Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 27 The greatest hero in the history of the fairies

"Lord Qi Ge, how are you? The guys I brought are all good, right?" The merchant elf Keruo Ke looked at Qi Ge's expressionless contemplation. She was afraid that Qi Ge would be dissatisfied, so she asked with frustration.

"Hmm." Qi Ge pondered for a moment and said, "Let's do this. I'll buy a supply truck, and I'll also buy an additional 1,000 bows and arrows, and 500 crossbow arrows. How do you sell these bows and arrows separately? I'll buy more if they're cheaper."

"Every 100 bows and arrows cost 20 gold coins, and the same applies to crossbows. Because the profit of arrows is very low, we cannot give you a discount."

so cheap!

"Then bring 2,000 arrows and 1,000 crossbow arrows."

Before Qi Ge, every centaur archer's arrows were used up and they had to spend 10 gold coins per centaur archer to replenish their arrows.

The centaur archer only has 12 arrows in total! Think about how evil the system is.

In fact, Seven Pigeons can be set to automatically replenish, but then even if the Centaur Archer only shoots 1 arrow, the system will directly deduct 120 gold to replenish the arrows of 12 Centaur Archers.

Even a wealthy family cannot afford such consumption.

Therefore, Qi Ge could only manually replenish the Centaur Archer before. It's a little more troublesome, but it saves money.

Once you have a supply truck, you don’t have to worry so much.

Supply trucks can automatically replenish ammunition for remote units after the battle, but they must have corresponding ammunition types.

For example, human archers use crossbows and need crossbow arrows; centaur archers use bows and need bows and arrows; orcs need throwing axes.

Advanced supply vehicles can even store magic power to replenish ammunition for special ammunition units such as Titans and Evil Eyes.

And supply vehicles can choose to go into battle.

After going out, the supply vehicle can automatically replenish ammunition for remote units, but there is a risk of being damaged by the enemy. Once damaged, it will be gone, and even the ammunition in the supply vehicle will disappear.

Without a supply truck, players cannot give the ammunition in their backpacks to the ranged units in the unit card.

This is strange, but the Heroic Soul World is set up like this, and Qi Ge can't do anything about it.

"By the way, do you have a heavier backpack?"

"There happens to be one. What do you think of this?"

The merchant elf took out a cloth bag from the pocket of his robe.

Bracada’s standard backpack model 2

Level 2 Alchemy Treasure

Equipment location: backpack

Bearing weight 500

Well, yes, although it is not a very good treasure, it is much better than the novice backpack on Qi Ge that has a weight of only 50.

"How many gold coins?"

"Chenghui 3,000 gold coins, discount 2,100 after discount!"

"Okay, I bought it too."

It was 100 gold coins more expensive than the one sold in the city, but there was no other place to get the seven pigeons in the wilderness. I had picked too many mushrooms and my backpack was full. It was in urgent need, so it was good.

Seeing that Qi Ge seemed to only want to buy a supply truck and a backpack. The merchant fairy Ke Ruoke was a little anxious.

He folded his hands and said eagerly: "Sir! Why don't you think about getting off the ballista and the treatment tent? They will be very helpful to you!! The price is really cheap!"

I know it'll be helpful, I know it's cheap! The problem is I can’t afford it! Dry!

Of course, you can’t say that for sure!

"Sorry, it's not necessary at the moment. I need to train my troops, so I don't want to rely too much on the power of machinery. Moreover, I don't have artillery and healing skills, so I can't exert the power of these two war machines."

Haha, what makes me restrain my desire to chop my hands? Is it my strong self-control? No! It's poverty!

Qi Ge laughed in his heart, but shed tears of poverty.

"Okay." Merchant Fairy Koruoke lowered her head in disappointment, did some calculations, and said, "Then Chenghui's total is 5,150 gold coins!"

Qi Ge waved his hand and summoned the gold coins, all of which were summoned into the merchant goblin's gold coin bag.

5,150 gold coins is not a small amount. If piled on the ground, it would be almost as high as the merchant goblin.

A giant goblin came over, tied up the bag of gold coins, and placed it on the carriage that originally pulled the supply truck.

Qi Ge took Brakada's standard backpack Type 2 from the hand of the merchant fairy Koroko and equipped it.

The contents of the original novice backpack are automatically transferred to the new backpack.

Then Qi Ge waved his hand, and the arrows and supply trucks on the ground were put into his backpack.

The merchant fairy looked at this scene with envy.

Qige said: "If you are a hero, it will be much easier to run a business."

The merchant fairy Koruoke seemed to be a little distracted and said: "Yes, what a pity."

Then he suddenly laughed and said: "But this is not bad, haha."

He bowed exaggeratedly, handed over a small trumpet, and said to Qige:

"Dear Lord Seven Doves, this is the flute that summons our caravan. If you need it, blow it at any time! We will arrange the route!"

Qi Ge took the horn and said, "It's a pleasure to do business with you. I look forward to our next meeting."

The big goblin guard on the side finally couldn't bear it any longer. He pulled the sleeve of the merchant goblin Koroko and shouted: "Hey, dear brother! Have you forgotten us? The goblins in the waterwheel can't wait!"

The merchant fairy Koruoke shouted: "Hey! Hey! Don't pull, don't pull! It's coming!"

Qi Ge saw that all the goblins in the water tanker had run out and stood in several rows, waiting anxiously.

A giant goblin carried two large cloth bags and placed them on the ground. The merchant goblin Koroko bent down and took out a blue robe from a cloth bag.

The little fairy handed over 10 gold coins and placed them in Koroko's hand, and Koroko handed the blue robe to the little fairy.

The little elf hastily took off his tattered red robe and put on a brand new blue robe.

Then Koroko bent down and took out a bolas and an ammunition bag from another cloth bag. He pinned the ammunition bag to the inside of the little goblin's robe with needles and threads, and then handed the bolas to the little goblin's hand. .

The little goblin suddenly grew taller and taller, which was visible to the naked eye, stretching up the originally ill-fitting robe, so an NPC little goblin became a big goblin.

Seeing the big goblin jumping with excitement, the merchant goblin Koruoke patted him on the shoulder and said, "Stand up! Stand up! Let me take a look. Yes, you are very energetic!"

At this time, Qi Ge discovered that two Christmas fairies were alone.

As soon as I thought about it, this was a Level 1 and Level 5 spell that summoned dual-cultivating abnormal soldiers!

Apprentice goblins can be promoted to Christmas goblins only during the annual goblin clan’s Spring Festival.

It is a hidden arm among hidden arms!

If it can be abducted, bah! If you can convince your subordinates, wouldn't that mean taking off?

So he quietly approached and sat down between the two Christmas elves.

Don't be in a hurry, test it out first.

Qi Ge asked: "You are a level 5 soldier. Can you tell me why you are willing to follow level 4 Ke Ruoke?"

The two Christmas elves looked at each other, and one of them said: "Lord, this is a long story, do you really want to hear it?"

Qige nodded.

"Sir, do you know the status of the fairies in the tower?"

Qi Ge certainly knew that in his previous life, Qi Ge had done a mission about goblins and learned about the history of goblins in detail.

It can be said that the prosperity of the tower was built on the blood, tears and corpses of goblins.

Behind the dazzling engineering civilization of the tower are the countless sacrifices of the goblins.

Gargoyle Ghost Tower, it takes 3 goblins to stay awake for 3 days to create a gargoyle.

In the stone man manufacturing factory, one stone man requires the cooperation of 7 fairies for 5 days.

In the mage tower, goblins are responsible for taking care of the mage's daily life. If they are unlucky, they will be used as experimental materials.

War machinery manufacturing factory, alchemy treasure assembly factory...

There are countless corpses of goblins buried on too many production lines.

In return for the goblin, he was pulled to become a level 1 soldier in the tower, commonly known as cannon fodder.

Even if he becomes a big goblin, he is still a long-range human shield and a high-level cannon fodder that dies in front of the mage.

After listening to Qi Ge's story, the Christmas Elf shook his head and said, "It seems that adults still don't understand enough."

"The goblins who can enter the factory are considered lucky. At least they can have a full meal once a week."

“More goblins live in the sewers of various cities in the tower, praying every day that they can catch mice and not starve;

Or living in the darkest corner of Tower City, digging through the trash cans of the mage tower to find some food, and accidentally being poisoned by the mage's experimental materials. "

"The largest number of goblins live outside the tower city, foraging for food in the dangerous snow. Whenever night falls, they can only hide under the city wall and shiver, trying to catch a bit of the glow of Asa's torch to avoid the chaos. Invasion of monsters.”

Qi Ge moved his lips but was speechless.

He couldn't ask why you didn't resist such a stupid question.

The supreme leader of the tower is the Thunder Titan hero who is close to the true god. The Titan clan is a perverted race that was born at level 7.

What can the goblin use to resist? Get a hammer?

Another Christmas elf continued: "We were all one of them. Until Master Koroko showed up."

"Lord Ke Ruoke is a merchant goblin who is not affiliated with any mage. He travels through dangers, exchanges the gold coins obtained from the merchants for food, and helps the goblins as much as possible."

"After you have accumulated enough experience as a merchant fairy, you can try to advance with only 3,000 gold coins, but Sir Ke Ruoke is reluctant to part with it."

"He said that buying the cheapest potatoes for 3,000 gold coins can feed 2,000 goblins. He is unwilling. No matter who forces him, he is unwilling. We have tried every method."

"He always said that one more life is worth more."

"But if Lord Koruoke doesn't advance, he will only have 1 year left to live."

The voice of a Christmas elf was a little choked: "I will never forget that some time ago, he said: 'If the advancement is successful, one more person will live and two thousand more will die. If the advancement fails, two thousand and one more will die. What a loss. , that’s not how business is done.'”

"But this is not business, this is his life!"

Qi Ge stared at Ke Ruoke who was changing clothes for the little goblin. He slowly sewed the ammunition sac on the little goblin, his expression extremely focused and his movements extremely delicate.

Like an old man on his deathbed, gently caressing his ignorant grandson.

"Lord Qi Ge, do you look down on us fairies?"

Qi Ge was startled and almost jumped up: "I didn't..."

"It's okay, Master Qi Ge, we are used to it. Elves look down on us, humans look down on us, and even the barbarians in the stronghold look down on us, saying that we are treacherous elf merchants. Obviously our fairness has been affirmed by the goddess of wealth. .”

"So every time Mr. Koroko meets other races who may become guests, he will grovel and praise them. They like to hear this."

"We are really touched that adults can deal with us as equals instead of being condescending like other races."

Qi Ge suddenly recalled the compliment he had given Ke Ruoke when they first met.

Is this how he keeps bending over, saying disgusting beautiful words, getting a gold and a half from other races, and exchanging it for food to save his own race?

"Lord, do you know the price of the big goblin equipment that the tower gave us?"

Another Christmas elf said: "13 gold."

"We sell it for 10 gold, so we will lose 3 gold every time we sell a set, but Master Ke Ruoke is very happy."

At this moment, Ke Ruoke's voice came: "Young man, stand up straight! You have met a good lord! This is the first lord who is willing to pay the goblins wages! You have a good life! Work hard! , don’t embarrass the goblin!”

Qi Ge felt that his face was burning red, and he was very regretful. He wanted to slap himself a few minutes ago. Facing such a great goblin, he actually wanted to abduct the guards in his team!

Damn it! It's so weird.

He looked at the package and saw 1,550 gold coins left.

So he walked up to Keruoke and asked, "Can you give me another 1,000 bows and arrows?"

Ke Ruoke said happily: "No problem, sir, I brought a lot, it's enough."

Putting away his bow and arrows, Qi Ge put all the gold coins in his backpack directly into the gold coin bag of the merchant fairy Koruoke.

Ke Ruoke said in surprise: "Sir! There are too many! There are too many!"

Qi Ge waved his hand and said: "This is the deposit! When you go to business, help me see if there are any drawings of hidden buildings. If there are any, help me collect them. I will replenish them for you in the future."

"Okay! Lord Qige!"

Ke Ruoke was very happy. Seeing that Qige had nothing else to do, she turned around and changed the equipment for the goblins.

The Seven Pigeons stopped disturbing him and watched silently like the other goblins in the caravan.

Soon, the goblins' equipment was changed, and Qi Ge took all the goblins in the water truck to escort Ke Ruoke's caravan.

When he was about to leave the waterwheel, Ke Ruoke suddenly jumped off the horse, grabbed Qi Ge's hand, stuffed a drawing into Qi Ge's hand, and said, "Sir! This is a small gift! Take care of me in the future. business!"

"Alright, definitely!"

He turned around and ran back to his horse, and the caravan began to set off. In the night, the light of Yasha's fire shone from him, illuminating the path of the caravan and every goblin in the team.

The little Yasha fire was so dim, but it was extremely firm and warm, dispelling all the fog of chaos.

"I forgot to ask him where Yasha's fire came from. Forget it, I'll have a chance next time."

Qi Ge opened the drawing and took a look:

Demon-condensing ballista design drawings

Materials required: gems 2 mercury 2 sulfur 2 crystal 2 ores 10 wood 20

Required building: blacksmith shop or ballista workshop type building

Explanation: Koruoke took a look at the design drawing of the Demon-Gathering Crossbow in the Crossbow Workshop in Brilade City, and was blasted out by the mage with a fireball. The mage would never have imagined that this goblin, who was kneeling and begging for mercy with his charred body, would memorize the entire design in his mind just by looking at it.

Ke Ruo is one of the smartest fairies in the Fairy Tribe. If he can learn magic, he may become the greatest hero in the Fairy Tribe's history!

Qi Ge squeezed the design in his hand and said, "No, he is already the greatest hero of the Fairy Tribe."

Congratulations to the player for receiving the hidden mission:

A promising promotion

The liberation of the fairies.

Hit the top 1000 on the recommendation list! A big chapter of 4000 words!

Finished coding late at night!

The hamster is sleeping.

Welcome back to the world of heroes, heroes!

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