Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3290: White rice with pickles is good

"Yeah, uncle." Lin Kai also said: "Lin Xiao Tian Ping people five people and six, and many of the Lin family's elders friendship is good, if he does not agree, we also take that Zou Xueqing, Lin Frost no way."

Although Huang Xiaolong healed the two and helped the two to improve their strength, the ability was amazing, but the two did not think too much.

Huang Xiaolong smiled at the two people: "Reassure, I am now an elder of the Huang family, and even the Lin family will give me a three-point face. Lin Xiaotian still dare not hand over Zou Xueqing's mother and daughter."

Huang Wen and Lin Kai were shocked.

"Big brother, you, now is the elder of the Huang family?!" Huang Wen surprised: "Are you breaking through the Yuan Ying period?"

Yuan Ying period?

Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled: "Well, I broke through the Yuan Ying period very early."

As for when it was very early, Huang Xiaolong said it was vague.

Huang Wen listened to Huang Xiaolong who had already broken through the Yuan Ying period. She was very happy: "Really, that's great, big brother, I know that with your talent, you can definitely break through the Yuan Ying period!"

She did not pay attention to Huang Xiaolong's special emphasis very early.

Lin Kai is also very happy: "Da Bo, we Lin Jiatai elders can receive a thousand pieces of Lingshi in a month, then you can also receive a thousand pieces of Lingshi in a month?"

Huang Wen took a look at his son: "You know the money!" Then I looked embarrassed to Huang Xiaolong: "Big brother, Kaier, his child's biggest dream is to earn a thousand pieces of Lingshi in a month!"

Lin Kai said with a serious look: "If I can earn a thousand pieces of Lingshi in a month, then my mother and I will have the spirits and meats every day. Like now, it is often white rice with pickles."

Huang Xiaolong listened to his sister Huang Wen. They were often white rice with pickles, and their faces sank: "Lin Xiaotian, he treated you like this?"

Lin Xiaotian is an old parent of Lin. He receives Lin Jiayue’s monthly don’t say anything, and there is a family business profit share. The income is absolutely not low. He even wants his sister to eat white rice and pickles!

Lin Kaidao: "White rice with pickles is good. Sometimes, only white rice with soy sauce, I wanted to go out to work and make money, but Lin Xiaotian has been blocking, not letting me go out to work, even saying that if I find out that I work to make money, I will fight. Break my leg!"

The colder face of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Wen found Huang Xiaolong's face and stopped Lin Kai. He said: "Big brother, in fact, there is nothing. Although our days are poor, they are still comfortable."

Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief. Huang Wen was oppressed by Zou Xueqing's mother and daughter and Lin Xiaotian's other nephews. How could the days be comfortable? He knew that his sister was comforting himself.

"Second sister, you can rest assured, in the future, you don't have to eat white rice with pickles and soy sauce!" Huang Xiaolong was a bit sour, then took out two space tips and gave them to Huang Wen and Lin Kai.

"This is?" Huang Wen looked confused.

Huang Xiaolong said: "In each space kit, there are 500,000 down-the-stone stones. You should use it first. If you need to buy anything, you can buy it. If it is not enough, tell me."

"Five, 500,000, the next product Lingshi!" Huang Wen, Lin Kai two people shocked, Huang Wen hands shaking, not to mention 500,000 down the spirit stone, it is 500,000 gold coins are huge for her Wealth, Huang Wen married to Lin family, when the most money, there is no more than 10,000 gold coins.

Lin Kai is also scared, 500,000 down the stone! If he can earn a thousand pieces of Lingshiling in the next month, it will only be 12,000 pieces a year. It takes more than 40 years to eat and drink, and it will save 500,000 yuan.

"Big brother, this, you, how come you have so much money?!" Huang Wen eats.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "I hunted some beasts a few days ago and went to the bank to exchange a batch of Jin Dan." Then joked: "So you can rest assured that this money is not robbing the bank."

"No, Big Brother, I don't mean this." Huang Wen was embarrassed, and then said: "This is too much money, we can't accept you!" After that, I have to give back to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "For Big Brother, this is just a small amount of money. I exchanged more than 20 million yuan of Lingshi in the past few days, so you don't have to be polite with the big brother, accept it!"

More than 20 million, the next product Lingshi!

Huang Wen and Lin Kai both circled.

The two couldn't imagine how much money was spent on more than 20 million inferior spirits.

In the end, the two received a space kit.

However, the two of them are carrying 500,000 pieces of Lingshi, and their hearts are always weird. It seems that the whole body is so heavy.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong returned to the Lin Family House with two people. However, after entering the Lin Family Office, they saw that the big land in the central office of the Lin Family was empty, and all the buildings seemed to have been wiped out by any force. Huang Wen and Lin Kai are both astonished and dumbfounded.

"Yellow predecessors, you are back!" Lin Guodong, who had been waiting for it, saw Huang Xiaolong come back, and he also took a man and a woman, as if he had caught a straw, he greeted Huang Xiaolong.

Lin Qihao’s several elders of Lin’s family also greeted them quickly. They looked respectful and fearful. They called the predecessors of Huang. Now, they are not allowed to call Huang Xiaolong too elders.

Moreover, after Huang Xiaolong left, Lin Guodong and Lin Qihao thought of more things. It was faintly guessed that the change of the Huang family is definitely the reason for Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong is the real master of the Huang family!

Huang Wen, Lin Kai recognized Lin Guodong, the owner of the Lin family, see Lin Guodong, the owner of the Lin family, and the Lin family, the elders of the elders actually called Huang Xiaolong as the predecessor of the Yellow, and looked flatter and fearful, and could not help but open his mouth.

Huang Xiaolong snorted.

At this time, Wang Meilan and Huang Jiyuan, Huang Chenfei, and Huang Datou also came over.

"You are Wener?!" Wang Meilan called with tears.

Huang Wen looked shocked and excited: "You, Mom?!"

Because of the road, Huang Xiaolong has already told her that Wang Meilan and Huang Jiyuan have become younger, so Huang Wen was not too surprised and surprised.

Suddenly, Wang Meilan and Huang Wen cried together.

"My hard-working daughter!" Wang Meilan cried.

Huang Jiyuan, Huang Chenfei, and Huang Datou also held together.

Huang Xiaolong looked and saw the distance. Lin Xiaotian was stunned and there, and the blood of the Seven Miles was still not cleaned. Next to him, there were a lot of women and young men and women. It looked like Lin Xiaotian’s wives and children.

Zou Xueqing and Lin Shuangzheng were beside Lin Xiaotian, and the whole body trembled. Both eyes were full of fear.

"Who is Zou Xueqing and Lin Shuang?" Huang Xiaolong was indifferent.

Zou Xueqing, Lin Shuang mother and daughter are more shaking.

"Predecessors, they are!" Lin Guodong quickly pointed to Zou Xueqing and Lin Shuang next to Lin Xiaotian.

Zou Xueqing, Lin Shuang, and Lin Xiaotian's other shackles, the children are all called by Lin Guodong.

"Is the truth of the matter clear?" Huang Xiaolong looked at Lin Guodong, Lin Guodong was sweaty and panicked: "Check it out, all check it out!"

"That's good." Huang Xiaolong no expression, to Zou Xueqing, Lin Frost came.

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