The attackers followed Bai Qi, lining up and rushing all the way.

Jiang Mo looked in the air, directly incarnated ghost bat, body shape a flash, has been to an attack plane.

"Lord After seeing Jiang Mo, the gunner in the plane rushed to the ceremony.

"Watch your position!" Jiang Mo said, and went straight to the turret in front of the plane.

"Yes The machine gunner replied and looked at the battlefield one after another.

Jiang Mo's arrival, the front of the machine gunner is very conscious to get out of position.

But Jiang Mo stopped him: "no, I'll see if I can hit you!"

"Yes! Lord The shooter turned around and secretly laughed. It looks like it's fun again!

Jiang Mo lay on the plane and looked out through the window.

Bai Qi is still circling, because now both sides are in array, and the flying Griffin knights are also in disorder. The short preparation between the two sides is the only time that Jiang Mo can observe.

"Baiqi, don't get too close. Try to keep the outer ring of 3000 meters!" Jiang Mo said to Bai Qi.

"What? Three thousand meters? Lord, this distance is safe, but it's hard for us to attack effectively. "

Bai Qi frowned, three thousand meters, that's too far away.

Jiang Mo naturally nodded: "I know, first do not rush to attack, send a round of water attribute magic crystal ammunition to try the effect, how many air bombs are there in the air fortress? Drop them all and prepare for air combat

"All right! There are not many air bombs. I will take you to throw them away. "

Baiqi's fighter plane suddenly left, along the orc territory, intensive bombing, soon unloaded the bomb, reduced the weight of the aircraft, and began to prepare for air combat.

The reason why Jiang Mo wanted to do this is actually simple. When the enemy has changed, he has to find a way to conquer it.

As I remember in those years, if you have light tanks, I will study medium tanks. If you have medium tanks, I will study heavy tanks.

If there is no Griffin knight, the plan doesn't need to change. Continue bombing. The orcs cry for their parents, but now, the Griffin Knight doesn't go?

Then Jiang Mo has to find a way to solve the problem first and continue bombing.

Air bombs will never be made in vain. Even if they are not used here, they will be used in the future.

At present, these Griffin Knights seem to be determined by themselves, so we must find a way to frustrate their spirit!

White with everyone back to the formation, a new round of attack, immediately began.

The Griffin knight is looking for the soldiers of the calling Legion. Jiang Mo immediately orders that all the soldiers disperse and protect themselves.

A lot of soldiers were hiding in the bunkers.

Although the holy light is very powerful, as long as it is not directly illuminated by the holy light, it is equivalent to not being hit.

At this time, Lao Li's bunker played a vital role.

In one bunker, five soldiers can be hidden, and Guan Yu's tanks can resist the attack.

When they were ready, Jiang Mo began to command the air battle and gave up the command on the ground.

"Good! Come as planned! Three thousand meters, ready to fight

The attacker made a rapid circle around the city, wrapping the Griffin Knight inside.

Three thousand meters away, the Griffin Knight couldn't even see the fighter clearly. He could only see rows of points. So far away, the Griffin Knight didn't care.


"Tong Tong...!"

The 20 mm machine guns began to attack, and the magic bullets flew away in rows.

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