Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2429: rat trap

"The city of golems... Wait, I seem to have heard other dragons mention it. The hero Moriel is planning to send the dragon to completely destroy that area."

Just as Falezer was thinking about it, Jinlong, who was listening, seemed to have discovered something and took the initiative to say.

"The one that was destroyed by the dragon earlier was the Golem Research Institute, which is in charge of the Magic Guild, not the City of Golems. You may have misremembered." Trotsa seemed to have heard something and took the initiative to remind.

"No, I'm talking about the city of golems." Jin Long shook his huge head and clearly refuted Trosa's words, "If it wasn't for the dragon king who raised a huge wave and disrupted Moriel's plan, I was going to go to the city of golems and destroy the mages there. I can guarantee that there are already a large number of sorcerers who are in the underground of the city of golems, and they may attack that town at any time."

"What he said is true." On the side, the woman in black with her eyes closed took the initiative to say that she was the thief chief Marion who attended instead of Sally. There was no way to start the meeting. "The members who were placed inside the sorcerer sent information. This time, Moriel planned to go out in person and take down the city of golems in one fell swoop, without giving the wizards there any chance."

Hearing this, Jinlong's face showed a happy expression: "Great, this is the opportunity for the Dragon King to rescue other people of the same family. Moriel's enslavement of the dragon has now come to an end!"

"Moriel actually dares to show her face? It seems that the lesson she taught her last time was not enough." Rhode seemed to have thought of something, and frowned.

Fareze stared at the map on the table. His eyes seemed to see through the topography, and he saw the sorcerer and the raging red dragon lurking under Bracada. He, it's not that simple.

"Master, when you took the Dragon's Blood Bottle, you already showed your unstoppable power in front of Moriel. She dared to show up in Bracada, it only shows that she still has cards that you haven't yet mastered... ..." Fraser said quickly.

Rhode nodded: "How are you going to fight? Change your original plan?"

"Moriel is a major obstacle to our conquest of Brakada. She is an enemy we must solve, but we must not act rashly. I will slow down the attack on the city of golems and the entire west of Brakada. However, We still have to capture the city of Triss, with the location of the Shanzel Snow Mountain, Triss City is enough to become an important anchor for us to fight against the mages and Morril. As for the Castle of Steel Horns, then leave it to Morril to worry about it.”

Fareze stretched out his finger and gestured on the map: "After winning Tris City, in addition to sending troops to test Morril's sorcerer, we still have to implement the pursuit tactics for the evacuees. The large army of the undead army will To advance towards the area east of Bracada, even if the Algorithm can use space spells to transfer the creatures away before the city is destroyed, it will still cause a series of population stagnation, which will lead to the transfer of people from another city of mages. Get rid of the heavy burden. These transferred mages will be pursued by Agran led by the elite great demons, and at the same time spread panic. If things go on like this, when the undead army comes, there will always be mages too late to move in space, and that is the moment when we gain victory ."

Soon, Fareze came up with a new combat plan. Rao was Trosa on the side, and he couldn't pick out any faults. He could only secretly feel that he was a general who had received formal training in Erathia. .

Listening to Falezer's tactical arrangement, the hero Tanan's breathing became heavy. He used to be helpless to the mage's use of space spells to evacuate. Even if he could capture the mage's town, it would be just an empty city in the end. The town was destroyed, and the loss of the mage was extremely limited, and there was no way to cause more losses to the mage.

In desperation, Tanan had to go deep alone, preparing to take the capital of Brakada, which is the magic city where the headquarters of the Magic Guild is located. , and finally laid the foundation for Tanan's failure.

At this time, how could Tanan not be excited when he heard about the tactics Falezer used to deal with the master of Brakada? Those with greater mobility than space spells are the big demons in the legion. There are always mages who have no time to evacuate. They are left behind by those big demons in panic, and finally become a member of the undead legion.

Thinking of this, Tanan took a deep breath, and now he finally understands why Rhodes did not need the help of savage creatures from the very beginning, and that man had more terrifying power than the Bracada mage.

"You guys don't plan to fight Moriel, what about the giant dragons enslaved by her?" Listening to Farezer's Golden Dragon General Lacante was a little anxious and couldn't help asking aloud, "Only Lord Inota has the ability to rescue those trapped dragons!"

On the side, Inota, who was dozing off, suddenly heard someone calling him, and suddenly woke up: "Is the meeting over? Can I go?"

Rhode glanced at her helplessly, and turned to say: "We will find a way to deal with Moriel, but not now, the most important thing at the moment is to try to find out what kind of support Moriel has."

Logically speaking, after seeing the Ball of Destruction and the power of the ultimate lightning, Moriel should not dare to come forward. She attacked Brakada so blatantly, but Rhode was not able to see her reality clearly.

"The leader has already instructed that the Thieves Guild will provide all the information you need. If there is important news, I will tell you as soon as possible." Aside, Marion of the Thieves Guild added at this time.

"How do we deal with the support from Erathia? Despite the invasion of demons, Erathia can't just sit idly by and ignore us." Rhodes asked.

"This will depend on the help of the Thieves Guild." Rowling said actively at this time, looking at Marion, who shrugged her shoulders and assumed a polite attitude.

The meeting continued, Rhode continued to discuss various strategic decisions with his generals, Trosa kept refuting Farezier's tactics, and Rowling, who recorded all this, would also give a few useful suggestions from time to time.

Listening to the various discussions of Rhodes and his party, Inota yawned a lot. She didn't dare to be interested in these matters, so she had to focus on Rhodes.

She tilted her head to one side and looked at Rhodes in deep thought, and Rhodes also noticed her gaze at this time, and the two couldn't help but look at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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