FTLN 2966 I am a lord.

"Dragon King, there is a special situation over Yumei Yu."

A short break began, but before fifteen days, there was bad news from Lilie.

He frowned at the sudden message from Li Li.

"You come back immediately!"

Wang Xian moved, came to the Dragon King Hall.

"Dragon King!"

When he came to the Dragon King's Hall, Anlie had teleported.

"What's going on in Yumei domain?"

Wang Xian frowned and asked him.

"Dragon King, there are magic caves over Liuliyu, and three more directly appear!"

"I went into the demon cave and checked for a while. All of them were demon gods of the fifth order, and there were two demon gods of the fifth demon in the demon cave!"

Secretly said in amazement.

"Huh? Three more caves have appeared?"

Wang Xian stood up from the dragon's chair, with a surprised look on her face.

"Dragon King, I was also very curious when I got this information. I also read the information about Liuli Realm and Lu Mei Realm."

"In the Liuli Realm before, the **** emperor came to the deepest part of the magical realm and did not find so many powerful magic caves."

"These caves were teleported from other worlds. Immediately after the three demon bosses arrived, they flew towards the deepest part of the Phantom Realm. Dragon King, what do you think I found?"

Said secretly and mysteriously.


Seeing Wang Xian staring at himself, he did not dare to sell Guanzi: "I found a continent with a radius of 100 kilometers in the deepest part of the glazed land. There is a pool in the center of the continent. There is a bright flower in the pool, like a lotus. Contains majestic energy. "

"The energy is very huge. Several new bosses of the magic cave just arrived there. The other two evil bosses in the cave also flew over in an instant, and the few evil bosses almost fought."

Speaking secretly, her eyes glowed with a glow.

"You mean, these demon caves were attracted by the treasures in that pool!"

Wang Xian raised an eyebrow and said.

"Yes, the Dragon King is definitely attracted by the treasure. Otherwise, as soon as the magic cave appears, all the demon leaders will fly in that direction."

"According to my guess, this is definitely a very powerful treasure, and that treasure may mature in the near future, because the demons of the six gods and the fifth order are all there!"

Nodded vehemently.

Wang Xian raised her brow slightly, her eyes sparkling with luster.

The treasures that can be summoned back can also bring back so many strong demons. That treasure is definitely not simple.

In terms of the level of Shencao, it is absolutely impossible to be lower than the sixth rank of Emperor Void.

Because the Emperor's fifth-order treasure is not yet so many lords of the fifth-order demon leader.

"Dragon King, if you want to **** the treasure, give it to me, and at my speed, at the moment when the flower matures, pick it up directly. There is absolutely no way for the demons of the fifth-order **** to take me!

Anlie said at this time, her face was full of confidence.

With his current strength, the fifth-order Emperor of the Emperor could not even touch his shadow.

If you rob the treasure, the monsters can only stare.


Wang Xian nodded slightly.

Although the charm domain possesses powerful treasures, it is unexpected, but with a dark teleportation, it is no problem to **** treasures.

But after looting the treasures, in order to avoid the riots of the evil leaders, it is best to destroy them.

"Monitor the treasure in Meiyu first, as soon as news comes, if the treasure is mature, take it away!"

Wang Xian commanded secretly.

"It's the Dragon King. Don't worry, the treasure is definitely our treasure!"

Confidently said with a dark face.

"It's going to be a bit of trouble!"

Wang Xian sat on the dragon chair and tapped gently.

A group of demon leaders have flown out of the magic cave, and the magic cave has increased by three, and the gods of the fifth level of the gods have increased by four, a total of six demon gods of the fifth order.

It can be very troublesome to deal with six together!

"The members of the Dragon Palace still have five days to fully ascend, but even this time, even if they are ascended, they cannot be teleported to the magic caves one by one as before."

He secretly said.

"Forget it, take a step and look at it. After the Dragon Palace members are promoted, the strength of the Dragon Palace is not weaker than the five big caves!"

Wang Xian secretly said.

Although it is said that the high-end fighting power of the magic cave is strong, the number of the emperors of the Dragon Palace is large now.

Today, there are more than 7,000 emperors in the Dragon Palace.

More than 7,000 people said that everyone in the bright starry sky couldn't believe it.

"Dragon King, Dragon King, there is good news and bad news!"

But two days later, Li Li suddenly returned to the Dragon Palace and shouted loudly.


Wang Xian moved, came to him, and stared at a huge flower in his hand.

The two-meter-sized red flower is extremely bright, and it contains immense energy.

With just one breath, Wang Xian felt that her dragon energy had increased a lot!

"this is?"

His pupils narrowed slightly and he asked faintly.

"Just that piece of treasure, just now, six demon leaders suddenly flew towards it, and all of their demon hands also rioted instantly, and a horrific assault battle took place.

"I saw this situation, naturally I immediately shot it, and immediately picked this divine flower and disappeared instantly!"

"In the end, there was a bad thing. The demons no longer attacked each other, and screamed violently, they were violent!"

"The worse news is that the six demon leaders entered the magic cave, driving the magic cave towards the outside of the sorrowful realm and flying to the direction of the glazed realm!"

Covertly reported.

Wang Xian frowned immediately after hearing his words.

"How fast are those demons?"

Wang Xian asked immediately.

"Because they are at the deepest part of the magical realm, according to their speed, it is estimated that it will take three or four days to reach the glazed realm."

Anlie said immediately.

"Three or four days? Okay, there's still time!"

Wang Xian's eyes flickered, and with a wave of her arm, she took the divine flower in the dark hand.

"this is?"

When he saw the flower in his hand, his eyes looked very excited.

Ghost Flower: Nether Emperor Seventh Tier

"I did not expect that it was the seventh-order flower of the Emperor of the Void. If I absorbed this ghost flower, how much could I improve?"

"Can you break me into the realm of the Emperor?"

Wang Xian's eyes looked extremely hot.

If he can rely on this ghost flower to ascend to the realm of the emperor, the demons in the five major caves, he can easily kill them all.

"But I can't be too happy. In case I can't break into the realm of the emperor, I have the most powerful combat power of the fifth emperor."

Wang Xian secretly said in her heart, holding the ghost flower back to the Dragon Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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