Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2428: strategy meeting

When Falezer and other legion members came to the Red Crystal Magic Academy, they saw the huge waves that had subsided, and the thieves who were constantly searching and rummaging in the academy.


Beside Falezer, the Scarlet Mage looked at everything in the academy, and the memory seemed to return to the scene of studying in the academy hundreds of years ago.

"General Falezer." At this moment, a burst of words reached Falezer's ears, and looking at the reputation, he saw a mage wearing a pointed hat, "The master is summoning the generals, changing the battle plan, please also ask You go over there."

Fareze glanced at him. Before that, he had never seen the person in front of him in the legion: "I already know what the master ordered, who are you?"

"I am the adjutant assigned to you by the master. I have served as the master of alchemy, the professor of the academy, and the commander of the magic mage in Bracada. You can call me Trosa. By the way, I am a Hero, and also a tactical expert. It was I who saw the loopholes in your tactical arrangement that the master called this meeting."

Listening to the hero's self-introduction, Falezer was not deterred by his long list of prefixes. Falezer, who once commanded the members of the legion and declared war on the legendary existence, has already had extraordinary knowledge. Be intimidated by those names.

"You said that my tactics were flawed? Then you might as well talk about what's wrong." Farezer thought for a while and asked.

"You'll know when you see the master." Trosa didn't answer, but gave him a deep look.

Under the leadership of the adjutant, Farezer soon came to the academy's conference hall. The entire conference room was a spacious two-storey building, which was very eye-catching among the many slender towers in the academy. The place for discussing important matters is also known as the Congress that belongs to the Magic Academy. When the Red Crystal Academy was captured, Rhodes took it for granted.

After several spells and rituals were tested, it was confirmed that there were no treasures that leaked information, or that hidden alien creatures followed, and Faarezer was able to enter the hall.

According to the rules of those mages, before the discussion begins, all the space treasures that he carries need to be turned in, but Rhode obviously doesn't want to make such trouble. Those who can participate in the strategic meeting are not his cronies or the generals who have been reborn.

"Falezer, you are finally here."

Seeing the arrival of Farezer, sitting at the end of the round table, Rhodes, who was sitting on the highest chair, said slowly. On his left was sitting the bored-looking purple-haired girl Inota, who was recording everything with a magic book. Lin, as well as other legion generals that Farezer is familiar with, including Agran, on the right are the hero Tanan, the woman in black with her eyes closed, the giant golden dragon lying on her stomach, and other representatives of allied forces.

"I think you already know the purpose of this meeting, Trosa, and tell him your findings."

"As ordered, Master." After hearing Rhode's order, Trossa took action immediately. He came to Rhodes' right side, pointed to the map with the whole picture of Bracada and said, "I tell Master Other generals under his command have asked, and after the surprise attack on the Red Crystal Academy of Magic, General Farezer intends to focus his strategy on capturing the city of Golems west of Brakada."

"That's right." Falezer nodded, "According to the information of the Thieves Guild, after the large population of the Red Crystal Magic Academy fell, the retreating mages from the academy will stay in three towns, Tris City, Golem City, Holy Crown City. If you want to expand the results of this campaign, there is nothing more suitable than chasing those bereaved dogs."

Falezer paused for a while, then continued: "Holy Crown City is located in the center of Brakada, with a large number of mages from the magic guild stationed there. Golem City is close to Tris City, and it is located west of Brakada. Sicheng is adjacent to the Shanzel Snow Mountain on the border. The master's undead army has already deployed a strange army in the depths of the snowy mountain. A logical thing to do.”

Fraser swiped his finger across the area of ​​Bracada from south to west on the map, adding: "Once these areas are occupied at the same time, we can build sufficient fortifications, even if any area, in the Mage It will not affect the overall situation. The endless sea behind the Red Crystal Magic Academy can provide sufficient marine undead as a supplement for the undead army, and the demon army running rampant in the Krulod desert can also be used when necessary. to be one of us.”

Trosa took a deep breath. Fareze's tactical arrangement exceeded his expectations. He was indeed a general who once belonged to the Kingdom of Erathia. As a new adjutant to the legion, Trosa must be in front of his master. Show your ability: "What about the steel horn castle? What are you going to do with it?"

"Citadel of Steel Horns?" After hearing the name mentioned by Trossa, Tanan's expression changed, and he said with emphasis, "It should have been destroyed by me long ago."

Hearing this, Trossa glanced at the barbarian hero indifferently: "It was a long time ago, and you don't see that you were lying in the magic guild of Bracada before being awakened by the master. A lot of things have been different for a long time."

Seeing the indignant look on the south of the tower, Faarezer asked with some doubts: "Citadel of Steel Horns, what is that place."

Trossa took the words and said, "That is the magnificent fortress built by the mages on the western border of Brakada to strengthen the control over the territory of Krulod, and at the same time suppress the abnormal situation there. It's a pity. Yes, as Tanan said, Steelhorn Castle was completely destroyed by them during the savage rebellion a few years ago."

"You said it was a rebellion? I cut your head off, do you dare to say that?" Trosa's words also aroused deep anger from Tanan, who glared at the mage, exuding A violent killing intent.

Upon seeing this, Rhode took the initiative to say: "Calm down, Tanan."

After hearing Rhode's words, Tananfa let out a cold snort, but the anger in his eyes had not disappeared, and there was a tendency to go straight to the point of disagreement, and Rhodes could only show a helpless look.

"It seems that General Falezer doesn't know that the mages have already secretly completed the reconstruction of the Steel Horn Castle. With... the example of the hero before, and in order to guard against new enemies, the mages moved the castle underground. If If you can't deal with the Castle of Steel Horns, your operation will definitely fail."

As Tanan calmed down, there was a lingering fear in his heart. Trosa had no choice but to stop mentioning everything about the savage creatures, and slowly said to Faarezer.

(End of this chapter)

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