The flames gradually died down.

More than 20,000 warriors had been burned to charcoal, merging with the melted rocks on the ground, forming an extremely hideous and terrifying picture.

On the burnt black ground, countless black skeletons were sunk into the ground, and many hands were still facing the sky, like countless evil spirits pouring out from the depths of hell!

But it was a pity that no one appreciated such a scene. The pirates of the Beasts Pirates were busy preparing for a grand banquet.

Ymir kicked the huge stone giant heavily in the chest,"Are you dead? If not, come out." The huge stone giant, which was red all over, shook slowly, then twisted and deformed, opening a hole in its chest, and Barrett, covered in blood, crawled out.

"It was really powerful, I still haven't recovered from it."

After Barrett climbed out, he turned over and lay on the stone giant's chest, panting,"As expected of Whitebeard, one blow almost took my life."

"Isn't this a matter of course?"

Ymir said with a smile,"Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit naturally restrains your fusion ability, and can attack you inside the stone without any hindrance. If your opponent is Roger or Shiki, your record should be much better."

"What about you? Ymir."

Barrett raised his head and glanced at Ymir,"Don't tell me you didn't fight with Whitebeard!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, what Ymir said was really powerful, big fool,"

Doflamingo came with Pica and others with arrogant steps accompanied by a weird and distinctive laugh,"He has been dealing with Whitebeard for a long time, not only did he not get hurt, but he punched Whitebeard so hard that he vomited blood."


Barrett turned his head and looked at Ymir in astonishment,"You have become so strong?"

"Keep a low profile, keep a low profile."

Ymir waved his hand casually,"It's not something worth showing off."

Barrett's shocked expression suddenly became excited,"But don't think you can be complacent now, Ymir! I will become even stronger!"

He has mastered the awakening of the fusion fruit, and his strength is about to usher in a leap forward

"That's good."

Ymir was very satisfied with Barrett's hard work. As a boss, he wanted subordinates like this.

Thinking of this, he sighed and looked at Doflamingo.

Doflamingo, who was terrified by Ymir's eyes, couldn't help but said,"Look at what I'm doing, Ymir!"

"It’s nothing,"

Imir shook his head,"It’s just that we will be more independent from now on, and it’s time to further strengthen your training!"

"Barrett, Doflamingo, it's time to start the advanced training of domineering!"

Barrett's eyes glowed, and Doflamingo was silent.

After talking to his men for a few words, Ymir walked in front of Tianyueshi.

The beautiful woman was silent at this time, and her stunning face dimmed slightly.

""Hey, Toki, you did a good job just now."

Ymir said with a smile,"I saw you kill one of Oden's retainers, right? And then you killed a lot of samurai."

Tianyue Toki took a deep breath, and then in Ymir's stunned eyes, her face bloomed with an unprecedented bright smile.

"What's wrong? Ymir."

Toki tilted his head, looking super cute,"Is there something wrong with me like this?"

Ymir's mouth curled slightly.

How interesting.

After losing all hope, are you counting on saving this country of Wano by pleasing Ymir? Toki is so cute.

His face is as cute as his heart.

Ymir grabbed Toki's hand and smiled,"No, you are so great now! Let's go, it's time to enjoy the most grand banquet!"

The banquet was held in the Kuri area, and the pirates searched for a large amount of food and drinks.

The banquet was of course grand.

The Beasts Pirates regained control of Wano Country. Of course, more importantly, the Beasts Pirates defeated the Whitebeard Pirates!

This is a rare achievement!

Although Whitebeard ran away in the end, victory is victory, there is nothing to say.

Even Kaido was a little depressed at first, but after getting drunk, he laughed and showed off this hard-won victory.

Ymir stayed with Tianyue Shi throughout the banquet.

Tianyue Shi was like turning on some magical switch. The iceberg state that lasted for more than two years instantly melted away and became extremely enthusiastic.

Ymir did not do anything himself throughout the whole process, Tianyue Shi served him It's very good.

Alas, my body has changed so suddenly, and I'm not used to it.

Enjoying Shi's lap pillow, Ymir thought while chewing the food that Shi fed him.

I still miss the time when Shi was still an ice beauty.

The grand banquet lasted until dawn the next day, and almost all the food in Kuri was collected.

The pirates were reveling to their heart's content, with fine wine and delicious food, and they were extremely happy.

When the banquet was at its last moment, Ymir lazily leaned in Shi's arms and drank with Kaido.

When Kaido got drunk, only the talented Ymir in the entire Beasts Pirates could accompany him for a few rounds of drinks. He cried and made a fuss to ask Ymir to drink with him, but Ymir really had no choice.

At this time, Jin, who was also a little drunk, staggered in,

"Kaido~Hiccup~Mr. Kaido, there is a guy from the Whitebeard Pirates who wants to join us"

"Huh? Join us? From the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Kaido, with a red face, burped twice,"What kind of guy?"

Then when Jin brought the man in, Ymir sobered up instantly.

Looking at the man, Ymir smiled.

There is such an interesting thing?

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