Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 229 Reward settlement! Aghad was ecstatic. (Five-in-one, please book in full)

Qi Ge took out a large amount of volcanic ore from his package, which can extract sulfur as a resource.

This was seized by Qi Ge from a package of heroes from the monster tribe's hell force.

There are many volcanoes and lava in the hell force, and the monsters are the miners of the hell force. Sulfur ore like this is very common in the packages of monster heroes.

To put it simply, the monster heroes who are promoted using the hero order are responsible for the operation of the volcano, so each monster hero will buy some volcanic ore to extract sulfur resources for sale.

Volcanic ore contains realgar, which most snakes hate.

Qige climbed the stone wall, stepped on the rocks that could break at any time, landed at the entrance of the cave, lit an irregular volcanic ore the size of a football with a fire stick, and threw it into the cave.

Qi Ge was worried that the dose was not enough, so he took out a dozen more pieces, lit them separately and threw them in before hiding behind the rocks beside the cave to observe carefully.

Fortunately, the pungent smell in the volcanic ore worked, and soon there were bursts of neighing sounds in the cave.

In fact, snakes are not afraid of realgar, they just don’t like the smell of realgar. Realgar can hardly cause direct harm to snakes, but it can make snakes feel uncomfortable and run away.

Soon, the pungent smell in the cave became stronger and stronger.

Two large colorful snakes couldn't bear it and crawled out of the cave. Qi Ge noticed that there were several smaller snakes following behind them.

Even a small snake is four or five meters long. In the real world, it would be at the level of a python at least.

Qi Ge waited for a while to make sure there was no problem, then put on his goggles and a simple mask made of cloth and got into the cave.

The scene inside the cave has changed a lot from the scene Qi Ge saw in his dream.

It can be seen that the two colorful snakes are a bit mysophobic. They actually cleaned all the gravel in the cave to both sides of the cave.

Deep in the cave, piles of harpy feathers piled up to form a small thermal insulation room. Inside the feather room, Qi Ge found some broken eggshells.

The eggshell is dry and feels like paper.

This is the shell of a snake egg.

It seems that it is because of the remaining feathers of these harpies that the two snakes settled here.

The clue Qi Ge is looking for is not here.

He bypassed the Feather Room. Keep going deeper.

Qi Ge held up a torch and observed carefully.

The deepest part of the cave is a narrow stone wall entrance, and there is a pool deep in the cave. The water in the pool is freezing cold and clear.

Seeing the puddle, Qi Ge strengthened his guess.

If it is a stagnant pool, it will definitely be turbid due to the stagnant flow of water.

With such clear water, there must be an underground river.

Just like the cunning rabbit in its three burrows, the harpy will also arrange an escape route in its lair.

Based on Qi Ge’s previous life observations.

Among the six harpy nests he investigated, the emergency exits of five of the harpy nests were located deep in the incubation chamber.

In another nest, there is an emergency evacuation exit in the incubator and the old harpy resting nest.

This is the same move that the Harpy Tribe takes together to ensure its own continuation.

Qige kept observing the surroundings and discovered a huge stone blocking the stone wall.

Unlike other stones scattered randomly, there are not even small gravels around this stone, making it look very suspicious.

Qi Ge pressed his hands on the boulder and pushed it to the side.

It's a pity that it can't be pushed at all.

In this situation, Qi Ge did not panic.

He calmly took out a long gun from his backpack, inserted it into the gap between the stone and the stone wall, and pried it hard.

The spear is an alchemical treasure. It is enhanced by the divine power of Mother Goddess Asa. It is very hard and can be used as a lever without worrying about breaking.

Qi Ge used all the strength of his male wolf's waist, and finally managed to pry open the boulder with his face red and thick neck.

After prying the boulder open, Qi Ge found a hole under the boulder as expected.

It's a pity that Qi Pigeon is not a cat or a liquid. The hole is too small for Qi Ge to get in.

So Qige had no choice but to use more force to pry the hole open further.

Under the hole is a typical inverted bowl shape, characterized by a small top and a large bottom.

It is very narrow to enter from the entrance of the cave, but it is very wide underground.

There is a feeling of "very narrow at the beginning, and then you can understand people. After taking dozens of steps, you will suddenly become enlightened."

But there's a problem, this is the harpy's escape hatch.

The harpy is a flying unit, so the entrance to the cave is straight up and down, and the surrounding stone walls are extremely smooth, making it impossible to climb down.

Qi Ge's brain is so flexible.

He immediately took out a piece of "sky cloth" from his backpack.

As soon as the sky cloth was held by Qi Ge, it began to float upward.

This cloth is made from the bark of the "Aerial Tree", a level 4 magic wood that is lighter than air. This cloth is widely used on the armed airships in the tower.

Although "Kongtianbu" cannot fly with seven pigeons, it can serve as a parachute.

Seven pigeons got into the small hole and slowly floated down on the "sky cloth".

All kinds of mosses and grasses grow on the beautiful black stone walls.

Qi Ge also saw fluorescent green moss connected together, reflecting the luminous mushrooms shining with red light.

The shimmering white dandelions moved without the wind, and one bright dandelion seed after another flew in front of the seven pigeons, and some even got into the seven pigeons' nostrils.

It was itchy, making Qi Ge "A Qiu A Qiu" sneeze several times.

The process of landing was even longer than imagined.

The seven pigeons floated in the sky for more than ten minutes before they heard bursts of singing.

“O traveler, come to me.

Don't leave, stay with me.

The music in the darkness hovers in my mind.

We are waiting for you. "

Along with the singing, there are eagle calls again and again.

Qige suddenly became alert.

Here we come, the harpy tribe is indeed down here.

Sure enough, Qi Ge was soon discovered by the harpies.

Three harpies with emerald green wings flew over from the surrounding cliffs, circling around the seven pigeons.

"Yeah, male."

"Is this a male? Sisters, can I catch it and use it?"

"No, no, the queen will use it first."

"The queen uses it for the priests. The priests use it for us."

"Male, take it back."

These harpies were circling and shouting, and from time to time they flew to Qi Ge's side and rubbed against Qi Ge's body.

Qi Ge swallowed, and the Harpy's welcome ceremony was indeed as enthusiastic as ever.

These low-level harpies are not very intelligent, and Qi Ge doesn't really want to talk to them. He just smiles and tries to be friendly.

Soon, more and more harpies gathered around the seven pigeons. They were impatient to wait for the seven pigeons to slowly fall. Several of them surrounded the seven pigeons and flew to the queen's nest with the seven pigeons.

After receiving the news, the Harpy Queen and the Harpy High Priest were already waiting in the Queen's Nest.

The Harpy Queen's feathers are colorful, she has no clothes on her body, and she wears a colorful crown on her head.

The feathers and hair of the harpy high priest are white, and he is deeply clad in emerald green silk gauze.

When they saw Qi Ge, their eyes showed anticipation.

The Harpy Queen waved, and the seven doves that had just landed automatically flew in front of her.

"It's been 15 years. There haven't been any males in 15 years since we moved underground."

The Harpy Queen sat on the seven pigeons' waist, swinging back and forth, staring at the seven pigeons with interest.

Qi Ge knew very well that when dealing with the harpy tribe, they would not pay attention to Qi Ge's other requests unless they were fed.

"Her Royal Highness, it is my honor to serve you."

Qi Dove's hands dishonestly covered the wings of the Harpy Queen. The package was opened, and a large amount of energy potions were already ready.

The proud Harpy Queen was like a crying little girl, hugging Qi Dove tightly, shaking and sobbing.

The wise Harpy High Priest is no better than the Queen.

Her wings were shaking unconsciously, and several of the white feathers were torn off by the seven pigeons during the fight, and were scattered around her.

"Lord Qige, I will never, never leave you."

Mikami Yutaka muttered and buried his head in Qige's chest.

"Father Qi Ge, I was wrong."

Fukada Yingying shed tears and fell next to Qige.

Qige looked at the package.


Only twenty-three bottles of energy potion were used.

The leaders of the two harpies combined had less than one-third of Nu Qier's strength.


I, Qige, am a man who came back from hell.

Qi Dove's hand unconsciously caressed the wings of Harpy Queen Mikami Yutaka.

Every time Qi Ge's fingers crossed, he would make her body tremble.

"Xiao Yu, I have a question for you. Why did your harpy tribe migrate in the first place?"


"Huh?" Qi Ge poked his finger.

"Hey~~ I said, I said. Back then we had an affiliated human tribe, and every year they would give us men as tribute.

Later, their village chief pretended to be a tribute, but brought herbs with him that could attract eagle-eating snakes.

More than a dozen eagle snakes attacked us, and we suffered heavy losses. Even one of the only three manticores in the group died, and we successfully bought time to retreat. "

"Eagle-eating snake? Is it a big snake with colorful spots all over its body and a very slow crawling speed of about ten meters?"

The Harpy Queen said with lingering fear:


Their skin can resist our attacks, and they also have powerful intuition to fight back the moment we attack them.

It can also spray poisonous gas that fills the entire space. The speed we are so proud of has no effect at all in front of them. "

It seems to be the same species of snake as the two snakes at the entrance of the cave.

In other words, "Eagle Snake" is likely to have forced counterattack and preemptive counterattack stunts.

That's why you can ignore the Harpy's special skill of "the enemy cannot counterattack when attacking."

The Eagle Snake is also likely to have the ability to poison nearby enemies.

I have never seen this type of soldier in my previous life. Was it wiped out during the invasion of Chaos?


You can grab a few to study later.

After figuring out the cause of the matter, Qi Ge said to the Harpy Queen:

"Xiaoyou, I want to ask you for help with something."


"Master Qige, it's not that Xiaoyou doesn't want to help you.

Although I am the queen of the harpies, our harpy family is a democracy for all.

Even if the high priest and I agree, other clan members must agree. "

The Harpy Queen and the Harpy High Priest were dragging their tired bodies, waiting for the Seven Doves to get dressed again.

Qi Ge stretched out his body and said, "It's okay, I know. Wait until I come back."

"Father Qi Ge, you didn't wear your cloak properly."

The harpy high priest wanted to help Qi Ge to straighten the pure white night shadow, but Qi Ge held his wings.

"No need. Anyway, there will be chaos for a while. Do you want to come together?"


Hearing Qi Ge's words, the Harpy High Priest quickly squatted down with his head in his hands and said, "Qi Ge, Dad, I was wrong. Let me rest for a while."

The Harpy Queen threw herself on the high priest, grabbed the high priest's white hair, and blocked her body.

"Lord Qi Ge, we really can't do it anymore."

Invincible, how lonely it is~~~

Qi Ge smiled coldly, shook his cloak, and walked out of the queen's nest.

Outside the queen's nest, all the harpies had gathered at the door, waiting restlessly.

Qi Ge watched as countless harpies settled on the surrounding branches.

Even the branches could no longer stop, and some harpies could only keep flying in the air and flapping their wings.

Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes eager for battle at the same time, Qi Ge didn't show any fear.

Compared to the Siren Tribe and the Mermaid Tribe, the Harpy Tribe is far behind.

Although he didn't really want to conquer the Harpy Tribe in this way, time was tight and Qi Ge could only use the old method from his previous life.

bring it on! Fight a great battle!

Qi Ge's heart is full of pride!

Today, not a single harpy could flap its wings and fly above my head.

I, the seven pigeons, will fight all my life, and I will not be weaker than anyone else.


The seven pigeons returned to the big tree with empty steps.

Lana heard Qi Ge's footsteps and jumped down from the crown of a nearby small tree, knocking Qi Ge to the ground.

"Seven pigeons. Lie to Lana. Four days.

Lana thought that Qi Ge would not come back.

Qi Ge is a bad boy. "

Qige hugged Lana's warm body and said distressedly: "Don't be afraid, Nana. I'm back. It took a little longer than expected."

Qi Ge said while his heart was bleeding.

He really spent a lot of money on this mission.

A full one hundred and sixty bottles of energy potion were used, and even Qi Ge's phobia of insufficient energy was triggered.

But fortunately everything went well.

The Harpy Tribe has been completely captured by Qige.

The Queen of the Colorful Serpent was also found by the Seven Pigeons.

Seven Pigeons eat a lot of meat and volcanic minerals.

With a big stick, a barbecue hand, and a massage technique, he successfully tamed the queen of the colorful snake.

Joined Qi Ge's camp.

Get ready, the curtain is about to open.

After a night of communication, Qige and Lana have a deeper relationship.

Lost and found, Lana's feelings for Qi Ge quickly heated up.

Qige felt that Lana must have a fever, so she took Lana's temperature.

The temperature inside Lana's body was so high that even Qi Ge's mercury thermometer broke, dirtying Lana's beloved nest.

The next day, Qi Ge took out a lot of food that Lana had not eaten, allowing the limping Lana to rest in peace in the house.

He himself slipped down the tree and took control of the situation.

Soon, a group of colorful giant snakes attacked human villages. The huge colorful snakes were simply a nightmare for humans. They crushed houses and devoured sheep and cattle raised by humans.

The human villages are all farmers, weavers and other logistics units. How can they fight against the colorful snake?

I can only shrink in the room and shiver.

Soon one human house after another was razed to the ground. The colorful giant snakes formed a circle and locked all the humans in the circle. They kept sticking out their tongues and opening their mouths to intimidate the humans.

All humans huddled together, shivering.

Especially the old people who treated Lana cruelly were so scared that they shed tears.

At this moment, the harpy high priest descended from the sky with a large number of harpies and drove away the colorful snakes.

The Harpy High Priest saw that the Harpy's nemesis actually retreated obediently under the command of Qi Ge, and he admired Qi Ge very much in his heart.

The appearance of the harpy brought life to the human tribe.

Faced with the threat of death, they forgot their fear and hatred of the harpies and knelt on the ground to pray for their help.

Ironically, those who took the lead in kneeling were the ones who persecuted Lana the most.

It's not incomprehensible, they have been ruled by harpies for a long time.

Being ruled by a harpy again will always be easier than a human being who has never been ruled before.

Following the instructions of the Seven Doves, the harpies continued to bring branches and other building materials to help humans rebuild their homes.

They also carried large quantities of food and vines, bringing food and bonfires to the humans whose houses had been destroyed and their livestock devoured.

It wasn't until the third day that Qige took Lana to the human village.

Lana was overjoyed to see that the human tribe did not drive her away like before.

She also saw a large number of her fellow harpies.

These harpies of the same race are very friendly to Lana. In their hearts, Lana is the lucky star who brought "the benefactor: the seven doves".

By the way, Qi Ge doesn't know why, but he has the title of "God's Benefactor" among the harpies.

According to the harpy, only messengers of the gods can be like the seven doves, showering endless divine grace on every harpy.

Kind-hearted Lana is different from other harpies.

The other harpies only helped humans at the behest of Seven Doves, but Lana meant it.

The attitude of human tribes towards the harpy race,

Again, the other party is an enemy and a persecutor,

The other person becomes a benefactor and protector.

With the change in mentality, human resistance to Lana has been fundamentally broken.

Qi Ge asked the Harpy Queen to help put on a play.

In front of all humans, the Harpy Queen recognized Lana as her daughter. Lana's identity became a princess of the Harpy tribe that ordinary people could never reach.

The other harpies, at the request of Seven Doves, were condescending and insulting the people of the human tribe.

And Lana, even without Qi Dove's orders, would come out to stop other harpies every time.

But those harpies also listened to Lana very much. As long as Lana was around, they would be particularly friendly to humans.

This strong contrast made Lana's reputation among the human tribe rise rapidly.

Qi Ge hid behind the scenes next to Leng Yan and did not appear in front of the human tribe during the whole process.

First use the threat of life to destroy their will.

Then use the harpy as the savior to give them a glimmer of hope.

The Savior in turn oppressed them and once again made them despair.

In the endless darkness, Lana, the only one who was truly kind to them, willing and able to protect them, became their only light.

No human being dares to mention the name Harpy Hag anymore, and no human being is willing to mention it anymore.

Instead, it was the distinguished title of Her Royal Highness Princess Lana.

This is the human heart.

In just one week, Lana not only became a friend of the human tribe, but also became the patron saint of the human tribe.

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Qi Ge for completing the main mission of the special mode: Untying Lana’s heart knot. 】

[System prompt: Since the player Qige has completed the main mission of the special mode ahead of schedule, the player will be given extra time to explore.

During this time, you can strive for more hero soul recognition and get higher mission rewards. 】

Qi Ge, who was calculating something in Lana's room, suddenly stopped writing.

His eyes were cast into the distance.

The source of the appearance of chaos monsters.

There is less than half a month to prepare.

The Harpy Tribe, with the help of Seven Doves, officially settled in the giant tree where Lana was.

After this period of exploration, Qige has determined that the giant tree where Lana is located is a natural wonder.

[Natural wonder: immortal wood. 】

All branches and leaves that fall from decaying trees will never decay.

Troops who live on the Immortal Tree for a long time can live a long life and can also awaken some powerful exclusive biological special skills.

Lana's ability to steal speed was born because her kindness was recognized by the Immortal Wood.

Half a month later, the Chaos Node appeared deep in the forest named "Immortal Forest" by Qige.

All the first Chaos Demon Dogs and Steelbacks that appeared were quickly killed by the Harpy Tribe.

The ghost crow was also swallowed up by the colorful snake.

There was only one ghost nest monster, and Qi Ge poured water on it with his own hands and turned it into ashes.

Qi Ge, who was well prepared, asked the Harpy High Priest, a spell-casting weapon, to lead the Harpy Priests and use magic to find the node of Chaos invasion.

Seven Doves soaked that node with the underground river water containing the power of Mother Goddess Asa.

Soon, the node exploded and turned into a giant chaos soldier with six tentacles that looked like an unknown piece of meat.

Under the command of Seven Pigeons, the harpies kept wandering around, not engaging in combat with the giant pieces of meat.

Qi Ge kept taking out various props to test the opponent's characteristics.

Volcanic ores, needles, ice picks and a lot of other strange things were constantly thrown at the giant piece of meat by the harpy.

Soon, Qi Ge found the weakness of the giant piece of meat.

Out of curiosity, Qige collected some.

Just two buckets of water were poured on it, and the giant piece of meat was reduced to ashes in a wail.

"Seven Pigeons! You are so powerful. We defeated it!"

Lana excitedly jumped on Qi Ge, wrapped her wings around Qi Ge's neck, and kissed Qi Ge very naturally on the face.

Qi Ge smiled slightly and was about to speak when the system prompt rang.

[System prompt: Hidden special main mission: eliminate chaos invasion, successful]

Time was messed up, and Qi Ge felt dizzy.

Faintly, Qi Ge heard a cry: "Qi Ge, Lana is here. Find Lana."

Lana's voice? At this? ! Where? ! Is Lana in Immortalwood?

[System prompt: Enter the settlement interface. 】

[System prompt: Special mode main mission: Untie Lana’s heart knot. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the heroic soul test. 】

Checking in progress:

No one died in the human village: courage +0, force +2, command +2, wisdom +2

No one died in the harpy tribe: courage +2, force +2, command +2, wisdom +2

Lana survives: Command +4, Wisdom +4

Harpy Queen Mikami Yuhawk Survival: Courage +4, Force +3, Wisdom +2, Command +7

Harpy High Priest Fukada Yingying Survival: Courage +2, Martial Power +3, Wisdom +8, Command +2

The beautiful snake queen Baiyu survives: courage +8, force +6, wisdom +2, command +2

The harpy tribe reached a reconciliation with the colorful serpent: +10 command, +10 wisdom

[Hidden special main quest; eliminate Chaos invasion] Completed: All rewards doubled

Before Qi Ge came to his senses and couldn't even count the total number of special points he got, system prompts came one after another.

[System prompt: Settlement in progress

Because of your performance, Heroic Soul Lana recognized you and received additional hidden troops:

Harpy Hag, daughter of Neferan]

The daughter of Nefran? ! Lana? Is it the advanced unit of the harpy?

[Harpy Hag: 4 courage, 3 force, 5 command, 3 wisdom

Daughter of Neferan: 16 courage, 4 force, 7 command, 4 wisdom]

The courage requirement has been directly increased by 4 times? !

[System prompt: Settlement is in progress.

Because of your performance, Heroic Soul Mikami Yutaka recognized you and received additional hidden troops:

Harpy Queen: 6 courage, 6 force, 7 command, 6 wisdom]

The Harpy Queen is a level 4 command unit that can increase the movement speed of all harpies. It must not be missed.

[System prompt: Because of your performance, the heroic spirit Fukada Eitaka recognizes you, and you will receive additional hidden troops:

Harpy Priest: 2 courage, 3 force, 5 command, 5 wisdom

Harpy High Priest: 2 courage, 3 force, 10 command, 10 wisdom]

The Harpy Priest and the Harpy High Priest are both spell-casting units and must be purchased.

[System prompt: Because of your performance, Yinghun Baiyu recognized you and received additional hidden troops:

Colorful Green Snake: 4 courage, 5 force, 2 command, 2 wisdom

Colorful white snake: 6 courage, 10 force, 2 command, 2 wisdom]

Qige:? ? ?

The historical echo of the harpy, the emergence of a military unit that is not the harpy?

Is this what makes special historical echoes special? !

Depend on! Loss of blood.

There was no contact with the manticore, and there was no contact with the human tribe.

Qi Ge regretted it miserably.

[System prompt: Because of your performance, the Harpy Village has recognized you and you will receive additional hidden troops:

Cave Harpy: 2 courage, 1 force, 1 command, 1 wisdom

Cave Harpy Witch: 2 courage, 2 force, 1 command, 1 wisdom]

These two should be level 1 and level 2 harpies respectively. The basic among the basics, you must get them.


All the exchangeable arms are here.

Qi Ge did the math and found that taking them all would give him a total of 58 more ability points!

58 o'clock!

These 58 points must be the exchange points between the human tribe and the manticore.

Qi Ge felt that he had missed 100 million.

All human tribes are logistics units. Manticores are level 6 troops, and they are all good things.

Gone, all gone.

Seven doves want to cry but have no tears.

Fortunately, the Harpy-type unit Seven Pigeons still has a relatively complete range.

There are also powerful human shield giant units such as the Colorful White Snake. It’s not really a bad loss.

System prompt: The total remaining ability points are 58 points.

Obtain the blueprints of miraculous buildings: Hantan Crypt and Paved Wood Forest.

Um? ! Two miracles! ! !

Before Qi Ge could get excited, he felt endlessly dazed.

After being dazzled for a while, Qi Ge looked up and saw the statues of the goddess of magic and the goddess of luck.

I don't know why, but Qi Ge always feels that their statues lack the intimacy they had before, and have a sense of self-importance and indifference.

Qi Ge quickly comforted himself.

It's all an illusion!

I am the man that Magic Wife and Lucky Wife love most, how could they be angry with me.

[System prompt: Obtain architectural drawings:

Harpy Cave

Harpy's Cave

Cave Bird's Nest Altar,

The Great Altar of the Harpy,

Harpy Queen's Nest

Color snake nest

Symphony Snake Nest

Harpy Tree House

Navraan Tomb

Obtain the blueprints of miraculous buildings: Hantan Crypt and Paved Wood Forest. 】

Ding dong!

[System prompt: Credel’s drawing pen triggers

10% designed hidden architectural drawings

Harpy Cave, Harpy Witch Cave Cave Nest Altar, Harpy Grand Altar, Harpy Queen's Nest


Obtain the Miracle Building: The Cave Harpy's Lair. 】

Qi Ge:! ! !

Damn it! Three miracles! ! !

- points - pigeons - lines -

The two pharmacist apprentices from the Yinxue City Pharmacist Association who were responsible for receiving Agede exited the private room with bright smiles on their faces.

Pete, the apprentice pharmacist in red robe, wiped the cold sweat on his back with a handkerchief and said:

"I finally calmed down. Fortunately, I didn't make Master Agaide angry."

Summers, the pink-robed pharmacist, asked strangely:

"Senior brother, he is just a master. Why are you and master so nervous?"

Pete quickly covered Summers' mouth with his hand, pulled Summers aside, and kicked Summers in the stomach with his knee.

"You dare to say anything. You are seeking death.

Although Master Agede doesn't move much now, you can't even imagine his power.

More than half of the legends in our tower are close to him, and even the demigod Somra owes him a favor.

Don't you think the teacher is so nervous?

He rushed to make the energy potion himself.

Those energy potions made by the two of us, the teacher did not dare to put them in front of Master Agaide. "

Samos held his stomach and kept shouting: "Senior brother, I was wrong, I just asked a question."

Pete patted Summers' belly and said:

"Don't blame senior brother for beating you.

As pharmacists, the most important thing is to know who can be cheated and who cannot be cheated.

Like those ordinary mage heroes, if they are cheated, they will be cheated.

Our teacher is the president of the Yinxue City Pharmacist Association, and it is not something that ordinary heroes would dare to provoke.

For customers above the master level, we must keep our eyes open and be respectful.

At Master Agade's level, one cannot even say a bad word casually.

Otherwise, it won’t be as simple as being beaten twice by me, do you understand? "

"I understand! I understand! I understand!"

Their words fell on Agaide's ears word for word.

Agaide put down his tea cup and shook his head.

The tea from the Pharmacist Association is not as good as the one on the apprentice ship.

Not even close.

Thinking of the seven pigeons, Master Agaide couldn't help but feel a little lost.

I don’t know if buying 300 bottles of energy potion first will be enough for Seven Pigeons.

At this moment, Agaide suddenly heard a voice from outside, and bursts of energy continued to come from the void.

[System prompt: Your architect apprentice Qi Ge was recognized by the heroic soul in the echo of history and obtained the hidden heroic soul military building.

As the guide of Seven Pigeons, you receive reward feedback:

Improve the proficiency of advanced magic and advanced mysticism. 】

Agaide stood up with a bang and bumped into the table. The black teacup and teapot overturned and fell to the ground.

The black tea was poured out, staining the precious silver Pegasus fur carpet into a mess.

Just like Agaide's heart.

Echoes of history? ! Qige just went in now, what about the one before? !

Sure enough, I wasn't too excited and heard it wrong before. Qige was not a pseudo-mythical building that relied on the echoes of history!

The door to the guest room opened, and Peter and Summers stood anxiously in front of the door.

Samos saw the black teapot dumped at Aged's feet, and the black tea wetted the bottom of Master Aged's robe. He hurriedly bent over and ran in to clean it up.

Peter asked carefully: "Master, do you need any help..."

"Don't talk, don't move!" Master Agaide waved his hand.

Peter kept his posture ready to enter, while Summers was bent over, not daring to move.

[System prompt: Your architect apprentice Qi Ge has obtained a hidden heroic soul unit building, and you have received reward feedback:

Improve the proficiency of advanced magic and advanced mysticism. 】

Come, two hide.

[System prompt:...You have received reward feedback...

Improve the proficiency of advanced magic and advanced mysticism. 】

[System prompt: Your advanced magic proficiency is full, which will be converted into an upgrade level.

Your magic increases to master level. 】

[System prompt: Your advanced mysticism proficiency is full, which will be converted into an upgrade level.

Your arcana skills rise to master level. 】

Three already. You are worthy of being my apprentice, right?

[System prompt: Your architect apprentice...]

Great, 4.

Master Agaide clenched his fists calmly.

However, immediately after, the sound of the system prompts stopped, and there was no more energy coming from the void.

Lord Agaide frowned.

Just four hidden? !


The old problem is back.

It’s already pretty good that Qi Ge can get 4 hidden ones.

How many do you take each time?

Last time, the seven pigeons may have performed extremely long, and this is the normal level of the seven pigeons.

Already outstanding.

You can’t really expect Qige to produce myth fragments and miracle buildings every time, right?

Master Agaide shook his head, smiled bitterly, and prepared to sit down.

Samos was really tired from bending over and motionless. When he saw Master Agede smiling and preparing to sit down, he slowly tried to hold his pink robe and stood up gently.

Suddenly, Master Agaide stood up again without his butt touching the sofa!

Samos was so frightened that he quickly bent down again, his waist even reaching his waist.

[System prompt: Qi Ge has obtained the Miraculous Heroic Soul unit building. Your master architect and master design proficiency are full. You will receive reward feedback:

Gain a large amount of proficiency in a random auxiliary skill.

You gain a large amount of Intellect proficiency. 】

[System prompt: Your advanced intelligence proficiency is full, which will be converted into an upgrade level.

Your intelligence increases to master level. 】

Agaide's eyes were as wide as bells.


Let me just say, there’s no way this kid Qige doesn’t have miracles!

This is not coming!

How many master-level auxiliary skills do I have?

Intelligence, magic, mystery, wisdom, design, and architecture.

6 of them. I have 6 master level auxiliary skills.

6 star master!

If it was when I was young and reached 6 stars, I would be 100% sure to start the path to legend without relying on legendary enlightenment.

Seven doves, seven doves. Why didn't I get to know you earlier?

Master Agaide was full of comfort.

He held out his finger and said to Peter:

"Little apprentice, tell your teacher and ask him to work harder.

I'll order 300 more bottles of energy potions. "

Pete nodded quickly and said, "Yes!"

[System prompt: Qi Ge has obtained the Miraculous Heroic Soul unit building. Your master architect and master design proficiency are full. You will receive reward feedback:

Gain a large amount of proficiency in a random auxiliary skill.

You gain a large amount of proficiency in Wisdom. 】

[System prompt: Your master-level wisdom skill proficiency is full. Due to your level, you cannot be promoted to legend. When you are promoted to legend, you will automatically obtain legendary wisdom skill. 】


Peter was about to turn around, and Samos was about to straighten up, but they were both frightened and stopped by Master Agede.

Summers felt like his waist was about to break.

Master Agede shook his hand: "Tell your teacher and add 200 bottles of magic potion. It just feels a little less interesting to have energy potions."

Magic potion! This is big business.

However, making magic potion is much more difficult than energy potion, and the teacher's schedule for half a year has already been booked.

Peter gritted his teeth. Master Agede must give me face. I believe the teacher will support me.

"Yes! Master, please wait a moment, I will go right away."

[System prompt: Qi Ge has obtained the Miraculous Heroic Soul unit building. Your master architect and master design proficiency are full. You will receive reward feedback:

Gain a large amount of proficiency in a random auxiliary skill.

You gain a large amount of proficiency in astronomy. 】

[System prompt: Your advanced astronomy proficiency is full, which will be converted into an upgrade level.

Your astronomy reaches master level. 】

Master Agaide's heart beat, 3 miracles! !

No wonder there are only 4 hidden buildings, because this guy Qi Ge has done 3 miracles.

7 star master! ! 7 star master! !

Even my hidden auxiliary skill Astronomy is at the master level!

"Wait a moment!"

Master Agaide touched his beard, and the hands hidden in his robe trembled with excitement:

"Forget it, you two clean up here, and I'll go find your teacher myself.

This time, I may want a little too much potion. "

Seeing Agede finally go out, Samos quickly sat down with his hands on his waist.

Peter ran to him with concern, rubbed his waist and said:

"Master Agede is a good man. I know that 200 bottles of magic potion is a bit much, and it is not easy for us apprentices to open our mouths.

He didn't make it difficult for us and went to find the teacher himself, otherwise I would definitely be blamed by the teacher. "

Summers looked at Peter, his lips trembled twice, and said:

"Why do I have a hunch that Master Agede may want more than this?!"

Peter:? ? ? !

ps: All additional updates have been returned.

Because I was too sleepy yesterday, I made a lot of typos while coding.

The hamster is sorry for everyone, so I will add 2 more updates to myself.

By the way, the monthly ticket is almost over 2,000, after which I will add 2 more updates.

The hamster's wheel is ready, waiting for everyone's whip.

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