Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 270 Reward settlement, praise from Poseidon

In the city of Shensu City, at the site of the old church, a group of marsh crabs are intensively building a temple of Poseidon out of shells and pearls.

They crawl out of the seawater, and each crab has seawater stuck to its body.

It's like little blisters one after another.

A giant octopus was half-immersed in the sea. It stretched out a tentacle and rolled up a large number of marsh crabs to the construction site.

The water bubbles of the marsh crab are stacked together to form a wall of water.

The marsh crabs emerged from the bubble, waiting for another tentacle of the octopus to send them back.

Qi Ge watched from the side, salivating with envy.

Compared with the Middle Ages on land, the level of architecture in the sea is simply futuristic technology.

Sea Apple held a trident and stood in the temple praying silently. Soon, all the walls solidified.

But such a building has no soul.

There is one last step missing.

Bingyin emerged from the ocean and stood with Sea Apple.

She began to sing at the top of her lungs.

Sweet singing surrounded the temple, and within Seven Doves' field of vision, countless Yasha energies were rapidly gathering around the Poseidon Temple.

After one song, the construction of Poseidon Temple has been completed.

The job of the marsh crabs is equivalent to helping the architectural drawings condense energy.

Bingyin is the architect of the mermaid tribe. She is the soul of the entire building.

This is why Bingyin is only a master, but he has become the successor of the Sea Witch.

Unlike Qi Ge, Bingyin can memorize some architectural drawings on his scales and save them permanently.

This is the advantage of mermaid architects.

There are advantages and disadvantages. Bingyin cannot understand many buildings on land and cannot build them.

After the construction of the Poseidon Temple was completed, the Mrak territory was completely named Hai.

Sea Apple and Bingyin swam out of the Poseidon Temple together.

When Bingyin saw Qi Ge, he smiled brightly and wanted to get closer.

Sea Apple wrapped its tail around Bingyin's waist and threw Bingyin away.

She swam to Qi Ge and saluted slowly.

"I made you laugh. This child has been naughty since he was a child."

Qige waved her hands quickly and said, "No, Bingyin is very cute, just like a dolphin."

Hai Pingguo lightly tapped Qi Ge’s arm and said:

"You have done everything you promised, and it's time for me to fulfill the reward I promised."

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the true god-level main mission: The sea enters the world, the first link]

[Task name: The sea enters the world

Mission level: Silver-white true god-level main mission

First ring task requirements:

1. To help the Poseidon Church become famous on land, at least 50,000 land NPCs need to know about the Poseidon Church (completed, over 200%)

2. Obtain a land territory for Poseidon Church with an area of ​​at least 30,000 square kilometers. (Completed, over 200%)

First round mission rewards:

The Sea King Medal is upgraded to level 4 [Deep Sea King], and the right to develop shallow seas and deep seas is obtained, and the temporary deployment quota of NPC troops in the sea area is obtained.

The reputation of the mermaid clan has been upgraded to reverence: more hidden trade goods, including treasures, specialties, resources, etc.

The number of mermaid tribes that can be owned has been increased to 3, and the maximum allowed is a medium-sized tribe.

Demigod Hero Sea Apple's favor +10, currently 60 (like)

Marvelous Architectural Drawings: Ocean Vortex

Unlock the second link: Help the Poseidon Church attack Over. 】

It's great, King of the Deep Sea.

From now on, I will be invincible in one word at sea.

Having development rights means that Qige can mine various marine minerals that it discovers, and it does not even require the minerals to be on its own territory.

For example, in the giant crystal mine that Hai Qinyan found before, Qi Ge can now send the murloc cubs born in the Nautilus.

Even though these murlocs are still in fish form without arms or legs, they can be allowed to adapt to their future living environment in advance.

The mine is my home, and mining depends on everyone!

[Temporary deployment quota of NPC troops in the sea area] To put it bluntly, it means shaking people.

If you encounter unbeatable wild monsters on the sea, you can shake them like a mermaid.

An arrow pierces the clouds, and seals and octopuses come to meet each other.

The reputation of the mermaid tribe goes without saying.

Raise 3 medium-sized mermaid tribes in the territory, raise some pearl clams, let the mermaids help pick pearls, and give them to Smit to make pearl necklaces.

It can make money and help Smit gain experience.

It is simply a huge source of wealth and a bright future visible to the naked eye.

The mermaid can even make the pearl mussel spit out the pearls by itself without damaging the pearl mussel.

One investment, lifetime output.

Recycling and sustainable development.

There is also a miraculous architectural drawing

【Ocean whirlpool

miracle building

Building requirements:

City size: Acropolis

Building requirements:

Terrain requirements: deep sea area

Resource requirements: No resource requirements

Temple requirements: The territory needs to worship the Poseidon Temple.


Summons an ocean vortex in the territory.

This ocean vortex leads permanently to the Whirlpool Sea.

The ocean vortex is controlled by the owner, and only objects allowed by the owner of the vortex can enter and exit.

Land area: 25 building spaces (5*5)】

hiss! !

Qi Ge took a breath of cold air.

This is a two-way portal that only I can enter!


What is the Whirlpool Sea? The Whirlpool Sea is the center of the world!

The Whirlpool Sea is a special sea area opened up by the goddess of wealth with divine power. There are more than twenty whirlpool entrances and exits, linking all the major sea areas of the nine major forces.

The transportation hub of world shipping, I opened a trail on it?

I, Qi Ge, can go wherever I want, and no one can stop me!

Seeing Qi Ge's uncontrollable excitement, Hai Pingguo smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty Qi Ge, it seems that you like His Majesty Poseidon's reward very much?"

Qige nodded and said, "I like it, I like it so much!"

Sea Apple narrowed his eyes, pointed at Qi Ge's chest with his finger, and said, "Then I hope you can also like my reward."

Um? ! Isn’t that the whole reward?

Is there any more sea apple?

The Poseidon Church is too authentic.

"What's the reward?"

"You'll know the secret when you return to God's Chosen City."

Um? And it’s so mysterious, hehe, I like it.

"Your Majesty Qi Ge, I have conducted the experiment according to what you said, and the results are exactly the same as what you said.

Unexpectedly, we mermaids don’t know ourselves as well as you know us. "

Sea Apple's long eyelashes flickered and she said in an ambiguous tone:

"It seems that you really like our mermaid."

To be honest, I really like it.

The mermaids are always young and beautiful, with graceful figures, kind characters, and the emphasis is on softness!

Like sharks, mermaids have cartilage all over their bodies, and they feel like a cool pillow when held. However, they are very passionate. As long as you have a good relationship with the mermaid tribe, you can experience extremely thoughtful hospitality.



"Of course, the mermaid family is the darling of Poseidon. They have infinite charm and are the embodiment of gentleness and kindness.

I love the mermaid family deeply. "

Qi Ge sat next to Sea Apple, leaning on Sea Apple's soft fish tail, and said

"As I said, the essence of the mermaid family is a combination of the faith value and positive emotions of sea creatures in Poseidon and the energy of Yasha.

Very similar to angels, but different.

The ocean never lacks faith value.

Although each individual marine creature can generate only a small amount of faith points, the number of marine creatures is so huge that over time, the faith points possessed by the Poseidon simply do not amount to much.

But why are mermaids still so rare? "

As Qi Ge spoke, he subconsciously stroked Sea Apple's fish tail, pressing his five fingers deftly on the scales of the fish tail.

Sea Apple's body trembled, but she resisted and allowed Qi Ge to do what she did.

“Because what mermaids lack is emotion.

The mermaid family has very strict requirements on emotions.

Only extreme positive emotions such as extreme happiness, extreme emotion, etc. can be absorbed by the mermaid clan.

This is also the reason why mermaids are generally kind-hearted in nature.

Extreme emotions are always rare.

Because of this, it is so difficult for the mermaid family to reproduce.

Mermaids reproduce asexually, which is actually the process of dividing themselves.

Split the extreme emotional values ​​that make up oneself and pass it on to the next generation.

This is why, when mermaids reproduce asexually, they will drop ranks or even die.

The sexual reproduction of the mermaid family, to put it bluntly, is the process of mermaids absorbing the positive emotions of living creatures.

After absorbing enough emotions from the outside world, the mermaid does not need to waste herself, and naturally she will not lose her rank. "

Qi Ge grabbed the small fin at the bottom of the tail of the sea apple fish and played with it, then said:

"The mood swings of creatures in the ocean are extremely small, and the mermaid family cannot absorb them at all.

Only creatures on land have a large number of emotions.

Among them, human beings are the most important.

Human beings are the creatures with the strongest emotional value among all creatures.

As a substitute for weak bodies and mediocre talents, human beings have extremely violent mood swings.

Sentiment is the best way to describe it.

Therefore, human emotions are most easily absorbed by the mermaid clan.

It is worth mentioning that the mermaid family actually absorbs emotions regardless of gender.

With enough positive emotions, the female creature can also impregnate a mermaid.

It's just that for a long time, men have been more likely to feel extremely happy under the care of the mermaid family.

Moreover, when men convey their emotions, they have a carrier that is more easily captured by mermaids and is less likely to be wasted.

Therefore, the mermaid clan mistakenly believes that only men can impregnate the mermaid clan. "

Qi Ge leaned on Hai Apple and concluded: “So, it is actually very simple to solve the problem of mermaid fertility.

Find a race that offers a lot of extreme positive emotions and mix with the mermaids.

As long as there are enough extreme positive emotions, the mermaid can give birth without even passing through a carrier.

Among them, God Yasha is the most chosen! "

Yasha God's Chosen is also known as the sand sculpture player. The purpose of playing the game is very simple. If you give some rewards casually, you will be very happy.

Especially when you get combined treasures, advanced units, and go to the forum to show off, your ecstasy level will simply skyrocket.

In other words, it doesn’t have to be a bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang, just find a way to let players complete tasks and get rewards.

You don’t even have to give it, you can just borrow it.

As long as sand sculpture players can install B, it will be fun for them.

Or just design various scripts and issue tasks to impress players.

Make me cry!

Qi Ge has many ways to induce extreme positive emotions in players.

But now is not the time to tell the mermaid clan. These are the trump cards needed when trading with the mermaid clan.

It needs to be released slowly.

Just like fishing.

Hum hum, under the control of my Qi Ge, the mermaid family is like a treasure in the bag, and there is no way they can escape from my grasp.

Wait, why are my legs so cold?

Qi Ge suddenly noticed that Sea Apple's fish tail had wrapped around his thigh before he knew it.

"Your Majesty Qige, I think it is a very important matter to change the basic national policy of the Mermaid clan on a large scale.

Therefore, you need to experiment in advance.

It just so happens that you are the chosen one by Yasha and I am the mermaid. "

"Wait a minute, Your Majesty the Miko, I think we need to take a long-term approach."

"It's been long enough."

No, help! ! !


Sousa walked on the white stone overpass leading to the main castle of Speed ​​City, thinking wildly.

Seven doves lead the Church of Poseidon to break up the territory of Erathia.

It seemed to harm Erathia's interests, but it gave the Poseidon Church a reputation for attacking the Over Division.

Once the Poseidon Church attacks Ofer, Ofer will inevitably need to call back a large number of troops on the front line for defense, and the crisis on the Erathia front line can be easily resolved.

The angels have free time, but they have no target for revenge.

He was "dead", and his subordinates and city were taken away by the Poseidon Church.

As for himself, he faked his death and escaped, his life was safe, and his city and people were completely free from the threat of the church.

The Mrak Territory and the Eastern March City were physically far away from Erathia, and Her Majesty the Queen also had a retreat as a last resort.

The Church of Poseidon has a territory on land, sounding the clarion call for the Church of Poseidon to make its debut on land.

For the people of Mulak Territory and Dongzheng City, the Poseidon Church not only does not force them to believe in itself, it does not even collect taxes, and also subsidizes various daily necessities.

It's simply better than Holy Angel Church. I don't know where it is.

In terms of reputation, the successive betrayals and sacrifices of himself and Sir M'Lak also gave the people of Erathia a way of explaining things, which could lay the foundation for his and Sir M'Lak's return to Erathia in advance.

The emergence of the Poseidon Church had an even more devastating impact on the Holy Sky Church.

The awakening of the people of Erathia to freedom of belief is just around the corner.

It can be expected that there will be a lot of resistance if the Holy Angel Church wants to preach as before.

When Sosa thought about it carefully, after the operation of Qi Ge was over, it was a great good thing that everyone benefited from, and the only one who suffered was the Holy Angel Church.

Split the soil and seal the territory, turning adversity into prosperity, what a great achievement this is.

Sousa couldn't help but think of Ronis and Inheim.

In the eyes of Queen Catherine and herself, Ronis and Inheim are extremely cunning opponents who are very difficult to deal with.

However, all their plans came to nothing in front of Qige.

This man does have some abilities.

ps: There is one more update

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