Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2614: too weak

"Chang Yao brothers Weiwei Haotian!"

The disciples of the Wanyuan people exclaimed excitedly.

The more the source is called: "Chang Yao's brother, the Huang Xiaolong dog is abolished! Kill him, and he is as mad as a dog!"

The Ssangyong people and the disciples of the Jinzen tribe also shouted.

In the view of Yuan Yue and others, Yuan Changyao was not careful, and was immediately attacked by Huang Xiaolong. Just as Yuan Changyao said just now, how could Huang Xiaolong’s first sacred scene be hurt?

"Huang Xiaolong, you are so kind, you sneak attack! Like you, you should drive out the foreign house!"

"Yes, drive Huang Xiaolong out of the house!"

Some disciples with ulterior motives are caught in the crowd and shouted.

For a time, Huang Xiaolong was referred to by Wan Fu.

Fei Tian Longpeng looked disgustedly at the source of the Wanyuan, Shuanglong, and Jinzen screaming disciples: "I now find that these Wanyuan, Shuanglong, and Jinzen disciples are so awkward!"

Feng Tianqi smiled and said: "These disciples are arrogant and arrogant, and they are bullying."

Feng Jiu looked at the sacred sacred and high-order sacred life of Yuan Changyao's head. I don't know what I was thinking.

On the rostrum, Yuan Wangfeng looked at Yuan Changyao's sacred sacred and high-ranking sacred life. He also said with a smile: "The child of Chang Yao will inevitably surpass me in the future and achieve the ancestor's realm!"

"Wang Feng adults said very much!" Jin Kang, the deputy director of the logistics hall, said: "Chang Yao is so talented, the whole alien, higher than him, few people, if even Chang Yao Yao can not break through the ancestor, the exotic No one can make the ancestor!"

The source is far away and laughs: "This is the true strength of Chang Yao. The goods of Huang Xiaolong must not be his opponent!"

At this time, within the platform, Yuan Changyao eyes looked at Huang Xiaolong indifferently: "Now, you will welcome my crazy violent endless bombing!"

Speaking of this, the palms open and prop up to the void.

Trapped by the palm of his hand, I saw only in the void, such as the amazing light of the Tianhe River, but the world shook.

"This is the power of the world!"

"It is the power of the heart!"

The crowd exclaimed.

This is the horror of the Wanyuan people. Even if it is not a direct disciple of the Wanyuan people in the sacred world, it can temporarily use the power of the heart to confront the enemy.

As everyone knows, only the ancestors of the inexhaustible heart can use the power of the heart of the source, but the direct disciples of the Wanyuan tribe have broken this rule.

"Give me out!" Yuan Chang Yao said, his palms suddenly pushed out to Huang Xiaolong.

With the launch of Yuan Changyao, the power of the original land was rushing to Huang Xiaolong, flooding the entire space of the ring, and Huang Xiaolong could not hide.

Feeling the terrorist power under the attack of Yuan Changyao, the disciples who watched the war were all shocked.

"Good!" Fei Tian Longpeng's face is dignified: "Under this attack, don't say that the holy place is seven heavy, that is, many of the holy places can't be picked up."

"Huang Xiaolong is afraid that he can't take the source of this source!" Feng Tianqi shook his head: "I don't even have the confidence to pick it up!" He is the peak of the eightfold.

On the rostrum's stage, Yin Zhangguo's face changed, and he couldn't help but rush. He just couldn't intervene to rescue Huang Xiaolong.


That horrible blow, such as the number hit Huang Xiaolong.

In the distance, the source is more and more visible, laughing: "Huang Xiaolong, you have today!"

Source Wang Feng, the source is far away, Jin Kang and others have smiled and splendid.

Feitian Longpeng shook his head: "This Huang Xiaolong is still defeated."

Feng Jiumei’s eyes are doubtful. Have you just made a mistake? Just now she once thought that Huang Xiaolong's talent is comparable to the source.

Long Cheng turned to Feng Jiuxiao and said: "Feng Jiu Shimei, this is the talent you just said is comparable to the source of the Millennium! This is too ridiculous."

Kim Wake also smiled: "The ridiculous thing is that this little Xiaolong just said that killing you like killing a dog! But this is also true, Yuan Changyao brother killed him like a dog!"

The source of the source is rolling, and it continues to blast on Huang Xiaolong.

The light is glaring.

After a while, the light slowly disappeared.

But when the light disappeared, everyone looked at the scene and stayed there. I saw that Huang Xiaolong was still standing there, and there was no half-pointing at the foot. The robes that represented the foreigners were not broken, and the whole body was fine. !

Source Chang Yao face ugly.

Long Cheng, Jin Xing, all disciples are unbelievable.

"The strength of the heavens and the earth is too weak, what is the so-called violent endless bombing that you just said?" Huang Xiaolong looked at Yuan Changyao and said indifferently: "You are too disappointing!"

too weak!

Listening to Huang Xiaolong’s opening, Yuan Changyao’s attack was too weak, and everyone’s face was colorful.

Feng Jiu and Fei Tian Long Peng and others are hard to conceal.

Even the chairman of the board of directors Wang Feng, the source of heavy and other high-level officials are also shocked.

This is simply!

Chen Muguang and Chen Luozong’s masters who are caught in the crowd are also amazed.

"How can this purple spider family patriarchs be so strong!" Chen Luozong, the old man ate.

"The source is thousands of lines, I am afraid it is just like this!" Some strong people could not help but tremble.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong walked slowly toward Yuan Changyao. Yuan Changyao was frightened and madly attacked Huang Xiaolong, attacking wildly, but it was useless. No matter how Yuan Changyao attacked, he could not stop Huang Xiaolong. Those attacks hit Huang Xiaolong. Just like a breeze.

Huang Xiaolong was in that way, went to the source Chang Yao, then pinched his throat and lifted it up.

"Huang Xiaolong, what do you want to do!" On the rostrum, Yuan Wangfeng could not help but scream: "Not ready to stop!"

The source of the source suddenly banned the opening of the ring, and the body shape flashed, coming to the ring. However, before he came to the ring, he was flying by the black Luo, and directly pulled out the different king city.

"What!" Everyone's face changed.

The source is far from the main hall of the mission hall. No one expected that Huang Xiaolong’s **** would dare to shoot a serious source of serious damage!

"Bold! Let's go!" The source Wang Feng stood up, his face was gloomy: "Huang Xiaolong, here is a foreign house, you commit the following, sin is very evil, **** it! Kill!"

"Foreign guard, give me a kill!"

Suddenly, in the void, flying dozens of figures.

Seeing these figures, everyone was shocked and changed.

"Foreign guardian!"

The guardian of the foreign house, no one knows how many people are, but each one is the existence of the late nine peaks of the Holy Land! There are rumors that these foreign guardians can use the ancestors of the foreign government to even suppress the existence of the ancestral ancestors!

As soon as these guardians of foreign affairs appeared, they were surrounded by black slings. Then, countless rays of light rose from the corners of the foreign capital, forming a mysterious map in the empty space of the foreign capital, covering the black. Luo has all the space around.

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