From the current situation, Zeus did not know, but did not expect that Jiang Mo controlled the situation so quickly.

At this time, Zeus, the soldiers sent out, still did not send back the news, the Olympus mountain is not small, back and forth, very troublesome, so, Zeus want to understand the situation, really difficult.

One by one, the scouts do not dare to return. They are all stuck in the transmission array, because the transmission array suddenly fails.

"What is to be done? Your majesty is still waiting? What's wrong with the other end of the transmission array? Why didn't anyone start the teleport? " A scout looked at everyone's confused way.

"Ah! Forget it. What are we going to do with this? Brother, can you think of a way, I can't fly to, this way, dangerous, back and forth, that is to fly to spit blood The Scout next to him added fuel.

A small team leader, standing in the same place, pinched his chin: "no, the enemy must have controlled the teleportation array, not our soldiers did not start it. If it is true, it will be bad. Brothers, if you want to save your life, you should quickly send the news to your majesty. How about we go together?"

"Ah? Your majesty won't kill us all? " The first messenger looked at the captain. With Zeus's temper and the character of killing people without blinking an eye, if he is angry, it will be very terrible, the life of the Scout? In the eyes of Zeus, what a fart?

The team leader said: "brothers, if the enemy occupies this place, that is to say, there may be enemies all around, and we are more likely to go out and die. Lord Zeus's hidden army has not been used yet. We can only survive by following him. Think about it carefully. If we don't send the news to your majesty earlier and later, it's really a chance to live There is no more! "

The team leader looked at us and saw that we were still hesitating. He continued: "if we didn't go together, no one could guarantee our lives. We are the only messenger of the holy mountain. Will your majesty Zeus kill us all?"

"Yes! The captain is right. It's not our fault. We just can't do without it. If we don't report it in time, your majesty will be very angry. No one can afford it. " The herald's way around the team leader.

"Good! Captain, let's go with you The first messenger who spoke nodded.

Under the leadership of the team leader, everyone went back to the temple at the same time. They were the heralds, so they could enter the Zeus hall directly.

"Your majesty More than a dozen heralds ran in at the same time, all kneeling in front of Zeus.

"Your majesty! The enemy has blocked the teleportation array. We can't get out at all. We suspect that the enemy may have attacked Mount Olympus! " The team grew up and said bravely. After that, he immediately closed his eyes. His fate depends on whether Zeus will be angry with them.

"What did you say?" Zeus clapped the table and stood up: "where's Ares? What about Apollo? Where are they all? Can't you see clearly whether there is a battle at the foot of the mountain? Can't you fly without teleportation? A bunch of rubbish, all rubbish! "

The team leader quickly fell down and said, "Your Majesty, we are preparing to go. Just before we go, we should convey the news to your Majesty in time. I'm afraid your majesty will be worried."

"Waste, why don't you go? If you delay, I'll cut you all down! "

"Yes! Your majesty

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