Chapter 1087 Strategy

"Ready to fight!"

"Ready to fight!"

"Ready to fight!"

At the same time, the location of the four gates of Shenghai Town came from a roar.

The beast is already ahead and the battle begins!

The comparison made the people of Shenghai Town relieved that the West Gate and the South Gate had the fewest beasts.

Shenghai Town has a large battlefield. Under the big battle, the fierce beasts with weak strength can't break the city gate and can't enter the town.

"Remote attack, kill!"

In the position of the north gate, Wang Xian looked at the beast at the kilometer and shouted loudly.


The sound of the horror of the sky shook, and all the people standing on the wall of the holy sea town were flushed, and everyone raised their staff.

The rich energy is concentrated towards the wall.

Red flame, blue water sword, blue wind blade...

A long-range attack was carried over to the thorn wood of the kilometer.


Although the strength of a group of people in Shenghai Town is relatively weak, there are more people who defend the city.

Among the 1.78 million people, there are four hundred and fifty thousand who have reached the extraordinary realm.

Among them, more than one order, there are nearly 100,000.

It is distributed in the North Gate and there are tens of thousands of people.

The attack by tens of thousands of people, in the face of the thorn wood, also caused great damage.

The thorn wood demon belongs to the first wave of beasts who came to die, and the strength is mostly in the second and third order.

"Continue, don't stop!"

Wang Xian stood in the void and shouted loudly.

A round of attacks went on, killing at least 10,000 thorns.

However, these thorn woods are completely defying the attack on the holy sea town.

The attack on the wall continued, and in just twenty seconds, it was convenient to pour the body of seven or eight thousand thorns.

But at this time, the thorn wood magic has also rushed over.

The thorn wood demon has two black legs, and the upper body is grotesque, like a tree magic.

The rear of the thorn wood, the strength is higher than the beginning of the death, generally third-order or so.

"Auxiliary attack and supernatural power are placed on the front of the warrior, give me a rush!"

When the thorn wood demon came to the front of the city wall five hundred meters, Wang Xian loudly ordered.


A group of warriors who are good at assisting under the wall immediately released a pair of auxiliary energy to his front.


The five or six thousand people who rushed did not hesitate. They held their arms and rushed toward the front of the thorn wood.

Each of them has water flow and soil gain, which makes their fighting power far more than usual.


At this time, the eleven gold swordfish did not hesitate to go straight to the central position.

Rushing, rushing the formation of the beast!

The eleven golden swords descended from the sky, and directly opened up a vacant lot in the beasts of the beasts.

At the same time, at least five or six thousand thorn wood demons were directly killed.


A group of people in the holy sea town also collided with the thorn wood magic, and a knife slashed mans toward the front.

With a wave of thorns and a wave of thorns, a pair of thorns directly attacked the strong people in the holy sea town.

The fierce battle begins!

Wang Xian stood in the sky and watched the battle quietly. Now it is only the first wave of fierce beasts. He did not start, but watched the entire battlefield.

The battle was going on, and everyone in the holy sea town below relied on the support of a group of people behind them, and with their own powerful strength, quickly killed a thorny wood magic.

The thorn wood magic pieces fall into pieces.

"If there is a sound, with her special sound wave assistance, I am afraid that this group of beasts will not attack!"

Wang Xian stood in the sky, thinking of the powerful sound wave assisted by the Tang Yin and the Dolphins.

That kind of assistance comes from the mind, not only can increase the strength of one's own strength, but also reduce the enemy's attack.

Under the wall, this group of assistants without professional cultivation is weaker.


Wang Xian looked down and his arm moved.

In that position, a middle-aged man confronted more than a dozen thorns in front of him.

A thorn fell on him, causing his body to be awkward, and the rear armor that blessed him was directly defeated.

His face changed slightly, but at this moment, a thorn suddenly popped out from behind and attacked toward his chest.

His face changed dramatically and his face looked desperate: "It's over!"


However, at this moment, a wooden shield floated directly in front of him, completely blocking his body.

He gave a slight glimpse, his face showing hope for the rest of his life. He sensed the source of energy, looked up and looked grateful.

"Thank you for the command of the king to help the adults!"

He screamed and his face filled with fighting spirit continued to fight.

fighting! fighting!

Wang Xian stood in the sky, and the lightning strikes in his hand from time to time point a little downward, releasing a wooden shield.

"Thank you for your help!"

"Haha, thank you adults, fight!"

War, especially this kind of war against 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of beasts, will accidentally die, which is a very normal situation.

However, Wang Xian’s horror insight in the sky with light and fire dragons can detect people who are in danger in time.

Wang Xian is currently holding a hole in the level of lightning, and if he wants to release the wooden shield to help them resist it, it can be done in just a moment.

Therefore, every one who has a life threat is easily rescued by Wang Xian.

"Wang commanded the arrogant, standing in the sky and actually controlling the entire battlefield, able to accurately save a person who is about to be threatened by life!"

"It's too strong, this tactical terror control, the king's command is simply too great, and none of our people died!"

"Worship, really don't be too arrogant, there is a king commanding, it is our great luck, what kind of fierce beasts can be resisted!"

"Wang Daren is also very powerful in all his hands, and he has killed two or three thousand beasts!"

On the wall, a group of people in the holy sea town saw this scene, and his face was excited.

They feel that as long as there is Wang Xian, Shenghai Town, they will be able to hold.

Jin Ganyuan stood on the wall and looked at Wang Xian with a shocked look.

Standing in the void, with a hand, can save a person who is almost dead, this ability to control, there is a feeling of control of the world.

He can't do this completely.

Even, perhaps only the strongest level of the hole can do it!

However, at this moment, the battle continues in the East Gate, West Gate, and South Gate locations.

However, there was a bit of tragic there. Even if the East Gate had a riding team, they faced the most violent attack.

The losses were heavy, and only the first wave of attacks lost at least a few hundred people.

Although there are not many hundreds of people, this is the beginning, the weakest start!

There is another chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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