Chapter 2097, Emperor

"Oh la la!"

In the Tianyang Shencheng, hundreds of millions of people saw the gossip covering a few dozen kilometers of the square, killing tens of thousands of people, one face with a fearful color.

They are squatting on the ground, full of fear.

The war between the stars, the war of this level of the gods, even if it is a massacre of hundreds of millions of people, it is not uncommon.

Nowadays their adults are easily strangled, and although their emperors are still alive, they are completely unconcerned.

Not to mention the millions of soldiers, they are now being quickly slaughtered.

At this time, if you don't want to die, you can only hear the two invaders!

Your majesty!

For a time, countless people were kneeling on the ground, their faces were full of fear, some timid and even the body began to tremble!

Because they don't know, then they are born to die!

Your own destiny has been in the hands of others.

"Hey, are we just letting you kneel down? What else?"

Gossip saw everyone in the huge city of God squatting there, and said with a face.

"The Dragon King is invincible, and the Dragon Palace is in the world!"

The sound of the sparse sound is full of fear and weakness!

"Let the old man speak loudly, hehe!"

The magic brake arm waved, and a huge palm appeared in the sky above the **** city.

The claws of the horrible dragon are always at every place in the city of God.

"The Dragon King is invincible, and the Dragon Palace is in the world!"

The snoring of Qi Tian came, and the sounds of hundreds of millions of people sounded through the sky.

They don't want to die, they can only surrender!

"We surrender, we surrender!"

Millions of soldiers in front of the West Gate, now half of them are gone.

They saw that the adults of the gods were killed, and the voices of countless people surrendered behind them completely lost their fighting spirit and shouted loudly.

What is the significance of continuing to resist?

"Subsistence, Your Majesty!"

The cold drink rang, and the soldiers who lost their fighting spirit immediately gave up their weapons and shivered and slammed on the ground.

This is not a level of battle at all.

At this moment, in the position above, the Central Emperor heard the cry of his own people and heard the surrender of his soldiers. The body trembled fiercely.

His face was blue and violent, showing a tyrannical look.

"I want to kill you all today!"

The screaming of the sky shook from his mouth, and the sound even enveloped the entire planet.

He held the moon knife in his hands, and behind the gods behind him, countless winds condensed the moon knife to fly around him.


Soon, his body was completely surrounded by a knives, forming a giant condensed by the moon knives.

With a height of 10,000 meters, the whole body is like a sharp blade.

In the city of God below, all the people heard the words of their emperors, and their faces trembled fiercely.

Just now they shouted that the Dragon King was invincible, and the Dragon Palace was in the world.

It is estimated that their imperial power is not light.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian saw the last struggle of the Emperor Tianyang, and his face showed a cold look.

With the blessing of the beginning of the Holy Wing, Wang Xian is invincible in the fire of Jiuyi.


His body was shocked, and under the shock of the Emperor Tianyang, Wang Xian instantly disappeared in the opposite position.


Immediately afterwards, he sensed the rapid collapse of the moon knife that condensed on the top of the wind.

At the center of the Tianyang emperor looked up and saw a **** red sword from top to bottom.

His face changed slightly!


With a wave of arms, countless moon knives went toward Wang Xian.


Wang Xian’s body was trembled without a beginning, and easily escaped the attack. He came to the front position, and a huge dragon claw clawed toward his body.

A dragon's claw of several kilometers fell on his body and directly tore half of his body.

"Damn, how can his speed be so fast!"

The Tianyang Emperor who broke out of the strongest fighting power found that his huge figure was restricted by the other side and his face was extremely embarrassing.

"Five lines of great grinding, yin and yang poles, suppression!"

At this moment, Wang Xian shouted, the position above, the five elements of the big mill released a gray energy to suppress downwards.

In the lower position, the yin and yang patterns start to rotate and rise toward the top position!

"Damn, the kingdom of God, shake me off!"

Emperor Tianyang sighed and screamed, and the horrible kingdom of God went directly to the five elements!

But soon, he found that his country of God seems to be caught in a quagmire, very slow!

"what happened?"

The Emperor Tianyang’s face changed slightly, and his eyes flashed with a gloomy color.

"I am not his opponent!"


At this moment, he can clearly recognize the gap between himself and the Dragon King.

They clasped the moon knives in their hands, and they rushed to the side!


The pattern of the yin and yang poles rotates rapidly, and the Taiji figure also appears on the Quartet, completely blocking the space.

"I want to escape, late!"

Wang Xian smiled coldly, and the colorful light began to envelope this space. The chaotic energy suppressed the godland of the Tianyang emperor.

"What is this property, how can there be so many attributes!"

Feeling the energy of the surrounding attributes, his face showed a stunned look.

At this moment, he seems to have entered a terrible field.

In this field, his perception dropped to the extreme, and he could not sense the existence of the Dragon King.

There was cold sweat on his face and a look of horror in his pupil.


"This time, there should be no bones to stop you!"

A voice suddenly appeared behind him, and the sound of Wang Xian sounded.

The dragon blood sword in his hand penetrated the body of the Emperor of Tianyang.

The Seven Miles space is a space field that Wang Xian studied during this time.

With the five elements of the big mill for the sky, with the yin and yang two extremely earth, he used it for the first time in battle!

It seems that the effect is good! Once the seven-dimensional space is composed, the same level is easily spiked!

Wang Xian’s face showed a smile!

" can you have so many attributes, you...why we want to destroy our Tianyang gods, we don't have that big hatred..."

He widened his eyes and felt the rapid flow of vitality in his body, whispering his face unwillingly.

"Isn't this a weak person who provokes a strong man's end? If I am weak, I may become your slave!"

Wang Xian said coldly, the power of devastating annihilation filled his whole body.

The Emperor of Heaven and God is fallen!

A nine-year-old emperor's emperor fell!


The sound of sorrow resounded throughout the planet, and as an emperor of hundreds of thousands of years, it fell.

His fall also represents the demise of the entire dynasty!

Wang Xian put his body and the kingdom of God into his mother's nest, his arm waved, and the yin and yang poles and the five elements were in the bag.

The sky is clear and clear.

Only the surrounding sorrows represent the fall of a powerful god.

Wang Xian’s body shape is suspended in the sky above the Tianyang Shencheng, and it exudes the momentum of the proud and the king!

(End of this chapter)

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