Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2627: Escape?

Nothing happened overnight.

Tonight, the foreign government seems to be quieter than usual.

Some people are happy that someone is jealous.

Huang Xiaolong continued to swallow Shengdan cultivation as usual.

In these years, Huang Xiaolong's inheritance and treasures, Shengdan a lot, is enough for him to spend some days.

The next day, the sun was a little gray. At noon, the Yuange Pavilion sent people to inform Huang Xiaolong about the source of the Qianyuan Bank’s application for election to the government.

"I wonder if His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong is accepting the challenge of His Royal Highness or rejecting it?" Chen Mingfei, the elder of Yuan Laoge, smiled and looked at Huang Xiaolong.

On the surface, this Chen Mingfei is still very polite to Huang Xiaolong.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong can read the gloating glory in his heart from his smiling eyes.

Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "No hurry, the day of the challenge to the downfall has not yet been settled. According to the rules of the foreign government, I will reply before the day of the challenge."

That is to say, if the day of the challenge of the campaign of the small government is scheduled to be ten years later, then Huang Xiaolong will give a reply before the challenge of the Taiwanese Challenge 10 years later.

Chen Mingfei, the elder of the Yuan Laoge, once stunned, and then smiled: "His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, the day of the challenge of the election of the Shaofu master should be set very quickly. It is decided sooner or later, or you will reply to our Yuange Pavilion now."

However, he just said this, Huang Xiaolong took a palm and flew it.

Chen Mingfei fell and flew out. When he fell to the ground, his face was swollen like a peach. He couldn't believe to look at Huang Xiaolong, and he was shocked and angry: "You!"

"What do you want to waste! When do I decide, would you like to help me?" Huang Xiaolong said coldly: "I will let you roll now, if you don't roll, I will abolish you now!"

This Chen Mingfei is on the side of the source, and Huang Xiaolong will naturally not be with him.

Feeling the chill of Huang Xiaolong, Chen Mingfei, who originally wanted to color the guilty guilty, couldn’t help but change his face. He even climbed and fled out of the Yuanyuan Dongfu. Before, Huang Xiaolong was even far away, and the vice-presidents like Jinkang killed. However, he really did not dare to try if Huang Xiaolong really dared to abolish him.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Chen Mingfei, who had fled and fled without a shadow, sneered, regained his eyes and continued to practice.


Different kings, luxury palaces.

"Huang Xiaolong should be notified by the Yuangeo at this time." On the main hall, Yuan Qianxing sneered: "I just don't know how he chooses."

Source Wang Feng smiled and said: "How to choose, it must be rejected. He should not be stupid enough to accept the challenge unless he is impatient."

At this time, I saw a Wanyuan disciple walk in, and then reported to Huang Yuanlong and others about Huang Xiaolong’s move.

“No reply?” Yuan Wang Feng said with a smile: “It seems that he does not even dare to reply, he still wants to drag some days.”

Yuan Qianxing said: "He can't escape for a long time." Speaking of this, the source Wang Feng and the Zhongyuan Wanyuan people master: "Let's pay attention, don't let Huang Xiaolong escape."

"The source of the thousand lines is relieved!"

Huang Xiaolong did not even dare to reply to the matter of the Yuan Laoge. Under the intentional propaganda of the Wanyuan people, it was naturally spread to the entire foreign government.

Chen Muguang heard the news and mocked and laughed: "This Huang Xiaolong is just a rat, just throwing the face of our human race. He thought that he would not reply. Is there any way for him to take him in the Yuangeu Pavilion?"

The old man of Chen Luozong couldn’t help but say: "This matter is of great importance. It is normal for Huang Xiaolong not to respond recklessly. I think Huang Xiaolong is by no means an escape."

When Chen Muguang heard it, he said: "Well, you don't always say good things for the little yellow dragon. Huang Xiaolong is a good human race, but he is also a small patriarch of the purple spider family, so he will gain momentum in the future, and he will not A glance at our Terran will not help us in the alien race!"

"Huang Xiaolong, a person like this, I have seen a lot. The typical white-eyed wolf, if he is gaining power in the future, he may even kill our human race masters!"

Chen Muguang scolded.

Chen Luozong several masters frowned.

"You arrange for me, I am going to ask for the source of the Millennium." Chen Muguang continued.

Chen Luozong's several masters changed their faces.

"Less lord, this is not good!" Chen Luozong, the old man hurriedly said: "Now Yuanyuan and Huang Xiaolong are confrontational. We are Chen Luzong as a human race. If you go to see the source, this will be met by various ethnic groups. Non-consideration!"

"Yeah, the young masters, the source of thousands of lines is alien, the aliens have always regarded our human race as slaves, if we are!" Several other people also rushed to speak.

Chen Muguang replied: "What do you know! This election campaign is the main reason for the small government. The source of the thousandth line will be successful. Huang Xiaolong will be killed sooner or later. We have now invested in the Millennium, and it is the best time to express our loyalty to His Royal Highness. , and the descendants of the source of the thousand lines are the heads of the foreign government, and we are Chen Luozong, who is the hero of the Yuan Qianxing!"

"At that time, the imperial descendants of the Millennium will support us. We Chen Luozong will inevitably rise in the foreign world, and I am afraid of the alien kings of the Seven Souls!"

Chen Muguang said that he is beautiful.

"Small lords, this is too important. We must report to the lord and let the lord decide." Several people advised.

"My father has always been indecisive, and Chen Luozong has not grown up for so many years. I don't have to report it to him. I will decide on my own!" Chen Muguang decidedly.

"Okay, don't say it, this is the case!"

Not to mention that Chen Muguang was preparing to go to see the source of thousands of lines. On the night, Huang Xiaolong left the Shengyuan Shengfeng and began to search for hidden places to make a breakthrough in the Holy Land.

Of course, before leaving, Huang Xiaolong and Long Shengtian said a bit, which meant to let them try to delay the competition time for the election of the Shaofu master.

"What? Huang Xiaolong is missing?!" It was not long before Huang Xiaolong left the peak of the Yuanyuan. The source thousand lines got the news.

"Blocking the foreign house! Can't let Huang Xiaolong escape!" Yuan Qianxing angered.

"What? Huang Xiaolong escaped?! Not really afraid of death, then escape?"

"This is impossible! How can Huang Xiaolong escape?"

"Thousands of true! Many disciples went to visit the Yuanyuan Dongfu to visit him. The mixed Yuandong House has already been closed. People go to the building, and Huang Xiaolong does not know where to hide. I heard that Yuan Qianxing is afraid that Huang Xiaolong will escape from the foreign government and has ordered the blockade. The whole foreign house! I also admire the Huang Xiaolong before, now I think it is ridiculous, this coward is worthy of my admiration?"

"In fact, it is not difficult to blame Huang Xiaolong, knowing that it is not a source of thousands of lines. It is a fool to sit still. If I am, I will also escape! Otherwise, if the source is a small government, I can’t escape!"

For a time, there were four arguments, but most of them were not ashamed of Huang Xiaolong and ridiculed and rejected by Huang Xiaolong.

Some even squatted to let the high-level officials directly withdraw the qualifications of the main candidates of the Huang Xiaolong government.

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