At a distance of 3000 meters, magic ammunition has already dispersed and become an element.

Jiang Mo nodded, as expected not!

"Two thousand meters!"

The circle of the attack plane shrank again and opened fire from 2000 meters away. Although the Griffin Knight found the attack, he still kept his formation and remained unmoved.

However, in this range, the magic ammunition completely hit the Griffin knight, but was blocked by their strong defense, and did not force the Griffin knight to open the shield.

Jiang Mo once again ordered: "1000 meter Siege!"

When the attack plane was close to one kilometer, the Griffin Knight immediately sent out a small team to fight. In some places, the soldiers gathered and began to shorten, but in some places, the direction of one kilometer was still maintained.

"Fight! Don't mind the enemy, fire

Jiang Mo ordered that after the soldiers heard this, they began to attack.

The magic ammunition shakes the Griffin Knight constantly, forcing the soldiers in the outer ring to take out their shields and resist the attack of machine guns.

Jiang Mo then ordered: "five hundred meters, attack!"

Bai Qi began to circle. He already knew Jiang Mo's mind. He estimated what data Jiang Mo was going to test, but he didn't know what Jiang Mo was going to do.

Within the range of 500 meters, the best range and power of ammunition are just the limit.

The 12mm machine gun is basically invalid for the Griffin knight, but the 20mm machine gun shakes the Griffin Knight's shield back and forth.

Unfortunately, the temple Knight's constant blessing magic can also use the magic of Griffins to maintain the shield together. Even the 20 mm machine gun still can't shake the Griffin Knight's overall shield defense.

"Don't fight, go! All troops retreat

Jiang Mo ordered to retreat, all soldiers, all back ten miles!

In this war, some soldiers were lost, but Jiang Mo refused to mention it, as if nothing had happened, so that the generals could not turn their heads for a moment.

Call space, command center.

As we sat in our seats, it seemed that we were listening to Jiang Mo's explanation.

Jiang Mo thought for a long time before he looked up at everyone.

"Brothers, maybe you don't understand what I'm doing?"

"All right! Tell me what I think this time. "

"The battle has come to the present. In the past, we used to sweep the enemy with artillery, chariots and attacks all the way, which has become history!"

"After the combination of orcs and human beings, the emergence of chimera, dragon and even Dilong, our war will officially enter a new stage!"

"The age of tit for tat!"

"What is pertinence? It's very simple. Our six legions can face all enemies, but the Griffin knights can control us! We can't solve them, even if they are only tens of thousands or even thousands, they are the obstacles to our progress! "

"In this war, no matter what we lose or what we gain, we can only say that we continue to fight. What can we get?"

"Brothers, even if we are strong to level nine, as long as this group of enemies restrain us, we will never be able to raise our heads!"

"So, what we need to consider is not how to fight for experience in the face of orcs, but how to kill the Griffin knight in front of us!"

Bai Qi and Guan Yu looked at each other and nodded.

Guan Yu said: "what does the Lord mean? We should also create weapons that can restrain the enemy? "

Jiang Mo pointed to Guan Yu: "exactly! Powerful fighters only improve their performance. Without good ammunition, they can't give full play to their advantages! "

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