Please give me flowers! Please give me flowers! Please give me flowers!


Ymir stepped on the air and flew forward at a high speed. He was already very close to the earth

-shaking waves that were rushing towards him.

When observing from a close distance, Ymir suddenly felt amazed again.

The waves were too high.

They were so high that they almost blocked the clouds in the sky.

Ymir had basically never heard of such big waves in his previous life.

The huge waves that were hundreds of meters high were simply shocking!

What's more terrifying is that such a tsunami was actually created by a human being!

It is not without reason that Whitebeard is called a man who can destroy the world.

With this skill of his, he is invincible in naval battles.

If he is not careful, a tsunami will hit him in the face.

The deterrent effect is so strong that it is absolutely comparable to nuclear weapons.

"Don't let the waves land in Wano Country."

Kaido beside him shouted.

Although Kaido didn't care about the lives of the civilians in Wano Country, there were still many newly conquered brothers on the coast.

Kaido, who always valued talents, naturally didn't want them to die in vain.

"Do your best."

Ymir said calmly.

If you want to completely stop a tsunami of this magnitude, you have to let Aokiji come.

""Then go ahead!"

Kaido roared, opened his mouth and uttered,"Hot Breath!"

A blazing pillar of fire shot out.

The blazing pillar of fire had an extremely destructive power, and it pierced through the huge waves almost instantly!

Even the waves behind were penetrated.

"But what's the use of this!"

Ymir said helplessly,"Do you want to evaporate all the waves one by one?"

Kaido's heat breath is indeed powerful, and it can blow away a small hill in an instant.

But in this case, the heat breath is useless. What can it do to open a hole in the tsunami? Can it stop the sea water from hitting it?

"This is the only way I can do! If you have any idea, use it now!"

Kaido said angrily.

So even the top monsters are not omnipotent.

Kaido's melee strength is extremely terrifying, but he is helpless in the face of such a tsunami.

However, Ymir still feels that he should be thankful.

Kaido at least has a heat breath. If it were a pure physical school like Kapuzefa, he would have rushed up and punched the tsunami in the chest.

"Then I will give it a try!"

Ymir shot out, his arms covered with armed color, and took a deep breath.

"This move is called——"

""Blade Storm!!"

His arms flew wildly, and then a series of slashes whizzed out.

The flying slash, which was originally at the level of a great swordsman, expanded rapidly the moment it flew out, and its size and speed increased by dozens of times at the same time!

The speed of the flying slash was so fast that even the sound could not catch up, it could be called a silent slash.

The huge slash slashed across the sky, lightly cutting a huge gap in the huge wave that was pressing down!

Then countless slashes followed, and in an instant, the huge wave had been chopped into water droplets all over the sky by Ymir.

""You kid,"

Kaido said in surprise,"Is this a flying slash? The moves of those swordsmen? I don't remember when you learned swordsmanship!""

"It is always good to have many skills."

Ymir laughed,"It's not time to rest yet, it comes again!"

The reason why the tsunami is so scary is not because of the earth-shaking waves, but because the huge waves are one after another, vast and mighty, as if there is no end!

Although the huge wave just now was basically the peak, many huge waves are opening!

Ymir didn't have time to talk nonsense, he rushed forward and slashed out.

It was half an hour later when the continuous huge waves completely subsided.

Ymir was exhausted and panting and sat on Kaido's head to rest.

Even without using the Ultra Instinct and the body amplification, the simple continuous Half an hour of amplification and slashing also made Ymir exhausted.

Fortunately, the result was good. The huge wave was completely shattered by Ymir when it approached Wano Country.

Of course, it is impossible to say that there was no damage at all.

Whitebeard had previously shattered the waterfall leading to the seaport of Wano Country. Now the sea to the coast of Kuri is flat.

The surging waves finally surged onto the coast, turning the area near the sea of Kuri into a swamp.

When Ymir looked down, he saw a large ship overturned on the ground, soaked in the water.

However, this ship seems a little familiar?

"Isn't this the ship we took when we came back?"

Imir remembered this ship, which was the one they took when they went out to sea before.

Of course, the point is not here. The important thing is that the two captives are still on this ship!

In order to prevent them from getting hurt or escaping in the battle, Imir deliberately arranged for the ship to stop farther away, but it was still affected by the tsunami.

Imir forced himself to jump down, using the moon step to control the air and landed steadily on the overturned ship. He looked down from a high place and felt relieved. There are many cadres of the Beast Pirates who stayed on this ship. The missed tide could not kill them. They were packing things at this time.

The Golden Lion sat on a big rock with a cigar in his mouth. After noticing Imir's arrival, he didn't even look up at him.

Imir treated him well, and as long as it was not excessive, his requests would be met as much as possible.

Compared with the quietness of the Golden Lion, of course, it was more because the seastone had to be quiet, and the other captive was much more noisy.

"Let me go! You damn pirates!!"

Because she is not a special ability user, she has strong shackles on her hands and feet.

But she still relies on her feet to jump and hit the pirates.

Very fierce

"That's how you treat your savior.��?"

Ymir suddenly spoke up

"You bastard!!"

Gion suddenly looked up, gnashed his teeth at Imir and said,"The Navy will not let you go!"

"Oh, the navy is really amazing."

Imir clapped his hands, then tilted his head and asked,"Then Miss Navy, can you tell me why you have been captured for so long, and the navy you rely on has not made any move?"

Navy Gion was suddenly stunned.

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