Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1447: Wicked Dynasty Dynasty

Chapter 1447 The Beastmaster Dynasty

A blood-red flag with a size of more than a dozen meters floats in the sky.

At the forefront position, the blood emperor and the three emperors rode the dragon horse, flying face to face with majesty.

In their rear, there are six or seven hundred holes in the strong followers.

Behind these six or seven hundred holes, there are teams wearing different armor.

Uniform blood red armor, uniform black armor.

Some ride on a unified beast, the body exudes a strong suffocation!

This is the famous war department of the blood flow dynasty, and it is also the foundation of the blood flow dynasty for seven or eight thousand years.

Each war department has the power of terror, and under the leadership of the strong and powerful, it can easily break through a city.

"In terms of comprehensive strength, the blood flow dynasty is still better than the Alliance of the Emperor!"

"This is nature. After all, it is the hegemon of the human race in the sea area. It was the only emperor!"

Some people saw the **** dynasty's battle, and each face showed an amazed look.

"It's a **** dynasty!"

A group of people in the Liuhuang Alliance also saw the blood flow dynasty on the right. Ling Zongzhu slightly narrowed his eyes and glanced at his eyes.

"The power of a group of dead fish and rotten shrimp will not be destroyed for a long time, hehe!"

A group of people in the blood flow dynasty also saw Wang Xianfeng squatting in the crowd. One of the emperors flashed a hint of killing in their eyes and directly snorted.

"But you have to admit that our forces can compete with you and will make you sleep well!"

Yizhang teaches to hear the name of the emperor, and his face is chilly and returns directly.

"How long will it take, I will kill all of you and make your alliance blood flow into a river!"

The blood of the emperor's eyes is full of crazy killings, he stared at Wang Xian, said Senran.

"The benefits of tongue and mouth, let's walk step by step!"

Feng Yu heard that the blood emperor wanted to destroy their power and the people of the people, and his face was also chilly.

After she finished, she ignored it and flew to the island of the light dragon dynasty in the cemetery of the shemale.

"This step will be very fast!"

The blood emperor smiled a little, and flew toward the place where they were bloody.

"Oh, the opposite is the opposite. The two forces have reached the point where the fire is not allowed. After all, one day will erupt!"

"The war is inevitable, but in my opinion, it will take at least a few decades or even hundreds of years!"

"You said, now we have to join the forces of one side. In the future, this sea area must be controlled by these two forces. The rest of the forces can only survive in the cracks!"

Some of the dynasty dynasties who have already arrived saw this scene and whispered.

Nowadays, there are nearly 20 dynasties and sects in the sea area.

They did not join the Alliance of the Emperor, nor did they belong to the Blood Flow Dynasty.

Some look at the form of two forces, while others want to stay in the center and not participate in their struggles.

Some are watching and changing.

"After tomorrow, the entire sea area, on the human side, will only be my **** dynasty!"

The blood emperor heard some arguments, his eyes swept down and his face showed a smile.

Perhaps this time, for their **** dynasty, it is not a bad thing.

"The King's Majesty, in the interior of the **** cemetery, Tian Yaotai, the monsters have arranged the venue, one day later, the demon dynasty was established, the ceremony was held!"

"At that time, the monsters said that their queen of monsters will board the throne and become the first king of the beasts in the sea area, and will also sign a peace treaty with humans!"

"The monster family found the third business in the world, the birth and death medicinal workshop and the sacred forging workshop to testify!"

When Wang Xianfeng and a group of people came to the island of the Guanglong Dynasty, an old man came over and reported the information here.

"Is all the forces in the sea area coming?"

The light dragon king asked.

"All coming, there is no power to miss such a grand event!"

The old man reports.


The King of Light Dragon nodded and looked at Wang Xian and everyone: "Then we will take a day off and the day after tomorrow will pass!"

"it is good!"

A group of people nodded and lived on the island of the Dragon dynasty.

As time went by, the **** cemetery became more and more lively.

In these two days, the number of people in the **** cemetery is more than doubled.

The establishment of the Wicked Emperor, the gathering of all forces, made the place that was originally lively more lively.

Every restaurant in the restaurant is talking about the establishment of the enchanting dynasty, the **** dynasty and the alliance of the emperor.

This has led many to make sure that after this time, the three-legged situation may be completely formed.

Many people analyze the strength of the three parties, the possibilities of the future, and so on.

"The establishment of the Wicked Emperor Dynasty invites the human race to come to the main hall!"

"The establishment of the Wicked Emperor Dynasty invites the human race to come to the main hall!"

One day later, when the daylights were lit, one by one suddenly rang through the entire sky.

The sound is like a thunder, it is deafening, coming from far and far.

"Would you like to start?"

"The six-order powerhouse of the demon beasts personally invited the voice, walked away, let's hurry past!"

"This is a historic moment. The beasts established the dynasty and signed a peace treaty with humanity. We rushed over!"

Inside the cemetery of the shemale, a famous human eye looked into the cemetery of the **** and immediately rushed over.

One hiring group, one by one, the power of the dynasty.


Not long after the sound ended, the islands of the **** dynasty, a strong group of people carrying the horror of the power to fly to the position of Tianjiaotai.

"A lot of people!"

The owners of the Liuhuang Alliance naturally rushed directly toward Tianjiao.

Wang Xian looked around and found that the densely packed humans in the sky were pouring in, and there were at least tens of millions of people.

What is this concept? At first glance, all of them are heads of people, and those with poor eyesight can't see the end.

A powerful force is unusually eye-catching in the crowd.

The Flowing Alliance quickly flew forward, and everyone around it quickly made a way.

When they came to the front of Tianjiao, they saw a strange space on the huge open space next to Tianjiao.

The statues of hundreds of monster races stand in the center.

Every monster sculpture is 100 meters in size and lifelike.

The statue is surrounded by a circle, and the center of the statue has a huge platform.

On the high platform is a 10-meter dragon chair!

The dragon chair looks domineering.

A huge banner is inserted next to the dragon chair. The blood red monster pattern is tens of meters in size and floats in the air of about 500 meters!

Bloody red plants are planted throughout the entire site.

On the right side, there have been hundreds of thousands of monsters, all kinds of monster races.

They are entrenched on a stone bench, a total of hundreds of monster races.

The foremost position, sitting on their king.

The Beast Dynasty established a grand ceremony!

The day of the establishment of the Emperor of the Beast!

(End of this chapter)

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