Chapter 1639 The Demon Is Still In The Dividing Of The Vastness In Half

“Then… what shall we do?”

Among the more than 60,000 people, a dozen middle-aged people standing in the center said with extremely embarrassed faces.

They are the masters of the Academy of Life and Death Pills and the Academy of Sacred Artifacts.

“Now we can’t even protect ourselves. If you are worried about your own safety, you can be with us, and we will bless you!”

The ancestor of Dark Eye glanced at the two continent-level forces and said in a deep voice.

However, the words of the dark-eyed ancestor made the faces of the masters immediately embarrassed.

“Bless us, we have given you a great resource…”

“Well, if you two superpowers don’t need protection, you can directly inform your senior leaders and ask them to send strong people to destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty. In this way, we will also be very grateful to you!”

An old man in the Life and Death Medicine Workshop wanted to speak, but was immediately interrupted by the master of Wu Ji.

This time, the biggest loss can be said to be their Wuji Dynasty.

Originally, they could sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and hang up high, because the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Holy Artifact Forging Workshop pulled them into the water.

It’s not their decision to go ashore now.

The masters of the two major forces turned black when they heard the words of the indifferent words of the master of Wu Ji.

“Then let’s not disturb, let’s go back to the Academy of Life and Death Pills!”

The masters of the Pill of Life and Death Medicine Workshop left directly with black faces and anger.

The masters of the Relic Forging Workshop hesitated and left directly.

“I don’t believe it, the gods dare to destroy our Life and Death Pill Medicine Academy and Sacred Artifact Forging Academy!”

The masters said with gloomy faces.

As a mainland-level force, they are so humiliated for the first time!

Usually, even the three superpowers are polite to them.

“We are now back to Wuji Dynasty!”

Ancestor Dark Eye glanced at them and said in a deep voice.

“Why not return to our Southern Royal Family!”

Nanhuang Jianghe frowned and said immediately.


The faces of the two ancestors of the Wuji Dynasty turned black.

“Well, let’s stay in the ruins of the kingdom of God for the time being, and build a base in the ruins of the kingdom of God in the future!”

The Domineering Master said on the side.

Today, his arrogance has reduced a lot.

The current solipsism, whether it is in front of the Wuji Dynasty or the Southern Royal Family, is weaker.

Let alone compare with the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the mysterious and primitive ruins of the Kingdom of God.

Now that the solipsism wants to survive in the Jedi, it can only get a huge opportunity in the ruins of the kingdom of God.

“Well, our Wuji Dynasty represents the three superpowers and seek peace from the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty!”

The ancestor of the dark pupil said directly with a calm face.

The two ancestors of the Domineering Headmaster and the Southern Royal Clan nodded with a calm face.

Sixty thousand strong people dispersed.

Less than an hour later, the news of this expedition spread throughout the ruins of the kingdom of God, and spread towards the entire vast area at a terrifying speed.

“The 120,000 strong in the vast area went to Liuhai area and lost half of their lives. An ancestor of the Wuji Dynasty has fallen!”

“The demon resurrected and suppressed all the ancestors in the vast area with an invincible posture. The ancestors of the Wuji Dynasty Darkweave were beheaded on the spot, and our vast area was defeated!”

“The devil and the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty counterattack the vast area, and the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty will each occupy a place in the vast area in the future!”

One by one news came from the population who had returned from the battle.

One piece of information completely detonated the entire ruins of the kingdom of God.

In the beginning, everyone in the ruins of the Kingdom of God had similar thoughts to those in Beiliuhai City.

But when the news came in one by one, everyone was shocked.

The demon was not dead, and it suppressed the ancestors of the three superpowers!

The entire vast area was defeated and fled back, and the Heavenly Demon and the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty counterattacked into the vast area!

The ruins of the kingdom of God shake!

Everyone shook the cloth.

Especially for the news of the resurrection of the demon.

Because of the demon, the vast area is changing.

Now because of the demon, the entire vast area is surging again.

It is very possible that because of the demon, the vast area will be changed.

And the information about the three superpowers preparing to seek peace also came out, and everyone opened their mouths, one by one was extremely shocked.

This day, it really has to change!

“Wang Xian, Phoenix Emperor, Wild Goddess, Wu Ji Dynasty represents the three super powers, and they want to make peace!”

Early in the morning of the second day, a high-level group of He and He Sui people walked over and came to report.

“Let them prepare the conditions for peace. In addition, Chief He, give us a copy of the resources of life and death, sacred objects, and the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty!”

Wang Xian said directly to them.

“Yes, Brother Wang Xian, are you going here?”

The head of the He clan smiled and nodded, and asked curiously.

“Naturally to recover some interest. Their hatred of invading our Liuhai area has not yet been counted!”

Wang Xian smiled and flew straight into the sky.

“Emperor Feng, do you want our He clan and He Sui clan to help?”

The He and He Sui people quickly asked.

“No, by the way, tell the three major forces that our Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty wants half of the vast area!”

Feng Luan said towards them, following Wang Xian’s back.

“Half of the field, hiss!”

“The vast area is over a million kilometers, occupying half of it, and the strength of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty in the future…”

All the He and He Sui people shook.

“Yesterday, Brother Wangxian said that he wants to dominate the Transcendent Continent, I don’t know…”

At this time, He Yuan on the side squeezed, looking at Wang Xian’s figure with admiration on his face.

To have this brother in life is really a blessing for eight lifetimes!

“Brother Wangxian is less than thirty, the ninth level of Dongxu less than thirty, and the future Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty will be the sixth largest empire!”

The patriarch of the He clan said affirmatively.

They can’t imagine dominating the extraordinary continent.

But they are 80% sure that the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty can be promoted to an empire.

Because there is a ninth-level Dongxu who is less than 30 years old, no one before, and it is destined to have no one to come.

“Go, goal, Tianyun City!”

In the sky, Lan Qingyue said towards Xiaolan.

Tianyun City, the base of the Academy of Life and Death Pills and the Academy of Sacred Artifacts.

Their first place to go is to destroy this place.


Xiaolan swayed a terrifying body, and disappeared directly under the awe of all the He and He Sui people.

When Xiao Lan flew in the sky, passing by each city, instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

“The former convenience is Tianyun City, the home base of the Pill of Life and Death and the Sacred Artifact Forge in the vast area!”

Five hours later, Tianyun City appeared in their sight.

“Destroy everyone from the two major forces and plunder all their pill weapons!”

Wang Xian looked down at the city below and ordered directly.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

All the strong in the Dragon Palace and the Dragon Phoenix Dynasty immediately responded loudly.

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