Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2593: Billion army

With the flat push of Zidongping, all the purple flames between the heavens and the earth are like huge waves, overwhelming, rolling toward Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong simply hides from hiding, avoiding it, and can only pick it up.

Success or failure is here!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are fierce, and the madness has spurred the three holy souls, the twelve holy lives, the immortal heart, and even the holy seal! Huang Xiaolong can run all the power that can be played to the extreme.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong appeared a thousand golden giant arms behind him, with a strip of magic lines on it.

Thousand hands of the devil!

"Dragon Yuan Shengshi!" "Black Age!"

"The evil sea is boundless!" "God is born!"

Thousands of golden arms simultaneously produced the four ancestor avenues, the dragon country multiplied, the darkness extended, the evil sea boundless, the Taoist over the sentient beings.

The space ruptured and the large face cracked open.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong's hands and fingers merged into a strange figure. Then, he slammed it out. Under the ten-point blow of Huang Xiaolong, the heavens and the earth suddenly lit up. It seemed to be the light of creation, and it seems to be the end of the world. Mang, the heavens and the earth seem to be penetrated under this attack.

"The sky is a blow!"

Seeing Huang Xiaolong's blow, Zidongping was shocked.

A slap in the sky, the avenue of the old man! Is this human race not only the protagonist of God, Chu Ba, Long Daren, and Wu Lao?


In the purple flames and waves, a dragon country flies out, the darkness rises into the sky, the evil seas are submerged, the road is suppressed, and the light of the sky is constantly plowing the purple flame, constantly weakening the power of the purple flame.

However, this is the case, Huang Xiaolong was shocked by the power of the earthquake.

One step and two steps, one meter and two meters!

Huang Xiaolong’s body shape could not help but retreat, and kept approaching the forbidden light wall outside the hundred miles.

In the end, the purple flame was hit by Huang Xiaolong's sky, and the dragon Yuan defeated and Huang Xiaolong stopped.

Huang Xiaolong gasps, his chest is ups and downs, and there is a feeling of distraction.

Zidongping's face is more ugly than Huang Xiaolong's, because the forbidden light wall is just a few meters behind Huang Xiaolong, and the distance is a few meters away!

Just a few meters away!

A few meters, he became a hateful! The hatred of the ages!

After a while, Huang Xiaolong slowly stood up and looked at Zidongping: "You, lost!"


Zidongping's double fists are clenched, unwilling, hateful, horrified, and complicated.

Black Luo came to Huang Xiaolong.


A few minutes later, Huang Xiaolong, Heiluo and Zidongping walked out of Hongzhen Shengmen.

Huang Xiaolong’s palms stretched out, and the Cangwu Dao Palace fell from the void to his palm.

"Cangwu Daogong." Zidongping complex complexion.

"What do you want to ask, ask." Huang Xiaolong said.

"You and the old man of the sky?" asked Zidongping.

"I got his inheritance, his rumor." Huang Xiaolong said truthfully.

really! Although I guessed the results before, I heard that Huang Xiaolong personally admitted that Zidongping was still in shock.

His heart is complicated and difficult to say.

At that time, the old man across the country crossed the border and went to the border river. He stayed in the exotic area. Under his chance, he also got the guidance of the old man. Although there were not many instructions, he had never forgotten this kind of love for so many years.

However, God is the person he hates the most.

Huang Xiaolong is actually a disciple of his most respected and most hated people!

Looking at the ruined Hongzhen Holy Land, Huang Xiaolong came to the nine days, the whole body of the holy light surging, the golden Buddha of the Golden Buddha Saint Greg, such as the huge fountain, opened to all corners of Hongzhen Holy Land.

At the same time, the five elements of Huang Xiaolong Wanlong Shengge emerged from the outside.

Under the influence of the Golden Buddha and the Five Elements, the ruptured Hongzhen Holy Land began to recover slowly. After a few hours, except for the more serious destruction, the others have almost recovered.

At this time, the Hongzhen holy land is hundreds of miles away from the starry sky, and the main territory of the main domain of the billions of troops is approaching.

"The domain master, there is still a half day, we can rush to the Hongzhen Holy Land." A manager of the domain government reported to You Shi.

You Shi nodded: "The Terran did not leave Hongzhen Holy Land?"

"No, the eyeliner of our Hongzhen Holy Land has been reported. For more than two months, he has been staying at the headquarters of Hongzhen Shengmen and has not left the gate of Hongzhen." The manager replied.

"That's good!" The tour Shi Yan then ordered, let the army once again speed up, must be rushed to Hongzhen Holy Land within two hours, while people continue to monitor the movement of Huang Xiaolong.

Two hours later.

The hundreds of thousands of troops in the free domain are densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sky, covering the starry sky, covering the Hongzhen holy land with a strict and strict, and the great aliens in the Hongzhen Holy Land are watching the hundreds of millions of troops under high pressure.

In the real door of Hongzhen, Huang Xiaolong looked at the dark army of hundreds of millions of high-altitude, and smiled lightly. After all, it was still coming. Immediately, Huang Xiaolong broke through the air, Heilongjiang, Zidongping, Qingxuan saint, Xiao Dan, Lin Cong, Baoyue saints, red giant saints and others followed behind Huang Xiaolong.

When I came to the sky, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on the main domain of the free-range domain, Shi Wei. “I originally wanted to go to the holy place to take you out of the domain government. Since you came, it saved me a lot of time, but You are too slow, I have been waiting for more than two months."

You Shi was originally prepared for a large speech, and was stunned by Huang Xiaolong. He stunned and his face sank. For the first time, he had the Holy Land and dared to talk to him.

Listening to Huang Xiaolong's condescending, slightly ridiculous tone, he smiled coldly: "The tone is not small, will you take me out of the domain government? Just because of you? You are so fearless, is the ancestor of the body?"

Huang Xiaolong stunned and then smiled: "You guessed it right, I really have the ancestral tract."

When he listened to Shi Yan, his face was pleasantly surprised. Xu Wen and Xu Hai around him also had many management affairs under his command. The Lord of the Gates was also shocked and happy.

"I guess it is true, you just killed Li Yapeng with the ancestral tract!" You Shi smiled.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, just shook his head and smiled, did not say anything.

"Kid, if this is the case, hand over the ancestral tracts, and, let go of Qingxuan, Xiao Dan, Lin from them, and then surrender to me, I can not pursue your crime of killing Li Yapeng." Said.

"Let them?" Huang Xiaolong looked at Qing Xuan, Xiao Dan, Lin Cong and others, and smiled: "I will let them go if they let them go, because they have already recognized me as the main, it is mine." Minions."

"Recognize you as the master, your slaves?" You Shi stayed for a while, then laughed, laughed out, Xu Wen, Xu Hai and the free domain domain masters, accompanied by the door of the door It is a laugh.

When he was laughing and laughing, Huang Xiaolong reached out and asked for a slap in the air. Xu Wen and Xu Hai also had masters of the free domain domain. The billions of troops saw their domain masters, Shi Lang, suddenly spurting blood, not to be killed. The ground sprays, and then there, there is no need to shake up and down, like a white epilepsy, but the white episodes are white foam, he sprays blood.

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