Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2607: Anyone else want to do it?

"You!" Purple Yutong was shocked and angry and looked at the black hands of his chest. He only felt a strange feeling, a feeling that was different from Zen.

At this time, the hand held by Blackro was tight, and the whole chest of the purple rain Tong was grasped.

All the disciples at the scene saw this and felt the sound of the throat slamming.

Then, in the purple rain Tong Jiao, Heroo threw it out.

Like the dozen or so Golden Zen people and the purple spider traitors, they were thrown out of the clouds and disappeared.


Upon seeing it, all the disciples on the scene woke up, a stunned spirit, staring blankly at Hei Luo. Just now, Hei Luo threw the dozens of cynics and pirate disciples of the Zijiao family. Although they were astonished by the strength of Hei Luo, they still did not. It will be shocked.

But now, seeing Hero still holding the big chest of Ziyutong, still throwing it, this time it scared them.

What is the concept of holding a sacred nine-fold late peak and throwing it away? !

Even if all the disciples on the scene are stupid, they understand what it means.

The first ancestor!

The ancestor is strong!

Even if it is not the ancestor, it has the power to be close to the ancestor!

The entire foreign government, below the ancestral dynasty, can still completely suppress the purple rain tong, absolutely no more than five people.

Those who had previously followed Zi Yutong’s unsuccessful sanctuary, the eight sacred places, changed their faces and changed again.

“Is there anyone else to do it?” Huang Xiaolong glanced at those people.

Those holy places are seven heavy, and the eight sacred places are shocked and then retreat.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he did not let Herowo take the shot again, leaving with the black robe.

It was not until Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo disappeared for a long time that all the disciples on the scene were noisy.

"That, will not be the ancestor?" There is a disciple guessing.

"The ancestor? Do you think that the first ancestor was a carrot? How could it be the ancestor! How could an ancestor give a sacred place to be a guardian?" Another disciple immediately turned his back.

The crowd nodded.

"It is not the ancestor, but the combat power is absolutely close to the ancestor! Is this the purple Dongping sent to protect Huang Xiaolong? When did the purple spider family have such a strong?!"

There are many people talking.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo returned to the peak of the sun, in a different palace in the different kings of the city, Zen was enjoying the feeding of more than a dozen women.

These dozens of women, each of the best, Yanfei ring thin, each has its own merits, even if it is not worse than the purple rain Tong, it is not much, these are all women without me, of course, just a small part, Zen no body For the royal family patriarchs, but also the president of the foreign government, but said that Zhang, the harem three thousand!

Zen does not have a woman full of the fullness of the woman, while tasting the spirit of the gift: "This time, Yutong should have heard the news."

"His Royal Highness is relieved, then Huang Xiaolong heard that he could make a good friend, and he must be happy with his mouth. This will definitely be rushing to meet His Royal Highness." A woman smiled softly.

Zen is not the main candidate for the alien government, and the disciples of the foreign government can be honored as "His Royal Highness".

"If that Huang Xiaolong is not interested." Another woman smiled: "This should have been cleaned up by Yutong's sister!"

Zen no nodded: "Yu Tong is doing things, I am still at ease."

The strength of Ziyutong, his indeed assured.

"I want to say that even if Huang Xiaolong has a dragon beginning, black silence, and three caves, he will not be threatened to you." A woman screams: "A hundred years later, the buddha will be purple." Dongping cleaned up, and it’s not too late for us to clean up Huang Xiaolong."

Zen does not shake my head: "You don't understand, the three big sacred sages, unprecedented history, and it is the beginning of the dragon, the black silence, the mixed hole, no one can estimate the true talent of Huang Xiaolong, if this Huang Xiaolong can not pull the cage, let it trust My golden Zen family can only be destroyed! I will never let a possible threat continue to grow!"

"Because, no one knows what will happen to Huang Xiaolong after a hundred years!"

At this time, Zen did not believe in a big earthquake.

"It seems that Yutong’s sister has good news." A woman smiled.

Zen did not smile and took out the letter, and then looked up, but soon, his smiling face was gloomy, and the eyes were horrible, and the entire palace was like a cold end.

More than a dozen women saw that Zen had no change, and all of them were stagnant, and they were chilling, but no one dared to speak.

"Huang Xiaolong, I am a little stunned by you!" Zen did not sneer at me: "A black guard who is comparable to the ancestral power of the ancestors?" The eyes are flickering, and the eyes are shining, such as the poisonous snake.

"Alright, then I will slowly accompany you to play, there is a person who can play with me, my days are not so boring."

"I will let you know the consequences of sinning me without me!"

Zen, without my cold voice, echoed in the hall. After a while, I threw away all the girls, and a dark figure appeared on the side of Zen.

"What do you think about this?" Zen did not ask the dark figure.

The dark figure is indulged: "This Huang Xiaolong should not be foreign, and his black guard should not be."

Zen has no eyes: "What do you mean, he is holy? But we have to have evidence. Now, is there any way to enter the Holy Land?"

The dark figure shook his head: "When the ancient battlefield forbidden barrier was weak a hundred years ago, the four gods have joined forces to arrange the ancestor's array on the edge of the ancient battlefield. To overcome this big battle, only know the method of cracking or the strongest ancestor. OK, even if it is me, there is no way to pass this ancestor into the sacred world."


Huang Xiaolong and Heilongjiang have not returned to the peak of the day, and the things of Ziyutong and Huang Xiaolong in the mission hall have been spread. The entire house of the various houses of the government is greatly shaken.

Everyone is shaking, naturally because of the strength of the black rook!

All parties are speculating about the origins and strength of Hero.

Originally, after Huang Xiaolong passed the road test, he had the idea of ​​killing Huang Xiaolong after the three ancestors of the beginning of the dragon, the black silence, and the mixed cave. However, most of them now dispelled the thought.

"I heard that the purple rain Tong couldn't stop even a move! The two flesh on the chest were caught by the Huang Xiaolong black guard!"

"I don't know what the black guards felt at the time, but it must be cool, that soft! That soft!"

"That Huang Xiaolong said that the egg without me is soft, will it be true?!"

Every corner of the house is talking, and they are all excitedly flying.

Although Zen is not a candidate for the government, but in these years, I have also offended many of the top leaders of the royal family. They naturally don’t mind giving a slap in the face.

Fei Tian Longpeng heard the people under his command and reported the task of the temple. For a long time: "A black guard who is comparable to the ancestral power?"

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