FTLN 2965 I am a lord.

"Dragon King!"

Wang Xian secretly returned to the magic cave, and their voices were heard in the sky array.

"Be prepared, and then you will attack the Nether God Emperor's fourth-tier monster demon cave. At that time, there may be danger. You can collect these liquids and you can recover the injury instantly."

"We enter the fourth-tier demonic cave of the Emperor of the Void, and we must kill the fourth-tier demonic leader of the Emperor as quickly as possible, and we cannot let it summon our subordinates!"

They reminded Wang Xian towards Ao Crab.

"Dragon King, there should be no problem. Now that we have devoured the Dragon, there are thirty-three God Emperor third-order strong men. They can all besiege a **** fourth-order demon. Plus me, there is absolutely no problem.

Ao crab said confidently.

During this year, they broke through more than 10,000 magic caves, and the caves in the magic caves and the nests in the magic caves are huge resources for the devouring dragon.

Today the number of Emperor Dragon God levels has reached 6,000.

There are thirty-three gods of the third order.

Ten third-order devouring dragons can compete with one fourth-order god.

More than thirty siege for a long time is likely to destroy a fourth-order monster of a **** emperor.

"In order to prevent accidents, I will launch an instant attack by cutting the gourd gourd, and the third-order devouring dragon of Ao Crab and the Emperor's combat power follows closely behind, and try to spike!"

Wang Xian commanded towards Ao Crab.

"It's the Dragon King!"

Ao Crab nodded.


Wang Xian gave a violent gesture.

He nodded fiercely, he had searched all the remaining fifteen magic caves.


He reminded them towards Wang Xian.

The crowd nodded.

"let's go!"

He sighed violently, and the next moment they appeared in front of the altar in another cave.

Because the Ao Crab Devouring Dragon kept fighting, it was very large.

The moment they appeared, they were discovered immediately.

However, the fourth-order demon of the **** Emperor at the deepest part of the magic cave saw the sudden emergence of the Wang Xian who was a little dazed and did not respond for a while.


At this time, the Emperor Emperor's third-order cutting sword of about seventy stalks struck the fourth-order monster of that emperor instantly.

The attacks of Ao Crab and the 33 Devouring Dragons, which were ready to attack, were also issued instantly.

The horrible energy instantly covered the fourth-order demon **** emperor who was a little dazed.


The sound of terror sounded.

"Boom boom!"

The next moment, the fourth-order demon of the **** emperor was directly covered by the horrible energy, and the vitality disappeared quickly.


Ao crab could not help but shouted.


Suddenly appeared, suddenly shot, the fourth-order demon of the **** emperor had not responded yet, he was directly killed.

"The remaining demons, resolve them as soon as possible!"

Wang Xian shook her fist in excitement and said to Ao Crab.

In this demon cave, there are fifty demon-level demons, one of which is fourth-order and five third-order.

You don't need Wangxian to do it, the Devouring Dragon can destroy them all.

Within five minutes, all the engulfing dragons flew over, carrying a large number of bodies.

"The third-order devouring dragon of the emperor devours this magic cave, and can reach the fourth order of the **** of the void!"

"A fourth-order demon corpse of the Emperor can bring a member of the Dragon Palace to fourth-order."

"If the Emperor's fourth-tier demon nest isn't enough, it means that this magic cave can make the Dragon Palace add two members of the Emperor's fourth-tier combat power!"

Wang Xian murmured, a smile on her face.

Perfect start.

The start is open, so now wait for Dragon Palace to add two members of the fourth-level combat power of the Emperor.

"Ao demon, you take the body back to the Dragon Palace and improve your strength!"

"Ao Crab, you send a member to devour this magic cave. After you ascend, we will continue to enter the next magic cave!"

Wang Xian commanded.

"It's the Dragon King!"

Ao Yao nodded.

After a good start, the next step is much easier.

One by one, the monster caves will hunt down and ascend, even if they face the demons and monster caves of the last two gods and the fifth-order demons.

"Ready, kill!"

Half a month later, Ao Yao returned, and the Devouring Dragon added a Tier IV combat power to an emperor.

There are three members of the fourth-order combat power of the Emperor.

Wang Xian roared, and they instantly appeared in another magic cave.

There are three to one, and there are more than thirty devouring dragons with third-order combat power, which is equivalent to six to one!

This time, the fourth-order demon of the God Emperor still had no resistance and was quickly killed.

Soon, another magic cave was attacked.

This time without having to wait for the Dragon Palace members to digest the resources, attack directly towards the back of the magic cave.

Next, they made five consecutive attacks before they stopped.

There are only eight magic caves left.

The reason why it stopped is because there are two gods of the fourth order in the eighth magic cave.

"Improve it first. After digesting the resources you have now, the Emperor Dragon Palace has four powerful combat powers, which can reach 18."

Wang Xian calculated, with a smile on her face.

"Dragon King, I'll go up!"

Tian Zhen stood beside and couldn't help but said.


Wang Xian nodded, naturally no opinion.

After the sky array is promoted, one person can be comparable to two or three of the same level, and naturally he has priority.

"After your ascension, except for the last two magic caves, sweep the rest of them all at once!"

Wang Xian said with a smile.

The members of the Dragon Palace nodded with a smile, and immediately returned to the Dragon Palace and began to ascend.

Half a month is fast for them.

Fifteen days later, eighteen Emperors of the Dragon Palace arrived with strong fourth-order combat effectiveness.


Looking at them secretly, reminded.

Hunt and continue.

Eighteen members of the fourth-order Dragon Palace of the Divine Emperor are very easy to hunt and kill.

In less than a day, all six magic caves were destroyed.

"There are only the last two left. If you want to capture the last two magic caves, you need to improve it. After half a month, destroy them!"

Wang Xian said with confidence.

"It's the Dragon King!"

The faces of the dragon palace leaders also showed a confident look.

Now they have 18 Tier IV combat powers, which is enough to contend with the Tier 5 demons and gain the upper hand.

The six magic caves they occupied on this day, the resources obtained have increased exponentially.

After calculation by Wangxian, it is possible to increase 28 members of the fourth-order combat power of the Emperor.

Eighteen plus twenty-eight, forty-six.

The fifth-order demon of the emperor can be killed!

"Dark, always pay attention to the movement of the two magic caves, I also go back to Dragon Palace!"

Wang Xian commanded him in a secret direction, and with a movement of his body, returned to the Dragon Palace with his men.

Now he has absorbed the energy of the high-level magic cave altar, and his strength has been broken again.

The third-order God Emperor, he walked around the fifth-order Demon Demon Cave of the God Emperor, and the demon could not find it at all.

"Rest awhile!"

Returning to the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian came to the palace comfortably, preparing for the biggest battle in the Charm Realm half a month later!

(End of this chapter)

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