It should be available tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so I’m still asking for some flowers here!!!


Miss Gion is a young navy soldier. She is only eighteen years old this year, and she has been in the navy for just over a year.

In just over a year, she has walked a path that an ordinary navy soldier might not be able to walk in a lifetime.

With her outstanding talent, she graduated from teacher Zefa with excellent grades and became a truly qualified navy soldier.

Then, she followed Vice Admiral Tsuru, who is also a legend on the sea, and sailed on the sea. If nothing unexpected happens, her future will be to grow step by step into the future pillar of the navy, and she will most likely inherit the position of admiral. This was originally correct.

But this expedition completely changed her destiny.

"If the navy wanted to save you, they would have come to save you when the battle was over,"

Imir smiled and landed in front of Gion, pinching her chin and forcing her to look up at him.

"Aren't General Sengoku and Hero Garp enough? Even if the others escape first, the two of them will probably be enough to save you. After all, you saw how weak I was at that time."

Young and inexperienced Miss Gion bit her lower lip, then suddenly turned her head and broke free from Imir's fingers, saying righteously,

"Don't try to trick me, pirate! Mr. Sengoku and Mr. Garp don't know your situation at all! They are just worried that if they continue to fight, the entire fleet will be destroyed!"

"So - so——"

When she said this, she hesitated a little, and her expression began to waver, but she finally gritted her teeth and said loudly,"In order to save the lives of more navy soldiers, I am honored to sacrifice myself!"

Imir raised his eyebrows in surprise. After learning that he was abandoned, he could still be so calm. This young navy man is also extraordinary.

"Ha, sacrifice of justice?"

The Golden Lion on the side sneered,"After so many years, the navy still likes to play this trick."

Imir smiled and continued,"After all, we all know, Mr. Shiki, the navy is the largest pirate group in this ocean, how about we call them the Justice Pirates?"


The golden lion was stunned for a moment, then immediately burst into laughter,"Masterpiece, kid, this name is so suitable!"

"You guys!!"

The young navy soldier gritted his teeth

"All right, beautiful Miss Gion, let's stop talking nonsense and go."

Ymir picked up Gion, then went over and picked up the golden lion and soared into the sky.

There are still some things to do.

Even without using the Momo Fruit to increase the power, Ymir's speed was so fast that he returned to the previous battlefield in two seconds.

The battlefield that was in chaos just now was now in order.

The pirates of the Beasts Pirates surrounded the samurai who outnumbered them by several times, and were talking and laughing.

No wonder, defeating the arrogant Whitebeard Pirates was indeed a cause for celebration, and it was estimated that the grand banquet in the evening was already being prepared.

About 20,000 samurai were surrounded in the center of the battlefield, and the weapons and armor in their hands had long been thrown aside and piled up into a mountain.

Even though they had an absolute advantage in numbers, they dared not resist at all at this time. There was no doubt that Kaido, who was flying in the sky, was the biggest deterrent.

"Tsk, there are still so many left."

Ymir stepped on the air and came to Kaido's side, standing shoulder to shoulder with him,"I thought you could kill more of your men."

Kaido snorted coldly,"It's not too late to kill now!"

"They are just scum. The mines of Rabbit Bowl have no use for them. Let them all die here.

Kaido said so.

""Whatever you say."

Ymir said casually.

Kaido must be really angry. Most of these samurai were samurai troops formed by Orochi and Zenzo. Kaido was very generous to them, giving them money and weapons.

As a result, they rebelled as soon as Oden came back. Ymir didn't bother to care. If people make the wrong choice, shouldn't they be held responsible for it?

"What a cruel fellow!"

Gion, who was held in Ymir's hand, said coldly,"Pirates are just pirates after all."


Kaido glanced at Gion coldly,"Ymir, take care of your things."

"Who is his thing?!"

Gion bared his teeth

""Just indulge her for a while,"

Imir said with a smile,"She has been abandoned by the navy and has lost everything now. Let her have some fun with her words."

Gion suddenly stopped talking and looked at Imir with a look of resentment.

She would not accept the indulgence of the pirates!

So she simply kept silent.


Kaido snorted coldly and opened his mouth,"All of you go to hell!"

The blazing flames shot out from his mouth and instantly hit the battlefield below.

The already broken ground was instantly shattered, and the surging flames spread and roared! Almost in the blink of an eye, all the samurai were engulfed in it.


"No! No! No! No!"

"Spare my life, spare my life, Lord Kaido!!"

It can be seen that Kaido has deliberately lowered the firepower, making the samurai struggle in pain.

Gion turned his head away with some reluctance. This scene is simply hell.

"Oden! Why did you come back? Why do you still give us hope, Oden!!!"

Ymir suddenly heard such a roar.

He laughed.

Hope is indeed a very beautiful thing.

It is so beautiful that people can pin all their hopes on it. Once hope disappears, they will fall into bottomless despair.

"Damn Kozuki Oden!!"

"I hate you! Oden! Wouldn't it be better if you died overseas!!!"

"I curse you! Oden! I curse you!���You will be damned forever! You will never be freed!"

Along with the flames, all kinds of vicious curses spread.

Isn't it interesting?

Alas, it's a pity that Oden was beaten to death by Whitebeard, otherwise I really want him to see this scene.

He will be very happy.


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