Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2592: The strongest killer

With the appearance of the three holy souls and the appearance of the twelve high-ranking holy lives, the amazing holy prestige burst out from Huang Xiaolong, and the space was stormy. The original Zidongping momentum covered all corners of the space, but at this time, Zidongping’s momentum was actually kept by Huang Xiaolong. Forced back.

After a long time, Zidongping was awakened from the shock. His eyes looked at Huang Xiaolong inexplicably. "I have seen countless geniuses and enchanting geniuses, but they are compared with you, that is, waste that can no longer be scrapped! The whole foreign country, Perhaps only the source of the foreign government can compare with you."

Source thousand lines? Huang Xiaolong was an accident.

He has three holy souls, which combines twelve high-ranking sacred lives. Zidongping even said that the source can compare with him. Or does that source have three holy souls?

Otherwise, how can Zidongping say this?

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s mind flashed, is it? !

"However, unfortunately, although you have three holy souls and merged with twelve high-level sacred lives, your realm is still too low. Based on your current strength, it is not my opponent." Zidongping shook his head: "So, You are destined to die in my hands today."

"Of course, if you worship me as a teacher, I can not kill you, and in the future, you can take over the purple spider family and become the next patriarch of the purple spider family!"

Originally, Huang Xiaolong was a disciple of God. Zidongping hated to be able to pinch Huang Xiaolong to death. But now that he saw Huang Xiaolong’s talent, he even got up, not only to accept Huang Xiaolong as a disciple, but also to pass on the position of the next patriarch of the Purple Spider. Give Huang Xiaolong a human race.

It is obvious that Zidongping’s “extraordinary enlightenment” for Huang Xiaolong.

This is simply an unreasonable thing, but with Huang Xiaolong's talent, I am afraid that any ancestor of the royal family will be treated specially.

Huang Xiaolong’s words were also awkward, and then he shook his head: “The good intentions of the Zidongping patriarch, I have received it, but you and I bet on the first, please take a shot.”

What he wants is to accept Zidongping instead of becoming a disciple of Zidongping.

Zidongping brow wrinkles: "You really don't think about it? I will die when I shoot it!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "Not necessarily!"

"If this is the case, then you will blame me for being rude." Zidongping's eyes are cold, his heart is killing violent, so enchanting genius can not be obtained, it can only be completely destroyed!

Just when Zidongping wanted to shoot, suddenly, he saw Huang Xiaolong's chest, and made a colorful and dazzling light. This light is so familiar, so glaring, it is so shocking.

Zidongping was stupid, and looked silly and silly. Looking at Huang Xiaolong’s muscular chest, Zidongping was an ancestor, but Huang Xiaolong looked itchy.

"You!" I don't know how long it took, Zidongping looked up and looked at Huang Xiaolong.

"One hour is limited, now it has passed a few minutes." Huang Xiaolong said, Zidongping's reaction was in his expectation.

Zidongping took a deep breath, his body was condensed, his face was dignified, perhaps too dignified, and some ugly, he never thought that one day he would look so solemnly at the beginning of a holy world.

Suddenly, the purple flames of Zidongping rose up to the sky, and they blew for nine days, blasting the space, and even blasting the land outside the forbidden land.

At this moment, in all the corners of the Hongzhen Holy Land, all the inhabitants of the alien races saw this purple flame.

Zidongping has turned purple, hair, eyebrows, chest hair, and of course, what is the following hair.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are also dignified. He knows that this is the strongest state of Zidongping. Zidongping is the king of the purple spider family. At this time, the other party has already awakened the origin of the Zijiao.

The royal rune of Zidongping’s eyebrows also burst out of the purple flame. The whole space is shaking, and the entire Hongzhen holy land is shaking. Especially the headquarters of Hongzhen Shengmen, the ground actually starts to float a grain of dust and plays. It is gravel, and finally it is a boulder.

Everything on the earth is flying in suspension.

Suddenly, Zidongping shouted loudly and slammed into Huang Xiaolong with a punch. When the air was directly smashed down like it, it was like the millions of purple stars suddenly falling down, and the heavens and the earth could be shattered.

Huang Xiaolong is also a big drink, the three holy souls on the top of the head, the twelve holy rays of light, the glory of the group is shrouded down, and the invincible heart is the vortex of the avenue.


Huang Xiaolong and Zidong Pingquan directly collided, just like the collision of two high-level holy places. All the strong people in Hongzhen Holy Land felt the trepidation. The Hongzhen Holy Land was like being smashed into slag. Everyone was ashamed and fearful.

In fact, this is still the world that Huang Xiaolong used to protect the Hongzhen Holy Land from the vast world of the Cangwudao Palace. It blocked the strength of the ninety-nine-nine-nine in the gate of Hongzhen. Otherwise, just now, the whole Hongzhen holy land Gone.

This is the strength of the ancestral environment.

At that time, Lei Jinhe Qiao Jinyang and God and other people fought a battle, the power leaked, and the surrounding holy land far away from billions of miles away was destroyed. Although Zidongping was only the beginning of a serious injury, it was also terrifying.

After a collision with Zidongping, Huang Xiaolong felt that the whole body was hit by a huge stone, and could not help but be shaken back and forth, and directly quit a few miles.

Although he was shocked by the strength of Zidongping, but under the attack, Huang Xiaolong had a rough judgment on the strength of Zidongping, and his heart was loose.

"Come on again!" Zidong Pingyi, this time is a pair of fists to Huang Xiaolong.

"Good!" Huang Xiaolong shouted, not retreating.

Subsequently, everyone in Hongzhen Holy Land heard a loud noise.

The Baoyue saints hiding in a city in Hongzhen Holy Land, the Red Giant saints and so on are all fearful and uneasy, and this dying bang is becoming more and more intense, and it seems that it will never stop in general, just like the Baoyue saints and others. When the Hongzhen Holy Land was over, suddenly, the slamming of the world was abrupt, without warning.

The world is still.

At this time, everyone found that no sound turned out to be the best in the world.

"Really stopped?" After a while, the Baoyue saints snarled, and then the Red Giant saints and others carefully flew out of the city, shrinking their heads and looking out of the city, and saw the original mountains outside the city. It is like being arched by the giants of the earth, split and split, six horizontal and seven vertical, many seas disappeared, and large tracts of primitive forests were completely collapsed.

Although Huang Xiaolong used the Cangwu Dao Palace to protect the Hongzhen Holy Land, the power of the two people’s fierce battles, through the external earthquakes of the vast world, still shocked Hongzheng’s ground.

At this time, in the forbidden area of ​​Hongzhen Shengmen headquarters, Huang Xiaolong and Zidongping stood volley.

Less than a minute from the one-hour limit.

"Next, if you can get my strongest killing skills, I will accept it!" Zidongping was cold and cold, his arms were open, and a purple flame continued to gather from him.

Soon, the body of Zidongping turned into a sea of ​​purple flames.

When the ultimate is reached, Zidongping stunned, the world shook, and his hands suddenly pushed out to Huang Xiaolong.

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