Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2376: Heroes Return

"Damn Rhodes! I will never let you go!"

Above the ocean on the main plane, Moriel, who had just struck calmly, shook her head a little dizzy, followed by a roar full of anger.

Rhode's constantly self-destructing mirror image, although it could not cause any substantial damage to her, but the strong impact sent her flying all the way, and finally sent her to a place she didn't know, which made her greatly The flames seemed to burst out from the dragon's eyes, the feeling of involuntary dizziness that she had never experienced since she became the king of the underground world.

"Mr. Moriel, Rhodes and the others went through the space crack in the ocean and went to an unknown plane, do we want to go to investigate?" A sorcerer cautiously noticed the anger beside Moriel. 's request.

"Of course! You idiot, do you think I'll let him go?" Moriel let out a loud dragon roar, and the angry dragon eyes stared at the sorcerer in front of him. A bite on his body.

The blood slipped from Morril's mouth, and she swallowed the witchcraft teacher and student who had bitten in half. It seemed that only in this way could she calm down the roar in her heart a little. Investigate.

However, the movements of these sorcerers were interrupted by a blade dazzled by electric light.

As the lightning cut through the sky, the hit sorcerer let out a few screams, and then fell toward the sea below.

"How dare you come back!"

Looking at the man walking out of the space crack, Moriel was stunned for a moment, then let out a dragon roar that couldn't contain her anger.

The one who walked out of the space crack was chased by the giant dragons and used all his means to escape to the other plane of Rhodes. There seemed to be a few more people who came back with him, but Moriel didn't care. .

"Hero Moriel." Looking at the big red dragon in the distance, Rhodes sank, "Hand over your dragon's blood bottle, I can make you my death knight and give you eternal life."

"What?" Hearing Rhode's arrogant words, Moriel laughed angrily. "I don't think you don't know the current situation. Do you still want to leave here alive?"

With that said, the nearby sorcerers hurriedly joined forces and performed a unique fusion ritual. Under the effect of the fusion ritual, it was originally used for Rhodes to travel through and escape to the water element plane. There are space cracks that have existed for countless years, that's all. A little bit broken in front of Rhodes. The crack quickly merged with the surrounding space, and what finally appeared in front of Rhodes was a flat sky.

Feeling that the passage to the water element plane was blocked, Rhode was not too worried. Now he no longer needs the space crack to escape.

Putting his sight on the big red dragon in front of him, Rhode deliberately returned here through the space crack, precisely for one thing on Moriel's body, the blood bottle of the artifact dragon.

The former Moriel was also a human hero, not the big red dragon in front of her. The fusion ceremony of the dragon's blood bottle and the sorcerer finally gave her the power she has now.

The vigilance in her heart prevents Moriel from placing the Dragon's Blood Bottle in other places. Any place in Nigon may be visited by thieves. In the underground world, such things are not rare, she will definitely Carry the Dragon's Blood Vial with you.

According to the Dragon Whisperer in the prophecy card, the key to awakening Inota lies in the dragon's blood bottle. With the help of this artifact, Rhode does not have to wait for decades, and immediately It can allow Inota to complete the evolution of the bloodline and wake up immediately.

For the sake of the dragon's blood bottle, Rhodes had to fight Moriel, and Moriel could not spare Rhodes in order to regain the Dragon King's divine power. There was an inevitable battle between the two.

During this journey of transporting the remains of the hero, Moriel was like a huge dark cloud, shrouding Rhodes' heart all the time, making him restless all the time. In the battle in the Krulod Wasteland, Rhodes almost suffered the poisonous hand of Moriel, but fortunately, the characteristics of human blood allowed him to escape temporarily.

At this moment, Rhode, who has achieved his wish, is no longer afraid of the giant dragon king in front of him. It is time to end everything with this big red dragon.

Several giant dragons wrapped Rhodes and his party tightly. Just as those giant dragons were going to condense the dragon breath and burn the people in front of them to ashes, they were surprised to find that the dragon breath, which had been in no way before, was misfired at this moment, and they held back. For a long time, except for air, nothing came out.

"Is this what you rely on? Rhodes, you are so disappointing to me. You think that you can defeat my subordinates with the power of eliminating magic. It's stupid!"

On the side, the rich combat experience made Moriel see the abnormality of those giant dragons. When she fought in the underground world, the strange magic rituals she encountered were far more than just eliminating magic. For Rhodes The means used can't help but feel deeply Even if the use of magic is eliminated, the powerful body of the giant dragon is still not something that ordinary creatures can contend with. It is bound to be greatly reduced, and he seems to rely on the power of magic more than the dragon.

Shaking his head, in Moriel's opinion, Rhodes must have lost his mind under intense pressure and had completely lost his head, so he did such a self-defeating behavior, but this was exactly what Moriel wanted. If Rhodes did not take the initiative to come to die, but hid in the alien plane, she would have to work hard to find Rhodes.

On the side, York did not understand Rhode's intention. In the current battle, he deeply felt the horror of the big red dragon. I am afraid that even the combined force of dozens of Beamon beasts on the ground is not her opponent. How did Rhode, who awakened the hero Tanan, fight her? Is it really as the big red dragon said that Rhodes has lost his head and intends to let Tanan, who has just woken up, deal with such a terrifying enemy?

Beside him, Tanan seemed to understand something, he looked at the dragon in the distance, and then put his eyes on an object in his hand.

"Close the effect of the forbidden magic field and protect you and York, but let's turn it on again."

Rhodes ignored the clamoring big red dragon, but put his eyes on the hero Tanan, to be precise, on the pitch-black orb in his hand.

Tanan nodded, and then did as Rhodes instructed. In the blink of an eye, a black light containing shattered bursts bloomed from the orb in his hand and shone on the nearby giant dragon.

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