Watching the herald go down, Zeus's eyes slowly fell into a low, he slowly sat down, thought for a long time, suddenly looked up, he seemed to make a decision.


"Your majesty Outside the hall, a well-dressed bodyguard came in.

"Open the gate of the underworld and summon the moon goddess!"

"Yes! Your majesty The guard took a look at Zeus and turned away.

The bodyguard walking out of the door can't help jumping in his heart. Oh, no, is this a copy of the battle 400, 000 years ago? The light is no longer, the darkness is coming, life is ruined, and the earth will howl!

The guard didn't dare not to give orders. Although he knew that his orders would make the world into endless darkness, he could only do so.

Sun Temple, Jiang Mo sitting in the room, still looking at the map of the mountain.

"Your majesty! Your majesty...! " Jiang Mo was a little surprised to hear this voice. It was the voice of phines. Did he come like this? At this time, isn't FeNiS supposed to help defend?

Sure enough, outside the main hall, a man came in. It was phines. He didn't let the soldiers give orders. He strode in. It was obvious that phines was worried.

"Phines, why are you so flustered?" Jiang Mo looks at finis strangely.

"Your Majesty, I hovered over Mount Olympus, and through the telescope I found that there was a black hole on the top of Mount Olympus." It seems to know that Jiang Mo didn't know what the black hole was. Phines quickly added: "Your Majesty, the black hole is the gate of the underworld. Zeus is mobilizing the Legion of the underworld!"

Jiang Moyi patted the table: "has the hidden legion of his Protoss not come out yet? Now, the protoss is not completely defeated. Does Zeus need to dispatch the underworld army so early? "

Phines shook his head disdainfully: "Your Majesty, is it possible for Zeus to take out his elite? He must keep his strength, your majesty. If Zeus does, we will withdraw immediately! "

"Oh? Phines, we and the underworld, sooner or later to fight, sooner or later to come, later to fight, retreat? It's not necessary, is it? " Jiang Mo didn't think that the underworld army could not fight. He wanted to fight Zeus, Hades, and even the sea clan might have to fight. What's the point? Isn't it the same to come early or late?

As soon as phines heard this, he knew it was the result and said, "Your Majesty, it's different. The gate of the underworld is not opened by Hades, it's Zeus. Oh, it's like this. In the early days of the creation of the continent, the God of creation once made several rules: human beings are human beings, protoss are Protoss, and the underworld is the underworld. Although the undead does exist, the undead is not a member of the underworld The core Legion and the underworld Legion are not allowed on land

"But there is only one reason why they can come out. That is, the protoss opens the gate of the underworld and asks them to come out to fight. Your majesty, the underworld has been hiding in the underworld for many years. Their soldiers are powerful and far more powerful than the protoss soldiers. Let's say, the real strength of the protoss gods is absolutely more powerful than the underworld Temple master of the underworld. But in terms of the personal strength of the soldiers, the underworld is more powerful The world is far beyond the protoss! However, due to the law of the creator God, these powerful soldiers can't appear in the divine world. That's why the protoss are powerful! "

"Your Majesty, those soldiers in the underworld can't get too much divine power, so that their strength can't play to the highest level, but once they get to the underworld, their strength will double. If your majesty doesn't want to destroy the whole army, it's still time to withdraw now!"

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