"Squeak..."! Squeak...! " There was the sound of insects in the forest.

In the dark night, you can't see your fingers. Among the continuous mountain peaks, a terrifying territory is located here.

The Sentinels patrolling around in twos and threes don't care much about the situation outside. This is the position where the orcs are closer to the core. The soldiers have already formed the habit of laziness. How can anyone come here?

What's more, this is the camp of Griffin knights. If there are fewer enemies, they are looking for death. If there are more enemies, they will shake the ground and shake the mountains. What can I do for you?


If it wasn't for the dead of night, it would be hard to hear the beating of the wings.

A lion warrior raised his head: "asshole, how can a damn bat be here?"

"Well, I guess I lost it! Ha ha...! " The soldier on one side joked and went on.

Such bats fly to the territory from all directions, but because the territory is too large, even if more than a dozen soldiers have noticed the bats, but also because everyone is too far away, there is no communication. Almost all of those guys think that only one bat accidentally flies here.

In fact, if they look carefully, they may find problems.

Because, after these bats fall, they are not hanging on the tree, but standing!

Jiang Mo pressed the tree with his wings on one side and let himself stand on the branch. Although this is not in line with the habits of bats, it is not in line with his observation habits if he follows the habits of bats!

After looking around, Jiang Mo had a good idea and flew to the core of the camp again.

The next morning, Jiang Mo took advantage of the sun did not come out, he left early.

"Lord! How's it going? " Bai Qi and all the generals are waiting for Jiang mo. when they see him coming back, they can't wait to rush up and ask.

"There's some trouble. Come and see!"

Jiang Mo took out a piece of animal skin paper and drew a total of 11 areas on it.

"You see, this is the distribution area of Griffin knights, a total of 11 points."

Let's have a look, OK? It's chaotic.

Jiang Mo said: "this is a mountainous area. The Griffin Knights live here. Naturally, they live wherever it is convenient. Although their barracks are very large, there are no people there to train. They are all staying in the rear."

"Eleven regions, we have ten formations. Let's study where we can combine the two regions and how we can kill the Griffin knight in this battle."

"Yes Looking at the map, Bai Qi frowned.

"Actually, I've always had an idea!" Zhao Yun suddenly interrupted: "Lord, what's the difference between our cavalry and airplanes?"

Jiang Mo looked at Zhao Yun: "Zhao Yun, if you have something to say, just say it!"

"Yes Zhao Yun hugged his fist and said, "brothers, you must all know that in cavalry tactics, if you hold bow and arrow, there is a kind of tactics called hunting!"

As soon as Zhao Yun said it, his eyes flashed.

But Bai Qi didn't interrupt Zhao Yun and let him go on.

"We can make five hundred fighters into a group and form a circle. We can fly up and down two layers, or form a spiral shape one by one."

"Encircle the enemy in the middle, only use one side heavy machine gun to hit, finally, the circle is smaller and smaller, until several thousand meters, how can the enemy run out?"

"If we use this method skillfully, no matter what terrain or environment the enemy is in, we don't need to consider all kinds of factors, just fight in our way!"

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