Chapter 2559 Sound Shake Stars Going South

“Dragon King, this is the information published by the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect. They obviously didn’t put us in their eyes, and they didn’t give us any explanation for the monster-slashing sect!”

At the battle pet sales place, the lord of the tiger chaos came to Wang Xian’s side, turned on the wisdom brain and presented the reply of the Nine-Rank Celestial Sect!

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian saw the above content and smiled: “Don’t pay attention to it for now, we will deal with it one by one after today!”

“Dragon King, do you really want to be enemies with the Ninth-Rank Tianzong?”

The Lord of Tiger Chaos frowned, and asked slightly worried!

Even if the 7th-rank immortal king of Tiger Luan Yao is now sitting in town, they are still in fear when facing the veteran Nine-Rank Tianzong!

If you really fight with the opponent, the tiger chaos demon kingdom will be destroyed!

Like today’s Demon Slayer Sect, he may become a dog of the mourning family!

“This is not our problem. Now they shelter the Demon Slashing Sect, and the Demon Slashing Sect still has the sixth-order immortal king. Their sneak attacks from time to time will cause us a lot of losses!”

“So, either they will drive away the demon slayers and we will continue to hunt down, or a bigger war will break out!”

Wang Xian said coldly!

Now Sanhaimen, Demon Slayer Sect, and even the other two forces on Xinghua Planet are a great threat to them!

Once it is not eradicated, it may cause huge losses to them one day!

Wang Xian doesn’t like this feeling, so even if it offends the Nine-Rank Heavenly Sect!

The most important thing is that once all the battle pets are sold today, after the immortal king’s fifth-order battle pet is sold, the strength of the Dragon Palace can be greatly improved!

And he can truly step into the realm of the immortal king, possessing a fighting power comparable to the seventh-order immortal king!

When the time comes, coupled with the celestial formation and the old national teacher, you can completely touch any forces in the Xingnan Galaxy!

The lord of tiger chaos was silent, and then nodded!

“Dragon King, 80% of the battle pet has been sold, and the rest is estimated to be sold within half an hour!”

The statement of the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect on the Intellectual Brain does not affect the sale of the Dragon Palace battle pet. In less than an hour, 80% of the battle pets taken out have been sold!

“Very good, after all the battle pets are sold, tell the sky formation that you can promote the training venue!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded!

“Wow, this battle pet is selling too fast, right now, there is no more!”

“It’s only an hour, and more than 200,000 battle pets are sold out. This is crazy!”

For an entire hour, everyone found that all their pets were sold out!

According to Dragon Palace’s announcement, half of the battle pets have not been sold, but they will be sold out in batches within the next ten days!

Even so, more than 200,000 battle pets are sold out, which is very scary!

There are more than seventy immortal kings battle pets, of which there are still two immortal kings fifth-tier battle pets!

“Dragon King, it’s about to start!”

At this moment, Prime Minister Turtle came over and said!


As soon as his voice fell, a huge picture appeared over the entire Dragon Star!

In the picture, accompanied by a voice resounded in everyone’s mind!

“The Dragon Star Cultivation Field, the world-shaking cultivation field, is divided into nine attributes and contains space for laws!”

Everyone can’t help but shook slightly!

“What happened? What happened?”

“Look at the sky? Is Long Xing announcing something?”

“I’m going, it’s amazing, the whole sky is a picture, this kind of ability is so perverted!”

“Longxing Cultivation Field, what is that?”

Everyone trembled slightly when they heard this voice, and looked up at the sky with shocked faces!

“The Dragon Star Cultivation Field, where you can place the Divine Stones for cultivation, the aura in it is rich, ranging from comparable to that of the Immortal King’s Tier 1 God, to the Immortal King’s Sixth Tier Aura!”

“Because the Dragon Star Cultivation Field possesses various attributes, the speed of cultivation is much faster than the Immortal Kingdom of God King…”

The sound continued to spread into everyone’s ears. Slowly, some people’s eyes widened and their faces were full of shock!

How strong is the spirit of the Immortal King’s Kingdom of God?

Many people know something!

But how many people can really cultivate in the Immortal Kingdom?

The Immortal King will put his kingdom in a very safe and hidden void, and no one will announce his immortal kingdom!

Because once it is announced, the enemy can lock the kingdom of God and attack directly!

When the time comes to be locked into the kingdom of God, this god king is basically immortal and abolished!

Therefore, people who can truly cultivate in the Immortal God’s country don’t even know where they are unless they are close relatives of a God King!

As for the core of the sect, Dongtianfudi, there are many that can be compared to the immortal kingdom of God, but how many people can enter?

However, now the Dragon Star Cultivation Field has such a terrifying function!

“Hey, this… is this true? How could this be possible, if there is such a powerful training place, wouldn’t it attract countless powerful people to cultivate!”

“How many sacred stones do you need to enter such a perverted practice site?”

Some people heard a sentence with shocked expressions on their faces, and even some strong men opened their mouths slightly!

The first-order Immortal King can completely enter the training room with the sixth-order Divine Kingdom effect of the Immortal King. This is also a great opportunity for them!

“The specific effect, the specific price, you can try it in the training venue, take a look, and you will know when you get there!”

Prime Minister Turtle and the others were suspended in the void, speaking towards everyone!

Afterwards, the powerful people of Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom led them into the training ground!

The huge practice site covers an area of ​​thousands of kilometers, and there are various shopping malls around the practice site!

Everything is centered on this practice site!

More than a billion people rushed into the practice site. After entering, a staff member briefly explained!

Some strong men couldn’t help but go in and test!

However, soon, more and more people entered the training ground!

In less than an hour, about the Dragon Star training site, the whole intellectual brain was hot!

Everyone who entered is crazy!

“The cultivation speed inside is very terrifying, and the attributes are flooded, which makes my mind clearer. This is ten times stronger than our sect’s Dongtianfudi!”

“Hi, as long as there are enough sacred stones to consume, it can completely reach the level of the immortal god king’s sixth-order **** kingdom. This is too scary. I feel that I will be able to break through after cultivating here!”

“The consumption of the sacred stone is not as much as imagined, but it is also a lot, but the effect is really terrifying!”

“I’m 100% sure that the Dragon Star is going to be hot, and only relying on this training ground will be able to burst the star southern galaxy!”

Around the Dragon Star cultivation field, everyone was boiling, and they were talking incredible one by one!

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