Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2608: Get out of the mixed yuan

"Yes, no one thought that the inconspicuous black guards around the purple spider family were so master!" The elders who came to report the sighs and sighed: "A defensive power is comparable to the ancestral guardian! This is simply Yes, shocking the world! The whole foreign house, I am afraid that only the owner, the deputy head of the adults can suppress it?"

Feitian Longpeng shook his head: "More than that, it should be three!"

"Three?" Flying in the sky.

As far as the outside world is aware, there are only two heads and ancestors in the foreign government. Is there a third ancestor strongman? But I have never heard of it.

"Different, there should be three great ancestors, but you have not heard of it." Fei Tian Longpeng eyes are dignified.

Although the foreign government was created by the foreign kings, these years, with the increasing strength of the foreign government, they have gradually separated from the foreign kings.

The three great ancestors, if you think about it, it will make people suffocate.

"Right, the young patriarch, the little spider of the purple spider family, Huang Xiaolong, has already signed up for this time." Feitian Yu returned to God and suddenly said.

"Oh!" Fei Tian Longpeng was amazed and then laughed: "It seems that his ambition is not small."

Ruan Daomen, Jiucheng is the purpose of running the main candidates of the government.

"This Huang Xiaolong is a small patriarch of the Zijiao family, but after all, it is a human race. Even if he really passed the door, he could not get the approval of the ten royal families." Fei Tianyu shook his head: "I see him is a bamboo basket. The water is empty."

Fei Tian Longpeng smiled and said: "People always have dreams and ambitions. Although they know that it is impossible, they have to fight for it. Otherwise, what does it mean to live in this world?" : "In this case, I also go to the mission hall to register!"

"Small patriarchs, are you going too?" Fei Tianyu hesitated and said: "I heard that Feng Jiu will also participate in the registration of this gate."

"Feng Jiu!" Fei Tian Longpeng was shocked: "She also participated?"

"Yes, there are many disciples who have to sign up for this gate, but they are scared to cancel after hearing the registration of Feng Jiu." Fei Tian Yu shook his head: "The patriarch, I see, anyway, ten years later, ten years later Same, or else, will we sign up next time?"

Flying in Longpeng's eyes blinking: "No, I will sign up this time! I would like to have this Fengjiu! And I will compete for this quota. The way is different every year. It is not necessarily a test of the downfall. It is not necessarily the strongest in the past. The disciple won the quota."

Flying in the rumors, secretly shaking his head, did not persuade, although the past is not necessarily the strongest disciple to win the quota, but the 100th session is ninety-nine.

After Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo returned to the peak of the day, the lord of the logistics hall came to the evening.

Tengmu, the disciple of the Tengyi tribe, the Tengyi clan is the royal family. Among all the royal families, the strength is not weak, ranking in the middle position, and coming to the eye, it seems very warm and polite to Huang Xiaolong, and at the same time he said: I have been outside for a long time, I don’t know about the Yellow Brothers, and I don’t even know that Jinkang’s public confession has been arranged, and the Yellow Brothers’ your Dongfu has been arranged for the next day!”

"After I came back, I would have reprimanded him when I knew it!"

Looking at the look of the face, Huang Xiaolong secretly sneered, he did not believe that Jin Kang publicly arranged him to come to the peak of the day, the main hall of the logistic temple will not know?

However, Tengmu knew and did not pay attention to it. Now, the news that Hei Luo grabbed the big chest of Ziyutong and threw it out, and the news came over. Why is it, everyone knows it.

However, since the other party showed good, Huang Xiaolong did not give the other face a face, and the other side was polite.

Tengmu is a disciple of the Tengyi, and this time, it naturally represents the Tengyi people.

If he can join the Tengyi ethnic group, it would be a good thing. Of course, the alliance is still early, and it has to be step by step.

"With the talent of the Yellow Brothers and the patriarch of the Zijiao family, it is reasonable to live in the holy peak of the Yuanyuan!" Tengmu smiled: "I have already arranged for the brothers to cross the cave of the holy peak, the yellow brothers, we will look at it now. Look?"

"Good!" Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The holy peak of the mixed yuan, that is the best disciple of the foreign talents and the cave house where the core disciples live.

With the beginning of Huang Xiaolong, black silence, and the three talents of the cave, it is possible to live in the peak of the mixed Yuan, and it is not a special treatment for Huang Xiaolong.

Of course, if Huang Xiaolong succeeded in winning the quota and entered the Daomen, he would succeed in crossing the gate and stay in the different kings!

Every genius disciple who succeeds in crossing the gate, regardless of whether he can become a candidate for the government in the future, can stay in the different kings. This is a symbol of identity and extremely high treatment.

A few hours later, Huang Xiaolong and Tengmu came to the peak of the mixed Yuan.

Huang Xiaolong's Dongfu is arranged at the peak of the Shengyuan Shengfeng. There are hundreds of Dongfu in the Shengyuan Peak, but the only peak is only one Dongfu. The only one has the meaning of overthrowing the other Dongfu of the Shengyuan Peak.

"Yellow brother, you see, how is this mixed yuan Dongfu? Still satisfied?" asked Tengmu to laugh at Huang Xiaolong.

This cave house is called the Chaoyuan Dongfu.

"The mixed peak of the peak of the peak of the holy peak, of course, is satisfied." Huang Xiaolong eyes smiled profoundly.

Tengmu will deliberately arrange his own Dongfu in the Chaoyuan Dongfu, the highest peak of the Shengyuan Shengfeng. If it is not intentional, Huang Xiaolong does not believe it. He does this by undoubtedly pushing himself to the cusp of the wind and letting himself suffer from the other peaks. The hatred of the disciple.

In the past, it was only the disciples who hoped to become the candidates of the government. They were arranged in this cave house. Now they are arranging their own caves here, and they will certainly attract other royals and foreign disciples.

"Satisfaction is good." Teng smiled.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong did not push it, and he moved to the mixed-yuan cave house where the peak of Shengyuan Shengfeng lived.

Sure enough, as soon as Huang Xiaolong moved in, he would have a dissent in the foreign government.

"This Huang Xiaolong actually lived in the mixed Yuandong House of the Shengyuan Shengfeng!"

"He is just a humble human race. It is ridiculous to dare to live in the mixed-yuan Dongfu. We jointly sue the deputy head of the house and let the little dragon come out!"

"Yes, let him get out. It is best to let him get out of the house now. His guards have seriously injured the Mai Yutong. He and his guards should be severely punished!"

Many disciples in different provinces screamed and became more and more fierce.

For these clamors, Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to it, and cultivated with peace of mind. However, some people did not want him to practice with peace of mind. A few days later, a large group of disciples came to the outside of the Yuanyuan House to "condemn" him.

"Huang Xiaolong, what is your qualification for a human being to live in the mixed yuan Dongfu, not to roll out!" one shouted.

However, when the disciple just finished speaking, he was thrown out by the darkness of the darkness, and he threw it from the peak of the mixed yuan to another mountain.

Huang Xiaolong slowly came out from the Fuyuan Dongfu.

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