Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2377: get what you want

"Prophecy Fulfilled..."

On the Magic Plains, Messika looked at the sky in the distance, her sight seemed to pierce through the void, and she muttered when she saw what was happening in the distance.

Beside her, Nilar, who arranged for undead creatures to patrol and maintain the safety of the magic plain, asked with some doubts at this moment: "Prophet, what are you talking about? You mean that the prophecy of the master's victory over the powerful enemy has come true. ?"

Messika shook her head, and her eyes became a little more worried: "Do your defense, and a guest may arrive soon."

At the same time, the endless sea at the end of the continent.

For some reason, the black light that contained the meaning of destruction made Moriel feel a little more ominous in her heart. Although she did not understand the effect of the black light, she instinctively told her to escape as soon as possible in front of this black light. The farther away, the better, otherwise, something she didn't want to see might happen.

After sensing the fear in her instinct, Moriel let out a cold snort and a low roar, which came from the depths of her throat. She would never let the necromancer just like that. humiliation.

"Master, do you want to..."

On the side, York noticed what Rhode meant, and couldn't help but feel overjoyed. In front of the elemental monarch, he had experienced the power of this treasure. Even the anti-magic ability of Tanan's remains was destroyed by it. Now it is used to To deal with those giant dragons, it is naturally more suitable.

Rhode nodded, his eyes slowly swept across the battlefield, and under the suspicious gaze of the giant dragons at the black light, he locked the figure of the big red dragon.

In a flash, Rhodes came to Moriel, the mirror image body that completed the mission, there was nothing to be missed, the lightning on the Divine Sword skyrocketed, and it was about to start a deafening self-destruction.

"Rod, do you only know that trick?"

Moriel said solemnly, no matter how many times the mirror image blew itself up, it could not cause substantial damage to her, but the impact of the explosion could keep her flying. .

"This move is enough." Facing Morril's mockery, Rhodes just replied lightly.

The next moment, with a loud noise, Rhode's body instantly dissipated in the explosion, and the turbulent electric current completely enveloped the body of the Great Red Dragon.

The difference from before was that this time, in addition to the strong impact of the explosion, Moriel also felt a deep sting, her flesh quickly charred and carbonized, followed by bursts of numbness.

Moriel was in pain, and an exclamation came out of her mouth. Rhode's self-destruction actually broke through the defense of her dragon scales and hurt her body. This was simply impossible.

"It's not over yet."

Another Rhode appeared next to Moriel. Moriel's repeated obstructions brought a great blow to the undead army, and also added a lot of variables to Rhodes' process of escorting the hero's remains. when she paid the price.


The loud noise of self-destruction spread again, and Moriel's mouth was even more mourning. The nearby giant dragon felt her pain, and the dragon's eyes showed a look of horror.

"Come here and protect me!" After sensing the danger, the injured Moriel shouted loudly.

After getting the bloodline order from Morier, the nearby giant dragons came around and tried to protect Morier in the middle, but this method could not stop Rhodes. Under the illumination of the black light, all the giant dragons were lost. Resistance to magic.

"Useless struggle."

Mirror image Rhodes said lightly, just another self-destruction, and the entire dragon formation was defeated. Affected by the explosion, the injured dragons scattered, and the figure of the big red dragon that could not be hidden at all appeared in front of Rhodes again.



Moriel, who was seriously injured, wailed in despair. Under the successive explosions, the dragon scales on her body had lost their former bright red luster, and her whole body looked disheveled, not returning to her original dragon king demeanor.

"I can't die here, I still have the dragon's blood bottle... I still want to dominate the world..." Moriel gritted her teeth, she was not willing to die in humiliation on the undead mage in the endless sea that no one knew about. hands.

Looking at the menacing image of Rhodes, it came to her eyes again, and was about to explode again. Moriel was ruthless. If she didn't give something, she would definitely not be able to escape safely, and all that was waiting for her was the ending that was completely blown up.

"Rod! You want the dragon's blood bottle, right? Then don't let it get in the sea..."

The mirror image of Rhodes was a little stunned. He hadn't figured out the meaning of Moriel's words, but he saw a dark red vial, which she threw violently, and quickly fell towards the sea on the side.

"That is……"

Rhode's expression was startled. What Moriel threw out was the Dragon's Blood Bottle that contained the blood of the original Holy Female that unique artifact, and she threw it out just like that. Like an inconspicuous thing.

His figure flashed, and before the dragon's blood bottle touched the sea below, Rhode held it in his hand.

Looking at the unique blood bottle in his hand, Rhode was also faintly excited. With the blood bottle of the dragon, he can rely on the power contained in the blood of the holy female dragon to let Inota end the bloodline evolution ahead of schedule, from the deep sleep. Wake up.

"Dragon's Blood Bottle..."

Rhode slowly muttered the name of this unique artifact, and his steady hand also trembled slightly at this moment.

Rhode worked hard to wake up the hero Tanan, but not only let him deal with the elemental monarch, but more importantly, according to the trajectory of the previous expansion, the hero Moriel was finally defeated by the hero Tanan.

The Orb of Destruction won from the Elemental Monarch helped the hero Tanan in the previous life, and now also helps Rhodes, and disintegrated Moriel and her dragon army. Although the progress of the expansion may be much earlier than in the previous life, everything is after all. As Rhodes expected, the dragon's blood bottle finally fell into Rhodes' hands.

At the same time as she threw out the dragon's blood bottle, Moriel waved her wings and quickly fled in the distance. A pale golden portal was also completely opened on the way she was walking.

"Want to escape?" Feeling the determination of Moriel to give up the dragon's blood bottle like a broken arm, Rhode just let out a cold snort. In addition to the dragon's blood bottle, the powerful natural hero will also be in his pocket. Become his death knight.

Just as Rhodes was about to catch up and exploded again, he seemed to sense something. After a moment of hesitation, he finally shook his head and watched Moriel disappear from the portal.

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