Chapter 2595 Inside Giant Peak

“It’s the Dragon King!”

In the abyss, in front of Jufeng, Ao Qitian and Aoqi took out the dragon blood and placed it in the void in front!

When Wang Xian arranged the concealment formation, Ao Qitian and the others immediately went into hiding!

“This time, even if it comes directly to five or six, or even six or seven, they can stay here!”

Wang Xian murmured, last time, when they encountered four abyss species of the seventh-order immortal king, they were about to flee!

This time, unless they reach seven or eight, they can quickly kill them!



In less than ten minutes, a roar came, and Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the location of Jufeng closely!

“One, two, three, three immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss, it’s a second in an instant!”

Wang Xian stared at the Abyss Seed that was flying towards here, his eyes gleaming!

There are three seventh-order abyss species, and there are ten on Wang Xian’s side. Among them, there is one other than the thorn dragon-type Ao Yao that has been upgraded to the seventh-order combat effectiveness!

Kill three in an instant, no problem!


The speed of the Abyssal Seed was very fast, and in an instant they entered the range of Wang Xian’s attack!


At this moment, among the three immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss species in the front, an abyss species with huge glasses suddenly stopped, and its huge eyes swept towards Wang Xian’s position with some alertness!

Let out a low growl!


Wang Xian did not hesitate, and immediately ordered!

“Boom boom boom!”

In the next moment, a terrifying attack covers all the abyss species!

Thousands of abyss species, three seventh-order god king abyss species, were instantly covered!



The three immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss uttered a roar of horror, sensing the people in front of Wangxian, turning around and wanting to escape!

“Swish swish!”

In the next moment, Ao Yao and a sly monster appeared on the left and right of an Immortal King Seventh-order Abyss Seed, and attacked directly!

The Abyss Species possessed terrifying hairs, and the hairs stood up in an instant, and they attacked Ao Yao!


When he resisted the Ao Yao’s attack, at the rear, another thorn dragon dragon seed instantly penetrated its body!

These two bodies became stiff!


Ahead, Ao Yao broke through the defense, and the same power of light and darkness entered its body!


Wang Xian laughed when he saw Ao Yao and they solved one in an instant!

On their side, the four besieged an abyss seed of the same level and completely trapped it!

“Ao Yao, come over and kill him as soon as possible!”

Wang Xian shouted!

To kill quickly, it depends on the thorn dragon dragon seed!

With the assistance of Wang Xian and the others, Ao Yao and the others can almost kill with one blow!

“Puff puff!”

Two immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss species were easily beheaded within twenty seconds!

As for the rest of the abyss species, all of them are easily wiped out!

“Dragon King, there are thirteen in the sixth rank, good harvest!”

Ao Xie and the others put away the corpse and said with smiles on their faces!

“Very good, change location, continue!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, just these corpses could increase Dragon Palace’s members with the fighting power of the Five Immortal Kings!


When everyone moved, they immediately flew in another direction!


Arrange the formation and put the dragon blood aside!

Then they waited quietly!

Ten minutes later this time, two Immortal Kings of Tier 7 Abyss Species flew over!

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he was so easy to kill!

In a short period of time, five immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss species were harvested in the bag!


But then, their luck was not so good!

After changing a place, the dragon blood did not attract the Abyss Seed to continue coming, which made him frowned slightly!

“What’s going on? Could it be that the abyss seeds in this giant peak were all attracted out? There are no more?”

“It shouldn’t!”

He looked at the huge abyss and giant peaks ahead, and raised his brows slightly!

The entire giant peak is comparable to a huge planet, and there are about tens of thousands of abyssal species hunted by Wang Xian. According to his speculation, there should not be so few!

“Would you like to go in and check it out?”

Wang Xian hesitated and looked at Ao Yao Ao Qitian and the others!

“Go, we are close to this giant peak, be careful, pay attention to the surroundings!”

Wang Xian said!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Ao Yao nodded their heads!


Wang Xian and the ten of them concealed their figures, carefully approaching Jufeng!

The closer you get, the more you can feel the majestic and majestic on the giant peak, and feel extremely small in front of it!

“Yin Yang and Five Elements Dragon Eye!”

Gradually approaching, Wang Xian immediately opened his dragon eyes and scanned the front!

“This giant peak is very strong, and the seventh-order immortal king will destroy this giant peak. It is estimated that it will take a year or two!”

Sensing Jufeng blocking his vision, he murmured!

Looking at a hole, his figure moved and immediately fell in front of the hole!

The passageway in the entire cave is dozens of kilometers long. Looking inside from the entrance of the cave, you can find that it is hollow after dozens of kilometers!

I looked at it and didn’t see anything!

When Wang Xian moved his arm, the Five Elements Great Mo appeared in front of him, and the Five Elements Great Mo slowly concealed his lower figure and flew directly into it!

When the Five Elements Damo entered inside, the scene inside appeared in his sight!

“This is?”

Looking down, there was a hint of surprise on his face!

Inside Kyoho, the upper part is hollow and there is nothing, but underneath, there is a sea of ​​fire, no, it’s the red to black magma of the speech!

The magma is sticky and looks like a swamp, but it can sense the terrifying temperature inside!

The inner space of Wang Xian’s entire giant peak is about 100 million kilometers in radius. Above the magma, one can see the abyssal species!

Seeing safety around him, he went directly into the cave entrance and put away the Five Elements Mill, looking at the magma below!


Suddenly, at the location of a hole below, there was a roaring sound!

He looked around, and found that five or six immortal gods of the seventh-order abyss species had flown out of the entrance of the cave!

And behind them, there are seven or eight thousand subordinates, they are flying above the magma, staring coldly into the magma!


While they were flying, they roared at the same time, and finally an Abyss Species couldn’t help but flew directly into the magma below!

The rest of the abyss species immediately followed behind!

“Boom boom boom!”

Soon, the sound of fighting came from inside the magma, and Wang Xian’s face showed a look of surprise!

“This is? There are many abyss species inside the magma, they are fighting, no, they are robbing treasures!”

Looking at Wang Xian’s yin and yang, five elements, dragon eyes, a look of surprise appeared on his face!

The abyss species that rushed down obviously wanted to fly towards the bottom, and around, there was a dark red abyss species to stop them!

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