Chapter 2560 Promotion To The Realm Of The Immortal King

“Shocked, Long Xing has a practice field against the sky, which has a great effect on the Immortal King!”

“Longxing’s strong security, against the sky-defying training ground, the Longxing commercial planet will also completely rise in the future!”

“The training ground is too much against the sky. It is estimated that many strong people will come, there are only 10 million training grounds, and it will be 100% full in the future!”

“From the current situation of Dragon Star, the overall situation of Dragon Star is much stronger than the other five commercial planets!”

In the afternoon, Longxing Commercial Planet completely shook the entire Xingnan Galaxy, especially the Longgong Cultivation Field, and shocked many forces!

That powerful training field is enough to make the Immortal King quickly improve, not to mention the power of the Eternal God Lord!

When this news was delivered to the other five business planets, everyone was extremely moved!

This time, it was a real move!

Even the Ninth-Rank Tianzong and the Tianshan Sword Sect frowned slightly, and they were very surprised at the training ground of Dragon Star!

“Hahaha, our Dragon Star has completely shaken the star south, and now there are many powerful people coming towards our Dragon Star!”

In the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace, the powerful people of the Tiger Demon Kingdom said with all their faces excited!

Even if the training ground has nothing to do with them, they may be able to get 40% of the profits in other places!

This is a huge gain for the tiger chaos demon country!

In the future, relying solely on the Dragon Star will enable the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom to maintain its expenses and increase steadily!

“Set an online on the planet, once this limit is reached, outsiders are forbidden to enter!”

Wang Xian smiled, and they said to the tiger chaos demon country!

“Good Dragon King, leave this to us!”

Tiger Luan said with a smile!

“Report to Dragon King, some of the sacred stones have been exchanged for pill!”

At this time, several powerful Dragon Palace experts from outside came in and reported towards Wang Xianhui!

“Has it been exchanged?”

An expression of excitement appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes, and with a wave of his arm, he took the space rings one by one!

“Lord Tiger, prepare for tonight, and we will destroy the planet Xinghua tomorrow morning!”

Wang Xian looked at the pill in the space ring, and immediately said to all the powerhouses in the tiger chaos demon kingdom!

“Do you do it tomorrow? Good!”

Hu Luan Yao Guo nodded: “We will prepare immediately!”

“Well, tomorrow morning, we will gather on the central planet above the Dragon Star!”

Wang Xian immediately decided!

The powerhouses of the Tiger Demon Kingdom nodded their heads and did not stay too much. They immediately drove towards the planet of the Tiger Demon Kingdom!

“With these pills, my strength can be improved qualitatively!”

Wang Xian murmured in his mouth, waved his hand, and all the strong in the Dragon Palace withdrew!


With a low growl, he immediately turned into a dragon, swallowing a large amount of pills into his abdomen!

The pill in his hand is enough to promote him, leaving him with a lot of dragon energy left!

“Ho Ho Ho Ho!

Soon, phantoms of the dragons hovered around him, and the colorful rays of light shone on the entire Dragon King Palace!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for upgrading to the first level of the Immortal King, and the seventh change of the Shenlong Transformation!”

The sound of the system sounded, making Wang Xian’s face extremely excited!



Unable to let out a roar, Wang Xian felt that his body was full of destructive power!

He even felt that his dragon’s tail swept away and could easily destroy a huge planet of life!

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang and Five Elements Dragon

Level: First Tier of Immortal King (Seventh Change of Shenlong Change)

Origin: 241434410000000

Supernatural powers: dominate the aquarium (ruling the aquarium below its own level)

Phagocytosis (the origin of phagocytic organisms is extracted)

Five Elements Control

Method: Shenlong Transformation

Supernatural powers: contemplating soul, possessing spirit, yin and yang, five elements, dragon eyes.

Dharma phase: Five Elements Great Mill, Dragon Kingdom in the Palm, Dragon Head World, Ten Thousand Miles of Dragon Body, Yin-Yang Polarity, Yin-Yang Five Elements Bowl, Shenlong Swinging Tail!

Substantive law: Golden, wood, water, fire, earth, light and darkness (first order)

Kingdom of God: Dragon Palace

Own Dragon Palace: Level 7.

Dragon Palace members: 389842

Looking at his own attributes, the corners of Wang Xian’s mouth slightly cocked!

Today, he has reached a length of fifteen thousand meters, which is comparable to a small void behemoth!

However, his strength is much stronger than ordinary star behemoths!

“This improvement is a qualitative change, making my strength stand on the top of the Southern Star System. With my current strength, I can fear no one!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face!

“Next, sweep all enemies!”

He murmured in his mouth, as soon as he moved his body, he immediately transformed into a human form, and the actual law immediately transformed into a colorful dragon robe, and his eyes were full of endless majesty!

From the God Lord to the God King, it is a qualitative change, with a life span of tens of thousands of years, which can tear the void and escape into the void!

The immortal kingdom can also be directly in the void cracks!

The king immortal at this moment can hide the Dragon Palace in the void!

“Prime Minister Turtle!”

He gave a soft drink!

“Weichen is here, congratulations on Dragon King’s breakthrough!”

Prime Minister Turtle came in and congratulated respectfully!

“Let all the members of the Dragon Palace prepare and set off with the Dragon King tomorrow to destroy the planet Xinghua!”

Wang Xian said coldly!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Kame nodded immediately!

“In addition, today we sent the monsters to investigate all kinds of information in Sanhaimen. This time we will catch Sanhaimen in one go!”

Wang Xian sat there, his eyes filled with cold murderous aura!

Prime Minister Turtle nodded heavily and immediately quit to give orders!

Wang Xian stood in front of the dragon chair, looking at the huge dragon palace!

Unknowingly, for nearly two decades, he has grown from a small figure to the overlord of the Quartet!


“We have sent people to investigate. The effect of the training ground is indeed against the sky. Next, our planet Xinghua may lose a lot of people!”

At this moment, in the battleship above Xing Hua planet, the three major forces gathered together and said slightly helplessly!

Since the birth of Dragon Star, they have been discussing various things!

Seeing Longxing’s hot day, the three major forces are full of helplessness!

“Does the tiger chaos demon country continue to question our reply?”

The president of Jianhua Group rubbed his brows and said helplessly!

“There is currently no response. They are now dealing with Longxing’s affairs, and there should be no time to care about us!”

An old man said in a deep voice!

“Now we can only take one step and see one step!”

The three big forces sat there helplessly, whispering!

Faced with the rise of Dragon Star, they now have nothing to do!

“Swish swish!”

In the early morning of the second day, everyone in Longxing could see that millions of soldiers from the Tiger Demon Kingdom were flying towards a planet around Longxing!

Soon, they discovered that in the Dragon Star Ocean, the powerful Dragon Palace Legion was also flying towards that planet!

Such a big movement has aroused many people’s surprise and curiosity!

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