Chapter 2098 on the Northern Alliance

"This... our Tianyang emperor has fallen!"

"The emperor has fallen, and the Tianyang gods have completely perished!"

"Oh, the emperor is really fallen, and we are completely finished!"

When everyone saw the position of Wang Xian suspended in the sky, when they heard the sound of sorrow that day, everyone on the ground trembled.

This time, their Tianyang dynasty was completely finished, and it may soon disappear into history.

Next, the rule of the Tianyang dynasty may be this Dragon Palace.

Some people looked up at the horned dragon palace dragon king, one face full of awe.

"Dragon King, they have all surrendered!"

The turtles flew over and said to Wang Xian.

"Well, go to their shrine and take all the treasures away. In addition, send people to Tianyang Shen to other cities and treasures, and take all the treasures!"

"In addition, you will lead you to take a trip and go to the other three planets to concentrate all the treasures of those planets!"

Wang Xian immediately ordered the turtle to order.

"It's Dragon King, let's do it right away!"

The turtles nodded immediately and led the members of the Dragon Palace to the other three planets that rushed to the Tianyang dynasty.

Some members of the Dragon Palace enter the shrine and collect all the treasures.

Destroy the Tianyang dynasty, for a **** of hundreds of thousands of years, there will definitely be many treasures.

These treasures can greatly enhance the strength of the members of the Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian did not stay in the city of God. He moved and flew directly toward the ocean.

A planet of life must have the existence of the ocean.

Water is the source of life. Every planet has a sea, and the ocean occupies a small area.

The Tianyang planet naturally also has the existence of the ocean. Wang Xian came to the sky above the ocean, and his eyes sparkled.

"It is a powerful planet controlled by mankind. There are human beings in the ocean and there is a submarine world!"

Wang Xian flew over the ocean and found that the ocean below was already controlled by the Tianyang gods.

There are strong people who have established the underwater world on the seabed.

Wang Xian’s arm waved and the five elements of the big mill appeared in the sky above the ocean.


A horrible mighty force appeared above the ocean, and a huge city with a radius of several hundred kilometers in the ocean flew directly from the bottom of the sea!

"what's going on?"

All the people in the city of the sea have a look of horror on their faces, and they are shouting loudly and screaming.

"The Dragon Palace is in the ocean, and in the future, the Tianyang planet will be in charge of the Dragon Palace!"

Wang Xian is full of majestic sounds throughout the sky.

"What is the Dragon Palace? Dragon Palace? Here is the Tianyang Emperor who enshrines our territory. Anyone wants to occupy it!"

In the submarine city pool, a middle-aged fly out, his face full of cold look, screaming.

His eyes stared at Wang Xian, his face was extremely embarrassing.

Behind him, a middle-aged man followed behind, with tens of thousands of people.

I saw only one person in Wang Xian, and my face was full of cold!

"Then go down and stay with the Emperor of Heaven!"

Wang Xian’s arm waved, and a horrible dragon claw attacked the old man who spoke at a horrible speed.

The old man has already ignited the fire, but it is not enough to see in front of Wang Xian!


For a moment, the dragon claw directly caught the old man's body. He did not even send out the reaction and screams, and was directly killed.

"There is no heaven and earth in the world, and there is no heavenly king. If anyone wants to follow the Tianyang dynasty, I will send you in the past!"

Wang Xian’s eyes swept over the tens of thousands of people, and said with a blank expression.


"How can this be!"

"Our city master was killed and was directly killed!"

All the people around the submarine city had a stunned look on their faces, and they were shocked to see the slained city owner.

For Wang Xian, their body violently shakes!

Nothing in the world?

No Tianyang Emperor?

Did they disappear?...

Everyone has a look of horror in his pupil, and his face changes dramatically!

Wang Xian ignored them and waved his arm. The entire city was led by a five-line mahogany and placed directly in a seaside forest.

He moved into the ocean.

"Build a submarine dragon palace!"

In the heart of Wang Xian’s heart, the Dragon Palace on Earth is the main dragon palace, and the rest of the Dragon Palace cannot exceed the earth.

Although the five-level Dragon Palace is not comparable to the six-level Dragon Palace, it is not bad.

"Hey, congratulations to the host to control the Tianyang Planet Dragon Palace, get the dragon penalty!"

Controlling the ocean of a planet will reward you with a system.

And every reward is more generous.

"Dragon is punishing? What is this?"

Wang Xian’s palm moved, and a model of the keel appeared in his hand.

"Well? This is the same function as the bone of the Tianyang Emperor, which can help the user block the deadly damage!"

"But the function of this dragon is much stronger than his bone. The deadly attack below the eternal God can resist three times. The attack of the eternal God can resist it once!"

Wang Xian’s face is bright, this is a good thing to save lives.

"When the Dragon Palace completely occupied the oceans of the three planets, things that were destroyed by the Tianyang gods should be spread soon!"

Wang Xian’s heart is dark.

Next, they just have to wait for the news quietly!

The emergence of the magic cave, the establishment of the Northern Alliance, do not need to find them in the Dragon Palace, when someone will come to them.

The next thing went smoothly, establishing the Dragon Palace on the other three planets and ruling the entire ocean.

On the fifth day, a behemoth descended over the Tianyang planet, and the Dragon and Phoenix Empire suppressed the now chaotic planet and established the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty!

In the vast northern region, there is a strange place in the starry sky.

At the junction of the northern and central regions, strange planets stand in the void.

More than a dozen planets line up in a row. Except for a planet with a magnificent life in the center, the remaining dozens of planets seem to be dead.

There are only a few temples standing on the dozen or so planets.

This is a show, and now there is a famous battle line in the northern domain!

"You got the news that the Tianyang dynasty was destroyed!"

In the only life planet, one is like the old European parliament, sitting there one by one.

Each figure represents a powerful force. More than 100 planets in the northern region, sitting here, almost represent half of the northern power.

On the round table of the parliament, an old man said faintly, his eyes looked at the empty position on the Tianyang gods!

"Tianyang Shenchao was killed?"

Some forces have a shocked look on their faces, and some forces have already got news and calm faces!

There are some things to deal with today, now I have finished this chapter, and there are two chapters, it is very late!

(End of this chapter)

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