Chapter 1638 The Demon Is Still Dividing The Vastness In Half

“Welcome the demon!”

Seeing Wang Xian’s figure, the He Sui clan and the He clan looked at each other.

They can see excitement in each other’s eyes.

The two clans’ leaders pursed their lips, and immediately shouted at Wang Xian.

“Just call me Wangxian. Speaking of which, the name Tianma is still given by your clan!”

Wang Xian smiled and shook his head when he heard the respectful voices of the high-ranking members of the He clan.

“Fenghuang, wild goddess, brother Wangxian, please inside, please inside!”

The high-ranking people of the He and He Sui tribes all smiled and hurriedly invited.

Wang Xian nodded and looked at Fengluan and the others.

“Patriarch He, Patriarch He Sui, everyone, our Dragon and Phoenix dynasty has caused you all the trouble recently.”

“But from now on, you don’t have to be so worried!”

“Trouble the He Clan to activate your information department. Next, it’s time for our Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty to fight back!”

Feng Luan smiled and said to the high level of the He Clan and He Sui Clan.

“fight back?”

All people of the two races were taken aback for a moment, followed by a trace of heat and excitement flashing in their eyes.

“Brother Wang Xian, the three super powers led hundreds of thousands of powerful people to attack the Liuhai area. Could it be blocked by you?”

At this time, He Yuan on the side asked Wang Xian excitedly.

“Killing sixty thousand, leaving behind an ancestor of the Wuji Dynasty, this time we come back, we are completely going to compete with the three major forces.”

“Soon, in the entire vast area, we will each occupy one side!”

Wang Xian smiled and said to He Yuan.

“Behead an old man and a 60,000 strong? Brother Wang Xian, your strength? Are you already?”

He Yuan asked again curiously.

“My current strength is no problem against a few Dongxu Tier Nine, I didn’t fall the last time!”

Wang Xian smiled and said to He Yuan.

The high-ranking He and He Sui people on the side heard Wang Xian’s words with an expression of excitement on their faces.

Wang Xian and the others actually defeated the three superpowers and a group of strong, it was simply terrifying.

The vast area in the future is no longer the world of the three superpowers.

But the world of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

“Brother Wang Xian, Emperor Feng, we will use all our power immediately. Tell us what information you need!”

At the side position, the head of the He clan said with excitement.

“All the news from the Life and Death Pills and Sacred Artifacts Forge, have paid attention to the news of the three superpowers!”

Wang Xian said directly.

“Xiaoxian, what do you want?”

Fengluan asked when he heard Wang Xian’s words.

“Naturally we must clear the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Sacred Artifact Forging Workshop. They have troubled us over and over again. They really make us bullies!”

“In addition, the Wuji Dynasty also has to teach them a good lesson, to destroy a few of their cities!”

Wang Xian said directly.

The He and He Sui people on the side were a little frightened.

He casually cleared the Pill of Life and Death and the sacred forge, and casually destroyed several cities of the Wuji Dynasty.

These words can only be spoken by the demon in the vast area.


Feng Luan nodded in agreement: “It’s time to teach the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Holy Relic Forge a good lesson!”

“Brother Wangxian, Fenghuang, Life and Death Pills and Relic Forge, their backstages are…”

After hesitating, the head of the He Sui clan whispered.

“Don’t worry, we know their background very well.”

Feng Luan shook his head.

“One night’s rest, we will do it tomorrow!”

Wang Xian decided to say.

All the He and He Sui people nodded with excitement.

At the same time, the He and He Sui tribes around the sacred tree saw the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty coming again.

The strong men of the two clans who had fought with the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty immediately asked for some news curiously.

When they learned that the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty and the Heavenly Demon had directly defeated the vast army in the vast area and counterattacked, they all showed excitement on their faces.

The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty and the Heavenly Demon defeated the three superpowers, and now they counterattack.

The vast area in the future has completely changed.

The He and He Sui tribes, as the two closest tribes of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasties, will surely rise in the future.

In the future, they don’t need to be huddled around the holy tree of the Ho clan at all, they will have a broader field.

At the same time, when the expedition army from the vast area came to the ruins of the kingdom of God.

“Report, according to the urgent information, a group of strong men in the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty have entered the land of the He clan!”

A message reached everyone’s ears.

Everyone from the Heavenly Demon and Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty came over.

Everyone knew exactly what they were doing, and counterattacked their vast area.

“Everyone from the Southern Royal Clan, come back with me!”

Upon hearing this news, Nanhuang Jianghe and another ancestor’s complexion changed drastically, and they shouted with a gloomy face.

“It’s the ancestor!”

A group of Southern Royal disciples responded quickly.

“If the demon really goes to your Southern Royal Clan, have you resisted it?”

The dark pupil ancestor glanced at all of the Southern Royal Clan with a very embarrassed expression, and said in a deep voice.

The expressions of the two ancestors of the Southern Royal Clan froze instantly.

The demons are here, how do they resist?

Only the Dragon and Phoenix Queen and the Wild Goddess are enough for their Southern Royal Family to drink a pot, not to mention the more terrifying demon.

“Then what do you say?”

Nanhuang Jianghe’s face changed, and he asked in a deep voice.

“At this time, once we are separated, we will wait for each to be defeated!”

The Domineering Master stood there with an embarrassed expression.

He didn’t dare to leave. With the hatred of the solipsism and the demon, with the current strength of his solipsism, he could be easily destroyed…

“Then what should we do now? If the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty and the Heavenly Demon go to our southern royal clan’s lair, our tens of thousands of years will be over!”

Nanhuang Jianghe roared in a low voice.

This is about the rise and fall of their southern royal family!

“Now, the first thing we have to do is to unite together and absolutely cannot be separated. Once separated, we will wait to be broken by each one!”

“Second, signing an agreement with the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty. Although we are not their opponents, they will definitely not destroy us!”

“It’s not good for anyone to fight.”

The Lord Wu Ji walked out and said in a deep voice.

“To sign an agreement, then Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty must agree!”

The two ancestors of the Southern Royal Family said in a deep voice.

“The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty is a dynasty. What they want is the domain, the resources, and they will never die!”

The Lord of Wu Ji analyzed the road.

“I hope as you said, now, we are going to send someone to make peace with the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty?”

Nan Huang Jianghe said with a bad face.

“It’s seeking peace, not making peace!”

The dark pupil ancestor sighed slightly.

Now, how can they have the qualifications to make peace, they can only ask each other to stop doing it!

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