Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1446: Gathering, **** cemetery

Chapter 1446, gathering, **** cemetery

"The news came from the beasts. After seven days, all the forces in the Liuhai area were invited to go to the cemetery of the **** cemetery. In order to peacefully coexist with us, how should we plan?"

Located in the Yanyang City of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, it has become a temporary base for the Alliance of the Emperor.

This is considered to be the center of the comparison of the forces of the Emperor League.

In a circular hall, Feng Yu and Ling Zongzhu, Yi Jiajiao and the Emperor Guanglong sit on a round table.

Around them, there are more than a dozen middle-aged and old people around.

The King of Light Dragon said, his eyes swept the sorcerer and the Phoenix.

Today's Liuhuang Alliance, although based on their four forces, but the real core depends on the Longfeng Dynasty and Tianjianzong.

"The Wicked Beasts held a grand ceremonial dynasty in the cemetery of the shemale. We naturally have to go through the past. According to the information I have obtained, once the enchanted dynasty is established, their treacherous and strong people will reach two or three thousand!"

"The strong sixth-order power of the hole is far beyond our **** dynasty, they will become the most powerful force in the sea area!"

"Not to mention, the Wicked Beasts have signed a peace treaty with us, and we have to participate!"

Feng Xiao sat there, his eyes flashing slowly.


Ling Zong, who was on the side, nodded slowly.

"Queen of the Dragon and Phoenix, how many people we have to send, now we are so nervous with the **** dynasty!"

The king of a dynasty looked at Feng Yu and asked.

"I called Wang Xian, let him be prepared, our words, half of the power, we don't care about the **** dynasty!"

"During this period, the blood dynasty will not launch a dispute with us, and even in the next few years or even longer, they will not be able to do it before we have absolute certainty!"

"So you don't have to worry about it, don't fear the **** dynasty!"

Feng Yan’s eyes swept the members of the sweeping alliance and said calmly.

"The Queen of the Dragon and Phoenix said that it is reasonable. In any case, when they are not absolutely sure, they will never do it. If there is an adult, they will not dare to engage in any sneak attack!"

Ling Zongzhu several people nodded slowly.

In just three days, all of their things are basically based on Fengqi.

Ling Zongzhu’s strength is very strong, but he has not been able to take the lead.

This is a question of a person's strategy and vision. All things can be solved quickly by Fengxi and give a best answer.

Even they feel that they are standing beside the Queen of the Dragon and Phoenix, there is an illusion of obeying the command of the monarch!

After a few times, other people basically did not express their opinions. After Feng Xiao said, they thought about it and could not find any problems. Basically, they would follow this implementation.

Another reason is that in the past three days, they also knew that the enchanting Tianjiao Wangxian and another six-order strongman who had been hidden from the hole were not part of the Liuhuang Alliance and had their own power.

Only the Dragon and Phoenix Queen can let Wang Xian shoot.

The strong strength and the uncontrollable control of the unmanned people make them dominate the phoenix.

"Then everyone is ready, we will leave after three days!"


Feng Yu said, everyone should answer.


"Let's go over together."

When Feng Qi arrived to tell Wang Xian about this matter, he was looking at the information in the communication stone plate and said with a smile.

"Well, the sorcerer dynasty was established, I don't know what the pattern is, the three legs are still standing..."

Feng Yan sat on the opposite side of Wang Xian and looked at Wang Xian.

"You will know when you get there!"

Wang Xian smiled and put the communication stone plate into the space ring, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Is there any good news?"

Feng Wei saw him in this appearance, and thought of some information revealed by Wang Xian in the past, curiously asked.

"The good news is not yet."

Wang Xian shook his head, did not say anything, and poured a glass of water leisurely.

He put the dried tea leaves in the water, and the tea leaves spread directly, just like the freshly picked ones, and the green leaves exude tea.

Just like his original layout, it will soon be the time to harvest.

By then, the entire sea area will be his world.

He smiled and took a sip of tea.

Feng Xi saw Wang Xian saying nothing, white him, and after a brief exchange with him for a while, he left to handle the affairs.

Recently, both the Emperor League and the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty’s Tianjiao Contest have made her very busy.

She is not as leisurely as Wang Xian.

Three days passed quickly. In the early morning, more than a dozen powers of the Alliance of the Emperor, a total of more than 500 people with strong holes gathered outside the city of Yanyang.

In addition to the strong and powerful, there are about two thousand strong men who are half-step-holes.

This is half the power of the League of Legends.

"set off!"

Feng Yan swept all the people, a smile on his face, and ordered.

"Go, go to the **** cemetery!"

A king snorted and all the people flew into the sky and headed for the **** cemetery.

Yanyang City is only a hundred thousand kilometers away from the cemetery of the shemale.

At their speed, they will be able to arrive within three days.

This speed is not slow, and the circumference around the earth is only 40,000 kilometers in length.

"A year ago, here is the place where Wang Xian’s adults are famous, and the unknown swordsman shakes the cemetery!"

A king in the League of the Kings had some pleasing look at Wang Xian and said with a smile.

"That's not it. Nowadays, the spot of the unknown swordsman is still circulating in the cemetery of the shemale. Even the monsters and the beasts must respect the Wang Xian adults!"

The voice of one conversation came.

Wang Xian smiled in front of her position and looked away.

After three days, they have entered the field of the **** cemetery.

A crowd of people, more than 500 people with strong holes, this battle, when they came to the cemetery of the shemale, caused a great sensation.

"The people of the League of the Kings, the people of the League of Legends have arrived!"

"It is one of the three major forces in the sea area, and it is directly to more than 500 people who are weak!"

"The unknown sword is also coming. Who can think that he is less than thirty years old and he now has the strength of the sixth stage of the hole? The top power of one of the three forces?"

When they came to the gathering place of the human beings in the cemetery, the human beings in the area looked at them and their faces were amazed.

This is the strength to fight against the **** dynasty!

"Well? You look at the right side, that is? Blood Emperor Flag, the **** dynasty's strongman has arrived!"

Just then, the voice of exclamation came from below, and everyone looked at the right side, and the **** dynasty was a strong man, flying over the mighty.

Both forces are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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