Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3291: Jinlong Building

Zou Xueqing, Lin Shuang and her mother saw Huang Xiaolong coming, scared to swear, and did not know what to say. Before that, Lin Shuang said that I would apologize to Huang Wen’s wife!

What Huang Jia is too elder, what is great!

Now, she is smashing her head and breaking her head.

Lin Xiaotian suddenly yelled to Huang Wen: "Wen Wen, I am wrong, please look at the husband and wife for many years, save me, I do not want to die!" Frightened.

Huang Wen hesitated.

Lin Kai sneered: "Couple? You forgot that you had already taken a break in my mother half a day ago, driving me and my mother out of the Lin family?"

Lin Xiaotian's face was pale.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and pointed a finger, then he saw three rays of light did not enter Lin Xiaotian, Zou Xueqing, Lin Shuang three people, three people screamed and rolled.

Under the pain of Zou Xueqing, she even madly grabbed her face. The blood was scarred and she didn't know. Lin Guodong and Lin Qihao saw that the whole body was cold.

But in the end, Huang Xiaolong did not kill the three, but gave it to his sister Huang Wen, who was disposed of.

Huang Wen is soft in the end, and she doesn’t have Lin Xiaotian’s, but she is Lin Kai, her eyes are **** and kicking the “brothers” who often encircle him these years. These are the sons of Lin Xiaotian’s sons, who often bully and beat Lin. Kay.

Although Huang Wen did not have Lin Xiaotian, Lin’s family, Lin Guodong, announced in public that he had removed Lin Xiaotian’s eldership and expelled Lin Xiaotian and his children from the Lin family.

When Huang Wen and Huang Xiaolong were going to take the spaceship back to Donglin Huangjia, Lin Xiaotian cried and asked Huang Wen not to leave.

When the spacecraft broke away, Lin Xiaotian slammed on the ground and looked desperate.

He was driven out of the Lin family, then, the Huaxia Alliance is big, and there is no place for him. The major families in China know that he was driven out by the Lin family. No one would dare to recruit him.

On the spaceship, Huang Wen and Lin Kai were stunned to see the full-boxed spirits, full of boxes of elixir.

"We have come to visit you this time. These spiritual medicines have been brought to you. I didn't expect these things to happen." Wang Meilan lamented.

"Mom, these spiritual medicines are all bought by you?" Huang Wen asked.

Wang Meilan, Huang Jiyuan, Huang Chenfei, several people looked at each other and smiled.

"Of course not." Wang Meilan said with a smile: "It is planted in your big brother's Blue Dragon Manor."

Huang Wen was shocked: "Big Brother's Manor? Big Brother Manor has planted so many Lingguo Essences?!"

Huang Jiyuan smiled and said: "This is nothing. We just picked one ten thousand. When you go to Huazhou City, you will know when you see your big brother."

One in ten thousand!

Huang Wen and Lin Kai are both dead.

"Oh, these spirits, we, can we eat?" After a while, Lin Kai looked at the box full of crystal clear and delicious fruit, swallowing the mouth.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Of course, if these are not enough, wait until the Blue Dragon Manor, how much you want to eat."

Everyone smiled.

Immediately, everyone started to eat.

After a while, Lin Kai felt like he had been up in October, and he couldn't hold it anymore. This stopped.

Just as the spacecraft flew to the loop and approached the Tianlong Building, in the Tianlong Building, the owner of the family, accompanied by two elders from the family, inspected the situation inside the Tianlong Building.

"A few days is the summit meeting of the eight major coalition governments. The security of the Tianlong Building cannot be ignored. I have checked it out inside and out. No corner can be let go. Any suspicious person near the Tianlong Building, I have to ask clearly!" The master of the family said that he was serious.

Three days later, the summit of the leaders of the eight major coalition governments was held at the highest level in the Tianlong Building.

The elders of the family, Yu Shiming, and the two men respectfully should be.

"In fact, the owner does not have to come over and check it out. There is a big dragon in the sky. Don't talk about people, even flies can't fly in."

Yuxiong also said: "Yes, the owner can rest assured that no one has been able to come in for more than a decade in the construction of the Tianlong Building."

Yan Zhi nodded: "However, it is more cautious, and the recent Turkic activities in the north are frequent."

Turkic is a terrorist organization hidden in the dark in the China Alliance. Its nest is in the north, but no one has found its nest.

When the three people were coming to the top floor of the Tianlong Building, a spaceship stopped at a height of 100 meters from the Tianlong Building.

"Xiaolong, still forget it, Chen Fei said, the ancestors of the family have said that who dares to arrogate the Tianlong Building and kill innocent people, we still do not enter the Tianlong Building." Looking at the Tianlong Building in front, Wang Meilan hesitated .

"Yeah, Daxie, there was a master who did not take the words of his ancestors, and he was good at the Tianlong Building. Now the master of the squatting period is still imprisoned in the Tianxia Prison of the Huaxia Alliance Government!" Anxiously said: "Tiancheng Prison is the first prison of our China Alliance. I heard that if I go in, it will be difficult to come out again, unless I can get a forgiveness from my ancestors!"

The ancestors of the family were the first masters of the Chinese Alliance. He personally sent them to the prisoners in Tiancheng Prison. If he did not open his forgiveness, it was the leaders of China who did not dare to release the other party.

He didn't expect Huang Xiaolong to want to be good at the Tianlong Building, but he was going to bring them in with him, so he really scared him.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, just smiled and said: "Do not worry, my family ancestors have not yet done this ability to let me enter the Tiancheng prison." After that, the space fluctuated, everyone's eyes were changing, and they all entered the Tianlong Building. .

Lin Kai looked at the high-tech materials and luxurious decoration in the Tianlong Building. He couldn’t help but open his mouth: "We, come in?"

Doesn't it mean that the Tianlong Building is said to have the strongest defense in China, and no one can afford to enter the building?

"Da, the Tianlong big battle is not open?" Lin Kai asked Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong laughed: "I didn't open it." Then Wang Meilan said: "Mom, this is the top floor of the Tianlong Building. Let's walk around."

Wang Meilan was awakened.

So, everyone began to wander around the top of the Tianlong Building, walk around and watch.

The top of the Tianlong Building is very large, like a large shopping mall. The area is only five or six thousand square meters. All the buildings, sculptures and objects are from the hands of the masters of the earth, some objects, and even the value. Millions of the lower spirits, but these objects are placed here by the family, showing the handwriting of the family.

Just as everyone walked around, when watching, suddenly, the top-level elevator door slammed, and opened up, and walked out of the three people. It was the master of the family, Zhi Shiming, and Yu Xiong.

When the three people walked out of the elevator and saw Huang Xiaolong, Wang Meilan and Huang Jiyuan, who were watching at the top, they were dumbfounded.

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