Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2613: Killing you like killing a dog

"What?! This Huang Xiaolong against the source of Chang Yao brother!"

Because of the previous peak in the mixed yuan, Huang Xiaolong shot seriously injured Long Zhenyang of the Ssangyong, the source of the Wanyuan nationality, the golden jin family's gold is not succeeding, so this time, the Fujian-Taiwan test, in addition to Fengjiu, Huang Xiaolong , Yuan Chang Yao, Long Cheng, Jin Xing and others are undoubtedly the most eye-catching.

Now, everyone heard that the first Huang Xiaolong was going to fight against the source, and it was a strong commotion.

Feng Jiu Liu Mei Yi, the source of Wang Feng, Yuan Zhongyuan and others in the first game let Huang Xiaolong against the source of Chang Yao, made it clear that I want to waste Huang Xiaolong in the first game!

"Too awkward!" Fei Tian Longpeng shook his head: "The first game was against the source of Chang Yao, the victory and defeat have been divided, there is no suspense, even I am not the source of Chang Yao opponent, this purple spider family Huang Xiaolong is bound to be undoubtedly !"

"The purple spider family and the silver scorpion family have a good relationship. I didn't expect the source Wang Feng, the source is far away and others still dare to do this." Feng Tian said.

"A silver scorpion is gone, not a Mohe family! Shuanglong, Wanyuan, Jinzen, and the silver Zhang nationality of the Yinxi people can only dare to speak out." Feitian Longpeng Road.

In the strong turmoil of the crowd, the main hall of the mission hall is a long-distance source: "Please prepare the disciples who are fighting against the battlefield to enter the Yongtai area." When it comes to this, the atmosphere locks Huang Xiaolong, and at the same time, there are countless breaths in the void. Also locked in the black roar.

Obviously, if Huang Xiaolong retreats at this time, then he is the deputy lord of this task, and the master of the eight sacred places does not mind personally.

Huang Xiaolong did not realize the breath of the source and the void, and came to the 60th area.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong finally entered the 60th area of ​​Fujian and Taiwan, the source was heavy and the heart was loose, then sneered, and then waved with both hands, which opened the ban on the 60th area of ​​Fujian and Taiwan.

This large-scale ban is set by the masters of the ancestors. Once opened, no one but the master of the ancestors can intervene and interrupt the test in the ring.

This is the Ssangyong, Wanyuan, and Jinzen to prevent the trial, Heroo shot to save Huang Xiaolong.

Yuan Changyao was also in the area of ​​the 60th Fujian and Taiwan, and waited for Huang Xiaolong to wait for Huang Xiaolong to come in. He said indifferently: "It’s still a bit gutsy, no legs are soft! However, you a big man actually let a woman You plead, I feel sad for you."

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

Woman, pleading?

"Okay, don't play, you can't even ask for more women to ask for your love. Today, in this downfall, you are destined to be scrapped by me!" Yuan Chang Yao cold channel.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are awkward: “Just by you? A six-point late peak of the Holy Land, I kill you like a dog.”

what? !

When Huang Xiaolong’s words came out, everyone was stunned.

Lian Fengjiu, Feitian Longpeng and the chairman of the stage on the source of Wang Feng, the source of heavy, silver Zhang Guo and others are stunned.

"This kid, is the brain a problem?" Long Cheng suddenly laughed.

"And the problem is not small." Jin wake up and laugh.

The Ssangyong, Wanyuan, and Jinzen tribes laughed.

"Chang Yao brother, this kind of human race is abolished!" In the distance, the source hated loudly, and Huang Xiaolong kicked him in the holy peak of the Yuanyuan. Now, he and Long Zhenyang, Jin Buji and others It became a joke after the tea leaves of the foreign disciples. For Huang Xiaolong, he is extremely hateful and hateful.

"Yes, I lived this man's dog slave!" Long Zhenyang, Jin Buji and other disciples who were seriously injured by Huang Xiaolong in the Shengyuan Peak were also screaming.

Fei Tian Longpeng looked strangely at Huang Xiaolong: "I really don't know what this guy thinks. It's more crazy than me, and she is crazy."

Feng Jiu and others are also shaking their heads.

Although Huang Xiaolong's talent is high, but it is much higher than Yuan Chang Yao. If Huang Xiaolong is the beginning of the sixfold holy place, perhaps there is hope that he can win the source Chang Yao, but Huang Xiaolong is only the beginning of the holy world!

In the early days of a holy sacred place, a sacred place is the sixth peak of the late stage! The difference is too much!

How could this Huang Xiaolong be the source of Chang Chang Yao? As for Huang Xiaolong, saying that killing the source is like killing a dog, this is a joke.

Yuan Changyao looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly: "I heard the words from the source of the younger brothers, you let me first abolish you, then live, or live and then abolish you!"

"Is it finished?" Huang Xiaolong was indifferent.

Source Chang Yao Yi.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong was in a shape and banged out. Then, everyone saw that Yuan Changyao was punched through the chest by Huang Xiaolong without any warning, and the whole person was on the wall of the ban.


The gas wall is forbidden to vibrate.

Yuan Changyao rolled down the forbidden gas wall.

The source that has just been called 越, Long Zhenyang, Jin continues to have laughter, Long Cheng, Jin Wake and other people’s voices come to an abrupt end. Everyone is staring at the source Chang Yao who has rolled down from the gas wall.

Feng Jiu, Fei Tian Longpeng dumbfounded.

"What?!" On the rostrum, the source Wang Feng, the source of the face changed greatly, Huo Ran stood up.

"How could this be?!" Jinkang and the Jinzen, the Shuanglong high-level voice.

After a while, Fei Tian Longpeng blinked hard: "How can this Huang Xiaolong's combat power be so high!"

"Unless a possibility!" Feng Jiu suddenly said: "His talent is comparable to the source of thousands!" She said that she could not help but tremble.

Comparable to thousands of sources!

The source of thousands of lines, known as the first person of exotic talent, is also the first person in the future!

Now, there are people, talent is comparable to the source of thousands? !

Without paying attention to the vibrations of the people, Huang Xiaolong walked over to Yuan Changyao, where he was there. At this time, Yuan Changyao struggled to stand up. Like Long Zhenyang, he looked at Huang Xiaolong and was shocked and angry. The contempt has disappeared.

"I said, killing you is like killing a dog." Huang Xiaolong was indifferent: "Why do you have to ask a woman to pray for me."

Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded over the square.

Feng Jiuqiu blushes red.

Yuan Chang Yao's face is cloudy and clear: "I was just a moment of my mind. You hurt me when you sneak attack. Otherwise, can you be hurt by a despicable person in the early days of a holy sacred?" When it comes to this, the whole body shines, the Holy Power Heavy lifting, a mysterious force wakes up and activates in its body.

This is the talent of the Wanyuan people, and Yuan Changyao is completely activated.

At the same time, Yuan Changyao's body, a sacred sage flies out, this sacred sac is out, the light pierces the void, shines through the world, and passes through the ancient times and time, and the light even shines out the foreign government.

The next day is enlightened!

Then, the holy soul flew out, and a golden light group appeared.

"High-level sacred life!" The disciples exclaimed.

It is the high-order sacred life that Yuan Changyao combines. Generally speaking, disciples who have the first ten sacred and merged with the high-order sacred will be regarded as the future ancestor strong.

If there is no accident, then the source will have hope to achieve the first ancestor, and it is a great hope.

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