Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 238 I am Ke Ruoke, a born warrior! (Five-in-one, please book in full)

Qi Ge passed through the tree wall formed by the huge bodies of Senluo Green Spirits, buying more time so that the Charming Heart Witch could cast spells with peace of mind without running away.

Soon, the third team and the fourth team, Senluo Luling, were also controlled.

Another green wall of green spirit was formed.

The fifth team Senluo Luling has no sixth team to pair with, but it doesn't matter.

He attacked a group of Senluo Green Spirits, and after receiving a counterattack, both sides were entangled and unable to move.

Senluo Luling's defense is really abnormal, they can't even defeat themselves.

Every time Senluo Green Spirit attacks each other, it can only cause 1 point of damage.

In the end, after all the Senluo Green Spirits were unable to move, the original Senluo Green Spirits A and Senluo Green Spirits B each still had half of their health.

Qi Ge looked at the Senluo Luling who was bound by Asia and could not move, and felt very proud.

As we all know, after tying up a girl, you have to...

Just leave it aside and go play games!

Qi Ge controls the Charming Witch and continues to confuse Senluo Green Ling, creating perpetual motion machines that attack each other one after another.

There are 600 Senluo Green Spirits in total, which happens to be an even number. They are paired up in twos and fight fiercely.

After all the "perpetual motion machines" were completed, Qi Ge rode Zi Yuan and said to himself:

“Looking at it like this, they will have to fight each other for a while, and we don’t know what happened to the others.

There should be no problem. "

There's really no problem.

In fact, due to the intrusion of Qi Ge and Adela, most of the chaotic power of the Magic Pyramid was deployed to deal with these two perverts.

Adela has already reached the fifth floor and is heading towards the sixth floor.

The treatment Adela enjoyed was exactly the same as that of Seven Pigeons. The whole process was super high and the rewards were super good.

The firepower of Chaos was attracted by Qi Ge and Adela, and others naturally followed suit.

The World Hegemony Guild only sent its top three players to challenge the second level, and everyone else had already come out.

Even Meteor and Xiaotian are the same.

They are the guild presidents, but they are not the most powerful in the guild.

At this moment, Meteor and Xiaotian were squatting side by side on the Silver Spirit, their heads hanging in frustration.

"It's over."

"It's over. Let's judge."

Just now, the last person from the World Hegemony Guild to challenge the second floor came out. Of the three top professional players, only one successfully passed the second floor and obtained the hidden magic.

The other two roughly estimated the strength of the boss and chose to give up.

And Ke Ruoke has not come out yet.

"We can't compare to the Seven Pigeons, we can understand that. We have some idea in our hearts.

But how come we can’t even compare to the deputy hero of the Seven Pigeon God! "

Xiaotian stuck out his tongue and asked Meteor beside him:

"Meteor, have you really found out clearly? How long has it been since Ruoke became a hero?"

Meteor nodded and said, "It's clear. The goblins on the Seven Pigeons ship are very nice and have no evil intentions. They'll tell us if we ask."

But Ruoke has only been a hero for two weeks, and he is already a fourth-level merchant elf. "

Xiaotian became even more depressed:

"There's no reason! Aren't the secondary heroes' troops provided by the main hero?

The Great Master Qi Ge is so powerful in combat. How can he compare with the top players in our guild if he allocates some troops to Ke Ruoke? "

"That's not true. Soaring Crane doesn't believe it himself.

He said that the last BOSS on the second floor was 200 vampire kings, and he barely defeated it until all of his gryphons died.

This is also thanks to his undead killer magic, otherwise he would definitely lose if he relied solely on military strength. "

Xiaotian poked the meteor with his dog's leg and asked: "Hey, tell me, is Ruoke still on the second floor? Is he just lost?

Otherwise, why not! "

Meteor nodded solemnly and said:

"That makes sense, very possible.

Even if the top player in our guild can't compare to the great master Qi Ge, forget it. I'm not convinced that it can't compare to an NPC who has just become a hero for less than two weeks. "

- points - can - if - can - line -

Ke Ruoke looked at the stone slabs on the third floor and was struggling.

[Magic: Elementary Small Void Storm

Level: Level 3

Level: Hidden

Attributes: all

Void Strike: Causes one true damage to a single enemy, damage value: (Ability Power × 20) + 50.

Randomly attaches an effect:

Knocked down for 1 round. (Cannot move, can be stepped on by other units, and is regarded as being attacked once)

Float for 2 turns. (Unable to move, ground units cannot attack it at close range, and sea area troops are considered to have left the sea area)

Void Exile for 3 rounds: Temporarily separated from the battlefield. If all other units die during the exile period, the battle ends and the units exiled by the Void disappear.

Knocks up 4 spaces.

Mana cost: 25

Description: The chaotic void storm does not cause high damage and can have various wonderful effects. You can never predict what will happen. 】

To do it or not to do it.

But Ruoke was a little depressed.

That's not to say that this magic is bad.

Mainly, this magic doesn't make money.

Not only are they not making money, they are not making food either.

Ke Ruoke understands his position very well, remembers Qi Ge's instructions, and never challenges an opponent that is too difficult.

They all fight level 3 and level 4 soldiers.

When encountering a difficult battle, if it is not included in the strategy given by the lord, just surrender.

Not stable.

I don’t really need this kind of magic that doesn’t make money.

"I have advanced wisdom, and I can also learn level 4 magic. Do you want to go to another level?"

Although the lord has always said that he should act according to his ability, Ruoke really didn't feel any difficulty and pushed through it all the way.

"Going up one level, I remember the lord said that there is a strategic magic in level 4 magic that can produce food.

Even if it doesn't happen, level 4 magic is still better than level 3 magic. "

But Ruoke made up his mind, triggered the light door, and got in.

Ke Ruoke looked around and saw that the new maze walls looked a bit like they were made of loess.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned the fairy chariot.

In the magic pyramid, NPC troops cannot enter, only heroes can enter with heroic soul troops.

The dedicated driver, Clarence the Christmas Elf, is not available, so Ke Ruoke has to drive by herself.

As soon as you insert the key, you're ready to go; as soon as you step on the accelerator, you're the most beautiful kid.

Driving the goblin chariot, Ke Ruoke followed Qi Ge's instructions and drove as slowly as possible.

But soon, it was chased away by a group of tauren.

"Try to hide when you encounter guards. If you can't hide, fight one group at a time. Don't run around. Running around will lead to being attacked by multiple guards at the same time, which will greatly increase the difficulty."

Ke Ruoke looked at the manual given to it by Qige, and after confirming that it was correct, he stepped on the accelerator and hit the tauren.

If Ke Ke couldn't hide, Qi Ge wouldn't have time to teach him.

You're good at playing Koro!

Enter battle mode!

"The Lord has said that in the Magic Pyramid, when a hero appears, there will never be reinforcements from the opponent."

If you can, the hero will appear directly!

Level 6 miracle unit, the saint of the fairies!


[Fairy Saint:

The Saint Goblin is the leader of all goblins, and his appearance can give the goblins endless courage.

When the Saint Elf appears on the battlefield, the morale of all our Elf units will be +3, and the morale will not be low.

The enemy's level 1~5 fairy units will definitely have low morale. 】

【Never walk alone:

Saint Leprechaun is loved and followed by fairies. Whenever Saint Leprechaun appears, he is always accompanied by countless followers. He never walks alone.

When the saint fairies enter the battlefield, 7 teams of random fairies of levels 3 to 5 are summoned. The number of each team is the number of saint fairies * 20]

4 teams are at level 3, 2 teams are at level 4, and 1 team is at level 5!

7 teams of fairies with super high morale are surrounding Koroko!

This time, the level 5 troops were lucky enough to have stone-throwing goblins.

At the same time, Koroko’s hero specialty activates!

[Supreme Saint: All fairy-type arms that can be carried by Keruo (including heroic soul arms and NPC arms) will receive a random temporary promotion to level 1 after entering the battle (maximum level 5)]

After Qi Ge came back from hell, he prepared a set of alchemy treasures for Koroko to increase his command value. Only the clothes were the robes of the forest sage.

This brings Koroko's troop strength to a terrifying 7 teams of 30, a total of 210 level 1 and level 4 giant goblins.

As soon as the Supreme Saint triggered, 2 teams of logistics, 3 teams of auxiliary, and 2 teams of main battle appeared!

There are a total of 80 main battle level 5 goblins in the game, including 50 stone-throwing goblins!

Players from the Tianxia Hegemony Guild would never have imagined that in a real fight, if Qi Ge didn't use his cool moves, five Qi Ges bundled together wouldn't be able to beat Ke Ruoke.

The highest combat power in the false territory: the seven pigeons who are strategizing and resourceful

The real highest combat power in the territory: Ke Ruoke, who concentrates on getting food and feeding the goblins.

Ke Ruoke touched the forest sage robe on her body, feeling full of security.

Although this combined treasure given by the lord only adds 8 attributes, it is Keruoke's ultimate trump card.

[Sage of the Forest:

Give all friendly troops special abilities:

Centaur Feet: Speed ​​+2

Wood Elf Combo: Attack twice or shoot twice

Dwarf magic resistance: magic resistance 20%

Unicorn Glow: Attack causes blindness

The sage of the forest can only be used once a day. After use, the robe of the sage of the forest will be in a cooling state, cannot be taken off, and cannot provide attribute bonuses until the second day. 】

These four special skills can completely improve Koroko's combat effectiveness by several levels.

As long as the special skills of the Forest Sage's robe are not used, Ke Ruoke will have endless courage.

It was as if Master Qige was by his side.

There were 7 teams, 10 in each team, a total of 70 level 5 and 1 tauren. They had just reached the halfway point when 3 boulders fell from the head!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The boulders attacked by the group directly killed 6 teams of tauren.

Only the last group of tauren was left shivering.

After Ke Ruoke used his Midas Touch and made some small money, he straightened his clothes and stepped on the accelerator.

The slinging goblin boulder in the goblin chariot was thrown, and the last group of tauren were smashed into pulp.

[System prompt: Trigger the stunt, get 500 gold coins and 1,000 potatoes]

(Starting from business: When there are saint elves in the team, you can get extra gold coins and food after winning the battle.)

1,000 potatoes? ! Enough to feed 1,000 goblins for 3 days.

Ke Ruoke's eyes lit up.

As expected of a fifth-level soldier, he just has the goods.

"The Lord Lord said that Xiao Tou is not a loser."

Ruoke replaced the command medal on his body with a magic eye and looked around.

Looking at the densely packed Minotaurs in the maze, Keruoke muttered to herself:

"Lord, it's not that I'm brave and don't know how to avoid risks. The main thing is that I can't hide!"

When Ruoke looked at the minotaurs walking around, his eyes gradually turned into the shape of potatoes.

- points - pigeons - lines -

10 Charming Witches and 100 Centaur Marksmen fired a salvo, successfully killing the last Senluo Green Spirit.

A brilliant victory!

After Ziyuan read the magic, Qi Ge couldn't wait to check it out.

Um? Not from the life system? But the plant system?

Plant-based magic is so rare that Qi Ge has no idea what kind of plant-based magic there is.

【Sen Luo Shadow Spore

Level 3 magic, plant system, miracle

Randomly casts a level 3 buff magic on all allies, and randomly casts a level 3 debuff magic on all enemies.

When casting on a friend, if the friend has plant-like creatures, a level 5 buff magic will be released instead.

All the magic mentioned above are (Sen Luo) plant magic.

Mana consumption: 90]

Qi Ge scratched it. The effect was not very strong. How could it be considered a miraculous magic?

It feels so good to stretch my crotch.

Now the Seven Pigeons have encountered a problem. If they continue to go up, the magical Seven Pigeons above level 4 cannot be engraved into the magic book, and they can only choose to give up and exit.

This will cause Qi Ge to lose the task of increasing 2 points of spell power or knowledge.

Moreover, the enemies are so powerful now, it’s hard to say what will happen next.

Do you want to accept it as soon as it's done?

Can not be done! Qi Ge couldn't bear it.

According to this trend, miracle magic will start later.

The power of chaos is calling me, how can I give up?

Although [Senluo Shadow Spore] looks stretched, [Army of the Dead] and [Douya Curse] are both ridiculously strong.

[System prompt: There is a powerful miraculous magic recorded on the stone tablet: "Senluo Shadow Spore". You can choose to imprint this magic in your magic book to end this exploration.

Or use this stone slab to open a deeper path. 】

“Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of Asa.

It is my duty to clear away the remnants of chaos for the goddess of magic!

If I hold back because I am afraid of the power of Chaos, then I will be sorry for the cultivation that the goddess of magic has given me!

aisle! Open it for me! "

Translation: I am a dog gambler, woof woof.

As soon as he stepped onto the fourth floor, Qi Ge felt a spiritual shock.

The flowing seawater forms the walls on both sides. Seaweed that resembles kelp sways with the seawater, and corals grow on it.

Colorful clownfish hide in the coral and wander back and forth.

Above Qige's head, the clear sunlight refracted through the sea surface and spread into large and small spots of light, as if the bubbles in the water had wrapped the sunlight.

Qi Ge admired in his heart.

It’s truly a breathtaking view on earth.

The terrain is a pure ocean abyss. In the sea, the effects of all water magic are doubled, and no fire magic can be released.

It seems that there is no doubt about water magic.

You can’t go wrong this time!

Ziyuan emerged from Qi Ge's riding stall, put her head on Qi Ge's shoulder, and said nervously:

"Lord Savior. I feel a very powerful chaotic force.

There may be danger ahead.

Let’s explore again next time! "

Qi Ge touched Xiao Zilong’s head and comforted him:

"We're here, but we have to go and have a look. If it doesn't work, we'll leave."


Ziyuan loaded up the seven doves and flew into the wall of the sea with gently shaking wings.

At that moment, Qi Ge seemed to feel that he had merged into the sea water and became a part of the sea water.

In the sea water, Qi Ge saw a level 4 mermaid, a level 5 abyss element, and even a level 6 sea-dwelling sand crab.

However, the number of guards was extremely sparse. After Zi Yuan flew for a minute, Qi Ge only saw ten guards.


"Lord, this layer of chaos has concentrated all the power and created an extremely terrifying enemy, just ahead."

Qi Ge took a closer look and saw that on the rock in front, he stood proudly...

A colorful mantis shrimp that is only the size of a pigeon’s thumb.

Pipi shrimp! Like you! I ate before!

Qi Ge was confused.

Isn’t the bigger the Heroic Soul World, the more powerful it is? Why is it still so small?

He quickly opened his magic eyes.

【Bird tail mantis shrimp

Level: 1 (innate level 1 arms)

Rank: 7 (seventh stage arms)

Quality: Mythical

Attack: 60

Defense: 20

Life: 600

Speed: 25

Damage: 50-100


Sea area arms: can operate in the sea area. If you enter shallow water, you will lose 10% of your quantity each round, and if you go ashore, you will lose 20% of your quantity each round.

The enemy cannot counterattack when attacking.

Hammer Blow: When attacking, it will cause three pieces of damage at once.

The first section is lightning attribute damage, with paralysis for 2 turns.

The second section is air damage, with an additional 3 blocks of knockback.

The third section is physical damage, with stun for 2 rounds.

The triggering probability of incidental effects is 30%.

Camouflage carapace: permanent invisibility. (If the invisibility cannot be seen, all single-target magic and all single-target attacks cannot target the invisible unit)

Absolute Vision: Immune to blindness magic, able to see through camouflage and become invisible.

Water Control: Immune to negative water magic. When damaged by water magic, blood volume will be restored instead, and you can resurrect yourself.

Water flow recovery: In the sea, restore health points equal to your own number * 50 each round.

The arrival of myths: When mythical troops appear on the battlefield, our morale will be +3 and the enemy’s morale will be -3]

What is coming will always come.


Qige's heart was agitated and a little nervous.

When facing ordinary troops, mythical troops are naturally highly suppressed.

In addition to the morale suppression specifically marked in the attribute panel.

Mythical troops also have super high damage reduction and stunt suppression when facing ordinary ones.

For example, under normal circumstances, the Enchantress cannot bewitch mythical soldiers at all.

Not to mention that the probability of being bewitched is low, it's just immunity.

With thousands of sword dancers attacking mythical soldiers, the chance of triggering sword dance combos will also be greatly reduced.

"But this suppression has no effect on me!"

The territory of the Seven Doves is dedicated to the Goddess Asa and has the blessing of the Goddess Asa.

[The arms of all forces in the territory are regarded as the same force: Yasha.

The types of troops carried by the hero will not cause morale to drop due to differences in power.

When units belonging to the player's territory fight against True Chaos units, they will not be suppressed by True Chaos units.

When units belonging to the player's territory fight against mythical units, they will not be suppressed by mythical units]

This means that even the morale suppression of the mythical troops cannot take effect on Qi Ge.

It's like, the opponent was originally in the divine realm, but now he has been knocked out of the divine realm by Qi Ge and dragged into the mortal world for a fair competition.

It also gave Qi Ge the capital to fight the opponent.

The most difficult thing to solve now is the problem of the sparrow-tailed mantis shrimp's vision and speed, and its ability to be permanently invisible.

The invisibility effect is a perverted BUFF.

It is not nonsense to say that being invisible means being invincible.

If you want to harm invisible enemies, you can only use group magic or group attacks.

However, Qi Ge does not have any large-scale magic similar to Ice and Snow and Doomsday Judgment.

Normal stealth stunt, will reveal itself once attacking an enemy or moving.

But the invisibility of the bird-tailed mantis shrimp is a very rogue form of permanent invisibility!

If the opponent has no way to target the mantis shrimp, one mantis shrimp can kill countless enemies.

Moreover, this battle was in a large battlefield mode, and Qi Ge could not even determine the approximate location of the Bird Tail Mantis Shrimp.

There is no way to fight an opponent who is invisible and intangible.


Ziyuan, who was connected to Qi Ge's soul, quickly noticed Qi Ge's distress.

"What? Ziyuan, you said that magic eyes can see through invisibility?"

"Yes, Lord Savior. Use your magic to observe the world, not your eyes.

The stealth principle of the bird-tailed mantis shrimp is to use its special carapace to distort light and flow magic, allowing us to see what is behind it through its body.

But the magic pupil does not see the creature itself, but the trajectory of the magic flow, which belongs to a higher level perspective.

Understand it this way.

It's like a line drawn on a piece of paper. If you are on the paper, your view will be blocked by that line.

The magic eye can make your eyes jump higher and look at the paper from outside the paper.

In this way, it will be clear how many threads there are and what is hidden behind the threads. "

"I see."

Qi Ge thought for a moment and had a vague idea in his mind.

You can try it!

Enter combat mode.

This time, Qi Ge's lineup was even weirder. They didn't bring any soldiers, but only one Charming Witch.

Just as Qi Ge thought, the battle took place in the pure abyss of the sea.

There is only a very small piece of island land that can allow Qi Ge's troops to settle down.

Ziyuan asked with some worry: "Lord, how can we deal with the Bird Tail Mantis Shrimp with only one Charming Witch?

Qi Ge chuckled and said, "Look at me!"

Qi Ge picked up Princess Charming Heart Witch, sat on Ziyuan, and said with high spirits:

"Xiao Ziyuan, let's go!"

In the big battlefield mode, flying units have physical settings. After flying for a period of time, they have to land and rest for a few minutes.

Although Ziyuan is a level 8 soldier, her physical strength is beyond Qi Ge's expectation. She flies for 4 minutes and has to land for 1 minute.

This brought a lot of trouble to Qige's plan.

The pure ocean abyss on the fourth level was much larger than the previous three levels. Ziyuan flew for a full 2 ​​minutes before she found the trace of the bird-tailed mantis shrimp.

Qi Ge had his magic eyes open throughout the whole process. Anyway, in the magic pyramid, the magic value is unlimited, so you can use it as you like.

"There is a piece of land that can be settled 200 meters due north. Let's stop there."


Zi Yuan landed on a small rock emerging from the sea, and Qi Ge began to gain BUFF.

The previous battle was unnecessary. In this battle, the enemy was so powerful that he must use all the magic he could.

The attack is accelerated and the Holy Spirit is blessed.

The buff magic of Seven Pigeons is pitiful.

But regardless of whether it’s useful or not, let’s brush it up first.

And the [Senluo Shadow Spores] I just got

60 points of magic points were deducted, Ziyuan chirped softly, the magic lines on the wings behind her quickly lit up, and circles of magic surrounded her body.

Three tiny magic spores appeared in front of Qi Ge, Zi Yuan and Enchanting Witch respectively.

The spores exploded, and a lovely green leaf sprout appeared above Qi Ge and the others.

【Sen Luo Green Leaves

Level 3, plant system, hidden

The troops can recover 30+Ability Power*20 health points every round, and plant-type troops can be resurrected.

Lasts 2 rounds.

Description: Heritage from Senluo World. A beautiful echo left behind by a world swallowed by chaos. 】

Qige:? ! ! !

Damn it!

So strong? !

It's a pity that only plant-type troops can be resurrected.

The only plant-based troops in Qige's territory are the flower demon Yinhe and the big-mouthed flowers grown by Yinhe.

The CD of Senluo Power is 10 minutes long, which is a bit outrageous.

Anyway, Seven Pigeons had a lot of time, so they simply waited for 10 minutes.

After releasing [Senluo Shadow Spores] again, a huge dandelion appeared out of thin air, wrapped around Qi Ge's and the others' waists, and lifted them off the ground.

【Senluo Dandelion

Level 3, plant system, hidden

Allows units to fly, and plant-based units gain an additional speed +4

Lasts for 2+Ability Power*0.05 rounds.

Description: The huge dandelion will take you flying in the wind]

Interesting! This is fun.

This Senluo-type magic seems to be specialized for plant-type troops.

Qi Ge somewhat understands the development direction of Little Galaxy.

[Senluo Shadow Spore] must be learned by Little Galaxy working overtime!

She is an NPC and has a strong magical talent. She can master magic through learning.

What is difficult to be afraid of?

Only by enduring hardship can you get on board.

The Forest Moss Undead combination must be given to Little Galaxy. If it is not possible, all the energy potions will be provided. Little Galaxy is not allowed to play with goblins until he learns it.

With Senluo Dandelion, the seven pigeons can fly by themselves.

Unfortunately, the movement speed is too slow, so it is not as convenient as riding Shion.

After that, Qige tried several more times, but failed to find any magic that would be helpful in this battle.

You can only choose to open monsters.

Seven Pigeons let Shion fly around the Bird Tail Mantis Shrimp.

Little by little, the optimal distance was found out, so that Ziyuan's casting range would only affect one bird-tailed mantis shrimp.

Then Shion released [Senluo Shadow Spore].

Seven Pigeons and the others received a buff that increased their casting speed, but the Bird Tail Mantis Shrimp was entangled in a pile of tough thorns.

The bird-tailed mantis shrimp struggled desperately, but the sharp thorns of the thorns were firmly pierced into its shell, and it continued to expand and grow.

【Senluo thorn grass

Level 3, plant system, miracle

Puts the enemy into a entangled state (unable to move), and takes damage equal to 5% of its current total health every round. The damage effect is not effective on plant-based troops.

Lasts for 2+Ability Power*0.05 rounds.

Description: Thorn grass, the bravest warriors in the Senluo world, their unyielding will condenses this magic. 】

Qi Ge was shocked! ! !

Percent damage magic!

Doesn’t this kind of magic start at level 6 (legendary)? !

And [Senluo Shadow Spores] can actually produce miraculous magic randomly?

It's too strong.

Although the magic is released by Ziyuan, Qi Ge and Zi Yuan can be regarded as one. When the magic is settled, it is calculated according to Qi Ge's magic power.

Qi Ge's spell power is only 12 points, and it can't even make Senluo Thorn Grass last for one more round.

Before Qi Ge's surprise ended, the bird-tailed mantis shrimp got out of control and rushed towards Qi Ge!

Like an arrow off the string, it jumped out of the water, bounced twice on the water, and then fell back into the water.

It's so funny that I can't beat seven pigeons at all.

But it won't work if it goes on like this. Once Ziyuan's flight time has passed and she falls on the water, even though Qi Ge has 570 health, she won't be able to hold Pippi Shrimp twice.

Qi Ge quickly ran away with Zi Yuan.

Qi Ge knocked down a war building lighthouse on the sea early, and accelerated the attack, increasing Ziyuan's speed to 45, and easily ran out of the bird's tail mantis shrimp's field of vision.

After escaping the enemy, Qi Ge was a little depressed when he returned to the island to repair.

He originally wanted the Charming Witch to use her will to charm the male mantis shrimp, and have the male mantis shrimp attack the female mantis shrimp hard.

Let’s have a PK of male fist versus female fist in the Imperial City.

Now I have a problem.

In the big battlefield mode, the bird-tailed mantis shrimp is originally on the bottom of the sea. After the attack target becomes seven pigeons, they will swim to the sea, and there is no way for them to kill each other.

Can we throw damaging magic under the sea?

Nope either.

In the big battlefield mode, the CD of damage magic is longer than BUFF, and the sparrow-tailed mantis shrimp has health regeneration, but it cannot be beaten as quickly as they can.

Wait a moment!

Qi Ge suddenly had an idea!

You can give it a try!

Qi Ge returned the same way and was surprised to find that the mantis shrimp that Qi Pig had pulled away was still in the same place!

My idea works!

Seven Pigeons controlled Ziyuan, flew to the center of the mantis shrimp, and sprinkled out a handful of [Senluo Shadow Spores]!

All the birdtail mantis shrimps were hit!

【Senluo Amanita

Level 3 magic, plant system, ordinary

Reduce the enemy's upper limit of health by 1 point.

Explanation: The poisonous amanita in Senluo World has powerful toxins, so be sure not to eat it randomly]

This magic is a killer for low-level soldiers, but it has little effect on high-level soldiers.

It seems that the gap between the upper and lower limits of the Senluo series is still very large.

The [Senluo Shadow Spores] in the Ouhuang's hand and the [Senluo Shadow Spores] of the African Chief are two completely different magics.

But it doesn't matter, the goal has been achieved.

The Seven Pigeons successfully captured the hatred of all the mantis shrimps and led them all the way.

When passing by the free mantis shrimp, Qi Ge threw the magic fist to him and pulled it up.

A large group of bird-tailed mantis shrimps kept jumping on the sea surface, trying to attack Aster.

Qi Ge tried it, and sure enough, the male mantis shrimp, controlled by confusion and passion, ignored the other mantis shrimps around him and focused on flopping on the water.

Qi Ge flew with the mantis shrimp for a while, then let Zi Yuan pull away and flew to a nearby island to rest.

Wait until Ziyuan's strength is almost restored before trying to seduce her.

In this way, the mantis shrimp was lured by Qi Ge little by little to the largest island in the entire sea, which was near Qi Ge's birth island.

"Okay, Shion, pull off first. Let's go back to Birth Island. I have an idea to try."


Adela looked at the miraculous magic on the stone slab, and the light in her eyes kept flashing.

This is the fifth level, which is level 5 master magic.

With Adela's ability, she can definitely climb another level to challenge level 6 magic.

But she was stopped in her tracks by the magic in front of her.

Adela touched her belly, and the thoughts in her heart kept flowing.

There is such a magical magic?

Does this magic appear here, in front of me at this moment, foreshadowing something?

【Breeding vitality

Level 5, water system, life system, strategic spells, miracles

It allows a male that is weaker than a female to give birth to a female.

Legendary effect: Must be twins.

Description: This is the miracle of life. 】

"Seven pigeons."

Adela rationally considered that no matter what, she should continue to go to the sixth floor to find stronger magic that would be helpful in the battle.

Instead of wasting precious opportunities on this strange second child technique.

But Adela was a little unable to walk, as if her feet were nailed.

“It might take decades for Seven Pigeons to become legendary.

At that time, what if I become half-conscious? Another few decades to wait. "

Adela rubbed her left foot against her right foot, her thoughts racing.

A full ten minutes passed, during which Adela took out the magic book and put it back countless times.

Finally, she breathed out.

"Forget it, Qi Ge will be unhappy if we rely on this magic.

Although he didn't say it, I could feel that he was a very proud man.

I'll wait for him. "

After hesitating for a while, Adela finally made up her mind.

With a gentle squeeze of Adela's hand, the stone slab shattered and turned into a space passage.

She regretted it after squeezing it.

It was as if a picture of Qi Ge and himself pushing a baby's cradle were shattered along with the stone slab.

"Wow, what a pity."

Adela pouted aggrievedly and stepped into the passage.


Qi Ge is ready on the birth island, a murder drama is about to begin!

Ziyuan's wings flapped on the water, causing water to splash. Behind her, countless bird-tailed mantis shrimps were like flying fish, constantly jumping out of the water, trying to attack Ziyuan with their fists.

Ziyuan playfully swept the water with her tail, creating waves of waves.

Qi Ge and she had already calculated the flying speed clearly.

You will never be caught by a sparrow-tailed mantis shrimp.

Qi Ge hugged the Charming Witch, turned around and looked at the mantis shrimp in the sea, and said arrogantly.

"Don't say I won't give you a chance!

Come on, I'll land right now, come here and beat me up.

Shion, prepare to land! "


The magic power surged from Ziyuan's body, she quickly decelerated, and landed at the center of the birth island with the seven pigeons!

On the periphery of the birth island, there are circles of pits!

Qige watched expectantly.

"Wow!" The first bird-tailed mantis shrimp jumped out of the water. He stepped on the pit and climbed out of the pit without any impact.



The pit has no effect on the Pipi Shrimps.

It seems that the effect of traps has little to do with body size. It should be in the large battlefield mode, and units that are too strong will not be affected by traps.

Fortunately, I was prepared!

A sparrow-tailed mantis shrimp bounces forward on land.

On their chests are three pairs of legs. The legs are thin and weak, without chelae, and the original limb has three segments, connected to the inner and outer limbs of the abdomen.

The abdomen has 5 pairs of abdominal limbs, which are composed of stalk segments and flat leaf-shaped internal and external limbs.

The tail has a pair of tail limbs, which are very developed and can dig mud and sand, and can also play a role in balancing the body.

These "weapons" like super oars make them very fast in the water, but once on land, they can't crawl fast at all.

You can only jump forward.

For marine units, once they set foot on land, their movement speed will be halved!

The original 25-speed mantis shrimp was suddenly reduced to 12-speed.

But 12 speed is enough.

Shion was exhausted and landed on the ground, staying still for 3 minutes.

Not to mention 3 minutes, just 30 seconds is enough for the bird-tailed mantis shrimp to get close to the aster.

It's a pity that Qi Ge has arrived long ago!

Near Ziyuan, there are densely packed arrow towers!

These arrow towers are close together. If the bird-tailed mantis shrimp wants to pass by, the arrow towers must be demolished!

A minute passed and the bird-tailed mantis shrimp began to lose blood due to being out of the water.

Fortunately, they are small marine units and do not lose health very quickly. In the big battlefield mode, they will only lose 20% of their health in one minute.

Their lifespan is only 5 minutes, the same as Ultraman!

Two minutes later, the bird-tailed mantis shrimp finally reached the last circle of arrow towers. At this time, their health points had dropped by 40%.

Qi Ge chuckled: "I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it. Then I won't give it to you.

Shion, take off! "

Shion was exhausted and landed on the ground. She had to stay still for 3 minutes, but Shion was not exhausted!

She only flew for 30 seconds in total.

The bird-tailed mantis shrimp is not afraid of death!

They gathered under the little purple dragon and kept bouncing, waiting for the little purple dragon to land.

If this continues, after 3 minutes, although a group of bird-tailed mantis shrimps will be killed, there will still be some mantis shrimps that emerge late from the water and will attack Ziyuan.

But Qi Ge had already settled it!

[Advanced Construction Technique: When building war buildings, shorten the construction time and reduce resource consumption. 】

[Archer Tower:

It consumes 2 wood and 2 ores, and the construction time is 1 round. 】

Advanced construction skills allow you to build an archer tower without time or resources! !

[Magic Apostle + Architect stunt:

Magic Architect:

The construction of war buildings can be converted into the release of magic, and additional magic points are consumed to construct war buildings.

When using magic to build, the construction range of war buildings is two squares around all your units. 】

The magic pyramid gives Seven Pigeons unlimited magic power.

Magic has a cooldown time, but building war buildings does not!

When Qi Dove rides Ziyuan, she can cast two magic spells at once.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snap! Snap!

Circle after circle of arrow towers are rising rapidly from the ground like bamboo shoots after the rain in Qige.

Layers upon layers, circles upon circles of arrow towers form a counter-encirclement on the bird-tailed mantis shrimp.

Qi Ge also very artistically used an arrow tower to surround the bird-tailed mantis shrimp to create a nearly solid love.

The seven pigeons rode Ziyuan and landed outside the love. The bird-tailed mantis shrimps became restless and attacked the arrow towers around them crazily.

Due to the excessive concentration of bird-tailed mantis shrimps, they were surrounded again. Only a dozen mantis shrimps in the outermost circle could attack the arrow tower.

They shot more than a dozen, and Seven Pigeons immediately made up two more.

As long as you give the bird-tailed mantis shrimps time, they will be able to penetrate the love sooner or later.

But what they lack most is time.

Noon has arrived!

Ask and chop!

After 5 minutes and 20 seconds, all 200 powerful mantis shrimps died suddenly.

Regarding the deaths of Pipi Shrimps, Qige has an absolute alibi.

He can guarantee that he has never touched the Pipi shrimps.

So all the Pipi shrimps must have committed suicide.

Damn it, the Pipi shrimps died in such a miserable way, and they didn’t stay cooked at all.

A brilliant victory!

Level 4 miracle magic, my seven pigeons are here!

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