Chapter 2596 God King’s Eighth Tier Abyss Seed

“Abyss species is usually a leader leading a group of younger brothers, the situation in this giant peak is a little different!”

“From the beginning of the attraction, to now, there have been a total of more than a dozen types of abyss species, that is, they are not a race!”

“The magma below this giant peak is a race!”

Wang Xian stood above and watched, there was an abyss race group in the magma, a dark red body!

The dark red abyss is a kilometer in size, has a pair of horns, and looks extremely fierce!

Attack the other abyss species that enter their domain!

Below the magma, you can vaguely see a tree, and the tree bears many fiery red fruits!

The abyss seeds that rushed into it, it is these fruits that they want to snatch!

“There are so many abyss species that want to snatch the fruits inside. It seems that the fruits of the trees below are far more attractive to the abyss species than dragon blood!”

Wang Xian muttered!

There are creatures in the abyss, and naturally treasures are born. This giant peak can attract so many abyss species, and the treasures in it must be very precious!

“Is there no Abyss Seed of the Immortal King’s Eighth Stage?”

Wang Xian muttered while looking at the position below!

According to his speculation, there should be a more powerful abyss species here!

“Wait here!”

Wang Xian murmured, and continued to wait around!

The battle below was very fierce, and the abyss species were killed and swallowed directly, and several of the abyss species of the seventh-order immortal king wanted to break into the depths of the magma!

The entire magma is chaotic!

“Hoho Ho Ho Ho!”

At this moment, at the upper position, Wang Xian heard another roar!

Three or four immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss species led thousands of subordinates to appear, and directly swooped down!

Wang Xian was slightly startled and immediately hid in the cave!

“Boom boom boom!”

The four immortal kings of Tier 7 abyss species that appeared again rushed into the magma, making the battle even more fierce!

“I don’t know if there is a Tier 8 Abyss Seed in it, if not, you can enter it and fight!”

A hesitant look appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he looked down!

Wang Xian and the others have ten members of the immortal king’s seventh-order combat strength. Speaking of which, ten of them can fight against the eighth-order gods together!

Below Wang Xian, there are many seventh-order abyss species!

“If you don’t get into the tiger’s lair, you won’t be a tiger, if it’s a big deal, just run away!”

Wang Xian secretly decided in his heart!


Now their strength here is no longer weak, and three or four immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss species dared to rush into it, why didn’t he dare!

“Prepare, let’s go over and take a look!”

“The members of Tier 5 and Tier 6 also followed, and the weaker ones are waiting behind!”

Wang Xian immediately ordered!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The members of the Dragon Palace nodded!

“You don’t need to hide it, you can’t hide it!”

With a movement of his body, he flew directly down!


At the same time, he uttered a dragon chant, and his whole person immediately turned into a dragon!

The body of the 20,000-meter dragon appeared, and Wang Xian swayed his tail, shrinking slightly, reaching about one kilometer!

In the rear, Ao Qitian and the others directly transformed into a fighting form, following Wang Xian’s back!

“Let’s take a look at those fruits first, if there is an abyss seed blocking, kill them directly!”

Wang Xian spoke towards them!


Entering the magma, Wang Xian flew straight towards the trees in the magma below!

This is a huge tree with a height of tens of millions of meters in the magma. The fiery red fruits on it support a space and look very bright!


When they just rushed into it, under the magma, four or five dark red abyss species flew over!

Each of them possesses the fighting power of the seventh-order Immortal King!

Behind him, there are thousands of God Kings below the seventh rank!

“The strength of this abyss species is so strong, there are already ten resisting the other abyss species, and now four or five fly out from below, this abyss species is not easy!”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster!

“Kill, at the fastest speed!”

Wang Xian let out a low roar, and the dragon claw directly greeted the abyss seed flying from above and below!


The faces of those abyss species showed an incomparably violent look, and a law of flame spurted from their mouths, sweeping towards Wang Xian and the others!

“One second!”

Wang Xian also opened his dragon’s mouth, and also spouted the law of flame!


A violent collision sounded, buffered by surrounding magma, and their attack power could only spread to a radius of 100 kilometers!

Behind them, Ao Qitian and the others immediately released a ranged attack, heading towards the cover of a few abyssal species!

“Puff puff!”

Ao Yao and the others were hidden in the magma, with a strange movement of their figures, instantly obliterating a seventh-order Abyss Seed and putting away its corpse!


Wang Xian’s eyes are shining!


At the moment when the seventh-order Abyss Seed was killed, a violent roar came from the position below!

Wang Xian’s pupils shrank slightly, the surrounding position, the abyss species that only wanted to enter it also trembled, and looked inside!

“A abyss species with combat power reaching Tier 8!”

Wang Xian looked down, his heart stunned slightly!


The surrounding abyss species roared unwillingly, turned and fled outside!

“Forget it, not an opponent!”

Wang Xian looked at it and shook his head slightly, an eighth-order god king abyss seed, plus more than ten seventh-order ones, they couldn’t fight it at all!

He also moved his body and immediately fled towards the sky!


The blood-red eyes of the eighth-order abyss below stared at Wang Xian and the others, and when they saw them fleeing, they let out a roar, but it did not pursue it!

“Huh? No chase, no magma?”

Wang Xian looked at it, picked up the dragon’s eyes slightly, and glanced down, and he immediately set his eyes on the surrounding Abyss Seed flying towards the sky!

About ten, divided into three races, each flew vigilantly towards the surrounding hole!

“Shoot, attack them!”

When Wang Xian saw this scene, his eyes were delighted. Although the abyss species below is not an opponent, the abyss species dragon palaces above can completely destroy them!

He focused his eyes on the abyss race group with four immortal kings, and directly killed them!

Ao Qitian and the others immediately followed behind!


The abyss species saw Wang Xian and the others attacking, and their faces showed extremely angry expressions. In the slightly narrow space within this giant peak, they were not easy to escape, and they were angrily killed directly!

“court death!”

A cold expression appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes, and the dragon claws waved to meet the abyss species!

The four Abyssal Species wanted to challenge Wang Xian and they were all hunted in less than two minutes!

He swept his eyes to the position above the giant peak, and his eyes shone with luster!

“Go, the abyss below can’t be planted, we can completely clean up the rest of the abyss race group here!”

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