! It is also one of the two-class flying ships of the Holy Land.

I can think of the treasures of the palace.

There are only two pieces of the entire sacred world, which is much more valuable than many ordinary ancestral tracts.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the palace in front of the sky, but he said: "Master, you go to the sacred world, you also need to defend yourself. If you give me all the equipment, isn't it?"

The old man of the sky heard the words and smiled: "You don't have to worry about this. With your master's strength, it is to the sacred world, it can hurt me, there should be not much, and, I can not only the blade of the sky and the road of the sky. Palace two pieces."

Huang Xiaolong was shocked, his eyes wide open, more than two pieces of the device? This is too, luxury, right? You must know that even if the ancestor wanted to build an ancestral tract, it was also a lot of painstaking efforts. Generally, he only created an ancestral tract, and he did not have the pain to create a second piece.

The old man of the sky is good, there are three? !

"Oh, you don't need to be surprised." The old man laughed and said: "I got a big chance, so there are three pieces of the road. The blade of the sky and the palace of the Cangwu are my refining. As for the other one, it is my chance. owned."

Huang Xiaolong is so stunned, it turns out that.

No wonder, he thought that the old man of the sky was personally created a three-piece device.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong accepted the Cangwu Road Palace.

"In the future, after you break through the ancestral dynasty, after you have a good heart, you will take this sacred sacred place, and I will not take it away." The old man looked far and wide and looked at this beautiful and sacred place. .

This vast holy place also cost him a lot of effort.

Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and said, but he finally nodded: "Okay, Master."


The old man of the sky is no longer stranded, flying with Huang Xiaolong.

After the sacred land, the two took the Cangwudao Palace and entered the vast void of the Holy Land.

Their purpose this time is that nature is the land of God's holy land!

"Master, you, or else, wait for me to merge with the Holy Spirit and leave?" On the way, Huang Xiaolong began.

The old man of the sky shook his head: "No, you are a hundred percent successful in the integration of the Holy Life, and there are Gods, Chu Ba four guard for you, you will not be any danger, I will not stay more, so as not to add a sense of sadness."

Huang Xiaolong knows that it is useless to persuade him, and he has not said more on this topic.

"After I left the sacred world, if you have time, go to the Qingxue Palace and sit down. Lin Xiaoying's girl is good." The old man suddenly laughed.

Huang Xiaolong did not know how to interface.

The old man of the sky saw Huang Xiaolong a little embarrassed. He continued to tease: "Of course, Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, these two girls are equally good."

Huang Xiaolong is sweaty.

I didn’t expect the old people of Cangwu to have time to be old.

This is undoubtedly let him get the three women together?

What is this with?

Huang Xiaolong said a little likene: "I am their uncle."

The old man of the sky smiled and said: "This is not a problem. The years of cultivation are long. Some holy places even have female disciples and their ancestors become companions."

Huang Xiaolong is speechless.

However, Huang Xiaolong also knows that the old man of the sky is telling the truth.

So, on the road, the old man and Huang Xiaolong are no longer the avenue of the avenue, but the sacred world has a lot of knowledge, some of them are many holy places, the secrets of the ancients, Huang Xiaolong really do not understand how the old man is Know this.

In less than ten days, the two went to the Holy Land of God.

The arrival of the old man, the God, the Dragon, the Chu, the Wu Lao, naturally came in person.

However, the old man of the sky does not want to let the outside world know where he is going, so only the four people of God come and there are no other disciples and masters of the Holy Day.

A few people met, and they were spared a chill.

"In the future, the matter of Xiaolong will make you more trouble." The old man of the sky is four people to God.

God nodded: "Cang Haodaoyou, you can rest assured that there are four of our old guys, and Qiao Jinyang still can't hurt him." The old man of the sky wants to go to the sacred world, and the four know.

The old man of the sky smiled and said: "With you, I am relieved."

Subsequently, the old man, the god, Chu Ba, Wu Lao, Long Daren, Huang Xiaolong came to the Tuo Shen Mountain.

In order to prevent the old man from leaving the celestial world, he was leaked out. Therefore, in advance, the four gods ordered the blockade of the Mount of Heaven and the Mount of the Gods.

The Tuo Shen Mountain was blocked, and naturally attracted a lot of strong people to "protest", but after knowing that it was the order of the four gods, these people stopped their food.

At the foot of the mountain of Tuo Shenshan, before embarking on the first stone step, the old man of the Cangjie sang a lot of sentences to Huang Xiaolong, and his heart was long, and Huang Xiaolong remembered one by one.

In the end, the old man of the sky set foot on the stone steps of the Tuo Shen Mountain. A stone step followed by a stone step continued to go up. The figure of the old man slowly became smaller and disappeared into the cloud of the mountain.

A few days later, the entire Tuo Shen Mountain suddenly radiant, and the avenue of the road became a beautiful rune. In the void, the void suddenly opened a huge space entrance, and the heart-felt breath continued to flow from the space entrance. .

The avenue of the road that entangled in the void suddenly turned into a avenue of law, and then shrouded the top of the mountain of Tuo Shenshan. The old man disappeared instantly and the entrance to the huge space began to close.

After a while, everything returned to calm.

Huang Xiaolong stood for a long time.

"Little dragon, let's go." God said to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong is only returning to God.

After returning to the Holy City with the four gods, Huang Xiaolong first went back to the Blue Dragon Shenfu. The next day, this went to the ancestral space, and the four men of Chu Ba “talked to the heart”.

The birth of the Holy Spirit is just around the corner. The four gods are inevitably talking to Huang Xiaolong about some things that pay attention to the Holy Life. Although Huang Xiaolong can successfully integrate the Holy Life, it is not a bad thing to be careful.

"Master, one person, can you only merge one holy life?" Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong asked.

God is a glimpse of four.

"This, it should not be." Wu Lao Shen said: "Although no one in the sacred world can integrate two holy lives, but it should be able to fuse more than two, you have three big sacred sages, as it is reasonable to say, it can be integrated Three holy lives."

It’s just that it’s really ok, and the four don’t dare to be 100% certain.

In fact, what the four people don't know is that what Huang Xiaolong thinks is not three holy lives, but more!

Holy life, but good things! The more you can fuse, the more it is a great good thing. Huang Xiaolong speculates that the more the holy life of integration, the stronger the holy life of integration, and after the achievement of the holy environment, the speed of cultivation will be very fast, and the combat power will be stronger.

Every time a holy life is born, there must be more than one, and among the holy lives, there are also grades. The better the order, the harder it is to merge, but once the fusion is successful, the better for the fusion.

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