Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1088: One person guarding a city

Chapter 1088 One person guarding a city

"The thorn wood demon was destroyed, and everyone immediately returned to the wall to rest, immediately taking the medicinal herbs, and all the aids that relieve fatigue were released on the soldiers!"

"The vicious animal group behind is approaching, everyone is ready, don't let anything relax!"

"The more you go, the higher the strength of the beast will be, the faster the attack will be. I want to save you again, it will be a lot harder. Anyone can't relax their vigilance, otherwise waiting for you is death!"

Wang Xian stood in the sky and watched the thorn wood demons are about to be all killed and said to everyone.


A group of people fighting in front, his face showed an uplifting look.

Seeing the power of Wang Xian, they responded with a respectful face, and immediately came under the wall to start replying.

A group of assistants release water energy, light power, and wood energy to relieve their fatigue and help them recover.

In addition, there is the aid of medicinal herbs. Only a group of people who have been fighting for ten minutes will soon be able to recover.

However, Wang Xian is not optimistic, and the thorn wood is just the beginning.

Looking at the distance, Wang Xian narrowed his eyes.

In the distance, a group of blood-red figures appeared, blood red body, some body rot, can see the bright red blood flowing outside.

Wang Xian’s face was amazed.

"The Blood Shadow Cruiser!"

His pupils shrank slightly.

The blood shadow rambler, Wang Xian still knows after understanding the **** monsters.

The blood shadow rambler is equivalent to a weaker **** savage beast. These blood ramblers can absorb the blood and greatly enhance their strength.

In other words, they fight in a pool of blood, which can greatly enhance their resilience, and it is incomparable.

However, this kind of blood rambler is very rare, but did not expect that there are actually 70,000 and 80,000 only appear in the battlefield.

"There are **** monsters in the rear to control them, one, two, three... five, all of which are extraordinary nine!"

Wang Xian looked at the past and muttered in his mouth: "In addition to the five superb nine-order **** monsters, there should be more than a dozen super-eight-order blood ramblers!"

The extraordinary seven-order has reached twenty or thirty, and the sixth-order has reached several hundred.

The strength is too horrible!

"If there is no me, with the strength of Shenghai Town, I can't keep it. However, the position of the North Gate is not the main battlefield. The most violent attack is the East Gate. What are the horrible beasts and monsters in the East Gate? ?"

Wang Xian’s heart was secret, but he shook his head. His main purpose was to hunt the beasts. If all the bodies of the blood ramblers were collected, it would be big.

"This time the attacking city will be very strong, with five fifth-order nines, eighteenth-order fifteen, seven-order thirty-one, six-order twenty-two!"

The voice of Wang Xian spreads over a few kilometers.

When you hear this number, everyone looks white.

Even Jin Ganyuan was a slight glimpse, and his face looked desperate.

"No... No, we are not the main battlefield here, how can there be such a terrible beast!"

"When it's over, my god, our holy sea town is completely finished!"

For a moment, all people had a panicking look on their faces, and each face showed a desperate look.

In the town of Shenghai, those who did not reach the ordinary people suddenly felt black in front of their eyes, and their hearts were full of fear.

Their strength has not yet reached an extraordinary situation, and it is difficult to escape.

"You can fight!"

When Wang Xian sensed the look of desperate people behind him, he raised his brow slightly and said with full of war.

Can fight!

Just two words, the tone is full of strong self-confidence.

Everyone gave a slight glimpse, and his eyes quickly looked toward Wang Xian, and his eyes were excited.

Wang Xian holds a lightning strike on the wood, and a green dragon slowly emerges from the lightning strike wood, hovering around his body.

This scene, in the eyes of all, is like the coming of the gods, come to save them!

"You can fight! The king commanded that he could fight!"

"War! The commander of the king could have escaped. He still stayed here. He said that he can fight, he can definitely fight!"

"Battle war!"

Everyone's face was excited and shouted loudly.

For a time, everyone on the wall shouted loudly and red.

Stand battle!

Sound sounds all over the world!

This is the power that Wang Xian brings to them!

"The blood rambler has arrived. This time the opponent's strength is very strong. Don't distract, take care of each other and cooperate with each other. This time, can I save you!"

"Next, I will launch the first wave of attacks, and you will follow!"

Wang Xian lightly snorted and swayed directly to the front of the thousand and three hundred meters and stood there.

Eleven gold swordfish stood by and waited for the arrival of the blood rambler.

"Get me ready!"

Jin Ganyuan’s gaze showed a firm look. He moved and flew directly below.

"The mayor, your injury is not good!"

The president of the employment meeting saw Jin Ganyuan fly over, his face changed slightly, and he quickly said.

"Do not fight at this time, wait for when!"

Jin Ganyuan’s face was full of war, standing directly in front of a group of soldiers, yelling: “War!”


In the back of Shenghai Town, everyone was also full of excitement. They all knew that the mayor was seriously injured. Now they can fight with them and make everyone feel moved.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian, who was suspended in the sky, smiled faintly. If the dragon thorns could not be exposed, the seven or eight thousand blood ramblers in front of them could kill themselves.

"But even if you don't shoot, you can fight!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a confident look.


The blood rambler made a squeaking voice, and the sound was soaring, with their horrible body, making everyone feel cold.

Finally, five **** monsters are hidden in them and control them.

Seven hundred and eighty thousand blood ramblers stared coldly at the direction of Shenghai Town, with a **** gas, and quickly came over.

They are more excited when they step on the body and blood of the thorn wood.

At this point, everyone on the wall held their breath and stared at the beast that rushed toward them.

Everyone bites his teeth and holds the weapon in his hand.

"The wood world is coming!"

"With the spirit!"

Just then, the sound of Wang Xian sounded.

The lightning strikes in his hands exude a dazzling blue-green glow, and the light shrouds the dark sky.


Fully released, within a radius of two thousand, one hundred meters high trees appear out of thin air.

Thousands of trees, each of which is a towering tree.

Under the eyes of everyone, the trees just came to life with their eyes open.


They issued a horrible power and directly greeted the seven or eight thousand blood shadow ramblers.

"What is this supernatural power, so scary!"

"The king is commanding this, and one person is blocking thousands of troops!"

"One person blocks a city!"

Five chapters are over, don't owe it!

(End of this chapter)

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