Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect


952 Chapters Ongoing Status

The blood of countless players paved the way forward for Seven Pigeons,
The mage's robes that were scorched by the fire were flying in the wind and dust,
The fragments of the magic lamp were stepped on and made a rustling sound,
The naga&


The blood of countless players paved the way forward for Seven Pigeons,
The mage's robes that were scorched by the fire were flying in the wind and dust,
The fragments of the magic lamp were stepped on and made a rustling sound,
The naga's blade was shattered and the stone statue turned to ashes.
Titan bones piled up in mountains.
And my seven pigeons,
I will step on your bones,
Take off Bracada's Tears of Asa,
Become the new king of the fairies!

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