Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2626: Campaign for the main government

Long Shengtian did not feel the killing of thousands of lines behind him. He looked at Huang Xiaolong and smiled and said: "Huang Xiaolong, congratulations on your full understanding of all the sources of Daomen, becoming the first disciple to enlighten 10,000 Taoist sources. !"

I don't know if Longshengtian is deliberate or unintentional. Anyway, it is not a taste to listen to it. Is Huang Xiaolong the first one? Doesn't that mean that he was enlightened by the 9320 words? Is he a nonsense? !

"Xie deputy head." Huang Xiaolong was grateful to Longshengtian.

Huang Chonglong should be grateful to him for helping him with two shots.

Longsheng Tianwen said with a smile: "Because you fully understand the tens of thousands of Taoist sources and get the power of the Taoist road, you don't need to pass the approval of the ten royal families. Now you are directly promoted to the candidate of the government. You It is our fifth housekeeper in the foreign government!"

Listening to Longshengtian publicly announced that Huang Xiaolong was directly promoted to the candidates of the house, and the disciples of the Zijiao people cheered, and many ethnic disciples were also cheering.

Silver Zhang Guo, Feng Jiu, Fei Tian Longpeng, Jiang Shaohuang and others also showed a smile.

A happy one.

When everyone was happy, Yuan Qianxing came over to Huang Xiaolong.

Longshengtian met, and the breath instantly locked the source of thousands of lines: "Yuan Qianxing, what do you want to do?"

Yuan Qianxing saw Long Shengtian nervous, smiled and taunted: "The deputy head, what are you so nervous? Huang Xiaolong and his brothers have learned all the sources of Daomen, and they have been promoted to the candidates. I came to congratulate them. No?"

Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "You don't have to say it, you can rely on me now, and you will feel sick when you smell it."

Everyone stays.

Long Shengtian is laughing! "I have long wanted to say this, the source is thousands of lines, you will not know that there is a smell on your body, it is stinking!"

Yuan Qianxing’s eyes were cold and violent. He shook his fists and smiled coldly: “Huang Xiaolong, you don’t think that you are now promoted to the head of the house, you just have to sit back and relax. Now it’s just started.” For Longsheng Tiandao: "Longshengtian, I will apply to the Yuange Pavilion tomorrow, and run for the Shaofu Master!"

"What?! Campaign for the lesser owners!" Suddenly, all the disciples of the various ethnic groups on the scene screamed loudly.

The source of Wang Feng, Zen without me, the demon charm and others, but the eyes are bright.

"Running for the poor government?" Long Shengtian stared at the source of thousands of lines, and his heart sank.

"Yes, according to the foreign government regulations, when the main candidates of the government office reach five people, any one can apply to the Yuange Pavilion to run for the minority." Yuan Qianxing sneered: "Long Shengtian, this rule You won't forget it."

Long Shengtian did not open his mouth, his face was not very good-looking. Yuan Qianxing applied to the Yuange Pavilion. The Yuan Laoge would definitely agree, and he must agree, because the Yuan Laoge is now under the control of the royal family, and Yuan Qianxing’s application is in line with the foreign government regulations. Long Shengtian and the alien government can not object.

Once the Yuan Laoge agrees, the other four heads of the candidates will accept the challenge of the source of the thousand lines. If Huang Xiaolong accepts the challenge, Yuan Qianxing will justifiably kill Huang Xiaolong in the ring!

Of course, the other four government candidates can also choose to give up, but if Huang Xiaolong gives up, Yuanyuan will become a foreign housekeeper!

After the source of thousands of lines became the head of the foreign government, the qualifications of the other four heads of the candidates will be canceled and retired as the core disciples of the foreign capital, and the source of thousands of people will be the same as the foreign government. Reason to kill a small disciple of Huang Xiaolong.

Just like before, the source of thousands of lines and four ethnic groups joined forces, blatantly went to the mixed Yuan Shengfeng to kill Huang Xiaolong, and so on. The source of thousands of lines became the main house of the small government, killing a small disciple of Huang Xiaolong, is not the same as picking vegetables?

Even when the source of thousands of lines became the owner of the Shaofu, he did not need him to shoot. Wanyuan, the demon Meizu, and the Jinzen tribe ancestors personally killed Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong had killed so many masters of the three tribes before, and he showed amazing talents. Even the Taoyuan all the Taoyuan can fully understand, how can the three ancestors let Huang Xiaolong continue to live?

Therefore, regardless of whether Huang Xiaolong is accepting the challenge of the source of the thousand or abandoning the election of the lesser, Huang Xiaolong’s situation will be very dangerous!

Silver Zhang Guo, Feng Jiu, Fei Tian Longpeng and others also instantly understood the intention of the source thousand lines, all of which changed their faces.

The purple spider family, the smile of the strong people of the human race also disappeared instantly, all looking at Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Xiaolong, you just didn't smile very happy?" Yuan Qianxing said with a smile: "Soon, the Yuange Pavilion will let people inform you of the election of the lesser owners. Are you accepting or rejecting?"

Yuan Wangfeng smiled and said: "Yuan Qianxing's Highness is sweeping invincible. Even the ancestor's triple corpse is not your opponent. Who dares to accept your challenge? Isn't that purely broken to find death?"

That means that even the black Luo around Huang Xiaolong is not a source of thousands of opponents, Huang Xiaolong dare to challenge.

Huang Xiaolong is calm: "Yuan Qianxing, you are more disgusting than the smell on your body."

what? !

Everyone stays.

Yuan Qianxing’s eyes are killing Ling Xiao: “Huang Xiaolong, you are now screaming for a moment, just waiting for me to be a small lord, it’s your tragic death! At that time, you know what is hell!”

"let's go!"

After the source of thousands of lines, he led the Wanyuan people to leave.

Zen has no me, the enchantress has seen it, and each has left with the Jinzen, the demon Meizu master.

"Xiao Long, if Yuan Qianxing goes to the Yuange Pavilion tomorrow to apply for the election of the lesser, then you!" Silver Zhang Guo looked worried at Huang Xiaolong.

"Nothing." Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled: "He can't be a master."

Now, he is the ultimate peak of the second phase of the Holy Land. Because he is pressing the power of the body, he has not attracted the triple robbing. Once he breaks through the triple of the Holy Land, he and the source of the battle should be able to When I was completely afraid of the source.

Long Shengtian, Yin Zhangguo listened to Huang Xiaolong, saying that Yuan Qianxing could not become a small house owner, and did not put it in his heart. He thought that Huang Xiaolong said it was a word of comfort. Long Shengtian’s eyes worried: “If the time is less, the thousand lines become less The owner, you will leave the foreign house, anyway, the foreigner is big, the source can not find you!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said nothing. When he came to a foreign house, he wanted to become a foreign housekeeper. Naturally, he would not leave. He would not leave the tortoise in such a situation. Moreover, he did not get the road. If it is, it is even more impossible to leave.

The people left.

Huang Xiaolong returned to the peak of the mixed yuan.

"It seems that you have to find a place to break through the holy three." Huang Xiaolong thought.

Even if the source of thousands of lines to the Yuange Pavilion to apply for the election of the main government, after the approval of the Yuangeo, it is necessary to return to the main house of the government, and the foreign government owner went to the boundary river, and waited for the return of the government. It’s ten years later, so he still has enough time to break through to the Holy Land triple.

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