"Ha ha..."! Good Jiang Mo put his right fist on his left hand and said, "that's settled!"

In fact, what Zhao Yun said is the battle array. Can't airplanes follow the battle array? Presumably, Bai Qi has realized something, right?

"Bai Qi, didn't you say that this new attack plane has no name? Do you have it this time? "

Bai Qi nodded with a smile: "what the LORD said is not as good as what I said at the same time. How about that?"

"Good..."! Come on


"Snake eating!"

"Er...!" Jiang Mo a face of embarrassment, your sister's snake, how do I think of this?

"Lord, greed What's that again? " White from a face of doubt.

"No, ha ha..."! I'm kidding! A Ranger is a Ranger Jiang Mo quickly hit a ha ha!

Bai Qi said with a smile: "ha ha..."! That's good. The attack plane is named after the Ranger. However, I need to practice this tactic. I can't use it blindly. Once I hit the plane in mid air, it will make the enemy laugh! "

Bai Qi hugged: "Lord, brothers, give me some time!"

Jiang Mo nodded and opened the door of calling.

Bai Qi went in. When everyone saw that there was nothing wrong, they all approached the summoning space.

Soon, Baiqi's flying regiment began to drill. At the beginning, it was still a little slow, but a little bit later, Baiqi began to command the change of formation.

After dozens of repeated drills, and by the way arranged a lot of battle lines, Jiang Mo is not too clear, Bai Qi finally determined that this tactic can be used.

When he came outside, it didn't take long for Jiang Mo to start his own plan!

The generals are still at the front. The skeleton soldiers, not to mention their grievances, are also machine gunners. After these two wars, they haven't even touched a machine gun. They usually touch it casually. They also doubt their life and ask themselves whether they are machine gunners or gun sweepers?

Under the leadership of Bai Qi, a fighter plane began to take off. After Jiang Mo and the last one flew out, he closed the call door, and the ghost bat caught up with him. Happily, he ran to the position of the shooter. That guy went to think about his life.

Bai Qi led the team, first in a large circle.

After a cycle, wait for the envelope to form and start to shrink the position a little bit.

With the establishment of a smaller and smaller encirclement circle, the Griffins in the Griffin Knight's territory immediately found something strange. They didn't realize what was going to happen. They didn't wait for the commander to command them. They first flew into the air to see who the enemy was?

"Attention, all aircraft, continue to narrow the encirclement, pay attention to maintain the balance of flight, the enemy close to the area, can give priority to fire, from now on, all attack aircraft have the right to fire on their own!"

Bai Qi is in charge of the commander in chief. As soon as he has finished ordering, some soldiers have begun to attack.

"Dada, dada..."! Dada, dada...! "

The gunfire rang out. On the ground, a large number of Griffin knights were enraged. When they saw those Griffin Knights falling from mid air, they knew that the war had begun.

"Asshole! Those guys do it! Go and tell the commander, 67 corps, fight back

The commander of the 67th army was the first to give orders. He responded quickly and was very good at dealing with things. While informing the commander in chief, he began to lead everyone to fight back.

However, as soon as they get close to the attack area, the machine guns on the attack plane start to spit out fire, and the soldiers have no chance to make a move at all.

It's already dead.

More and more soldiers died, greatly angering more Griffin knights.

"Go, go in one direction!"

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